If you honestly think that Johnny Cash's version of Hurt isn't the best one then you might be retarded

If you honestly think that Johnny Cash's version of Hurt isn't the best one then you might be retarded.

If you honestly think Trent Reznor's cover of hurt is good, then YOU'RE retarded.

t. contrarian

When I hear that version all I can think about is some old man cutting his wrists like a teenage girl.
Does not suit him. He watered it down and made it more of a generic ballad.

It's musically less complex and is far easier to listen to which kind of misses the point.

These and I'm not even that much of a NIN fan.

>complex and is far easier to listen to which kind of misses the point

This fucking board man.

It's more emotional only because of the context in which it was released, Johnny Cash is a much more important pop culture figure, lived more of a life and had a legacy when he recorded it and died shortly thereafter from deciding he didn't want to live without his wife

Trent's was made when he was just some loser trying to make edgy mainstream pop and he succeeded

Trent's version, while better musically, is a song that teens listen to while they cut their wrists...Cash's version (especially combined with its music video) makes you reflect on life and death and what's the point of it all, it doesn't give you answers but the thought is more fulfilling then just harming yourself

>Cash's version makes you reflect on life and death and what's the point of it all

It just makes me wonder why Cash is singing about suicide and being alone with his wife standing right next to him.

How is it wrong? Are these anons wrong?
Objectively speaking, Cash's version is more accesible, less complex, it is much easier for normies to digest, most people complain about the oriignal "WTF IS MY AUDIO BROKEN LOL THERE IS STATIC AHAHA"

It's in retrospect you dumb faggot, it's because she died shortly after its release and then he just gave up on being alive without her...at the time it was recorded, it was just one of a thousand covers of songs that were beneath Cash, it's because of his death a new power was added to it

And yet Nine Inch Nails' whole schtick with The Downward Spiral was taking the amazing genre of industrial and making it into some unrecognizable slick radio-friendly garbage for normies

If you have to read a biography for the song not to be shit, then the song is shit.

>People think the original of ANY song isn't the best version
Come on now people

>song begins with static and the first chord played is Bdimadd5
>song makes uses of widely varying textures and timbres
>dynamic range is all over the board
>radio friendly garbage

Kill yourself, it's just pop music by a different name

I agree in a sense but then a huge swathe of music that is lauded is absolute shit since a lot of it is reliant on circumstance and Nine Inch Nails requires "reading a biography" just as much as Johnny Cash

It's literally radio friendly garbage for people who think that they're edgy, though.

You've gone way too far up your own ass if you think Hurt is a radio friendly song

Yes, f a m. The Becoming is totally radio friendly garbage, as is The Ruiner.
Face it, The Downward Spiral became a hit between normies just thanks to Closer, the album was never supposed to be a hit, when Trent gave the album to his label he also gave out an apology, he expected this album to absolutely bomb, the single Closer saved it, if it wasn't for that it would be probably pretty unknown.
>Just screams famous lyrics from their most famous song.
Surely showed me user. Now show me rest of The Downard Spiral playing on normie radio stations expect for Closer and we'll talk. NIN' Hurt is not friendly to a casual viewer, one glance at Youtube comments will prove this.

>Nine Inch Nails requires "reading a biography" just as much as Johnny Cash
Not really, it's a song about suicide, that sounds like it's about suicide, on an album that sounds deranged.
Cash is a song about suicide but it's suppose to be about a retrospect on life simply because the singer died after he made it.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were from youtube, it explains a lot

YouTube's full of normies and their reaction highlights how the song is perceived by them. That was my point.

>user explains how song is unique musically
>...It is pop garbage tho
Nice one, user. You sure showed him.

For the record, people who post on youtube are not "normies", they are fucking retards

People who weren't even alive when a song was released aren't who you should be going to if you want to know whether or not it conforms to their idea of pop music

Please stop being such a colossal faggot

>For the record, people who post on youtube are not "normies", they are fucking retards
So, they're normies.
>People who weren't even alive when a song was released aren't who you should be going to if you want to know whether or not it conforms to their idea of pop music
If something, no, you're wrong, they are unbiased, they do not hold any nostalgia to it, their reactions illustrate whenever the song is accesible or not properly, other old music still get praise from same community today. If TDS was really such normie-tier album ,it would be praised with nostalgia-glasses, same way Cash is, but this clearly isn't the case.

You clearly don't understand how pop music works, a lot of stuff that is pop now is unlistenable trash to many people...pop music is pop no matter what little quirks you add to it, but some quirks are more appealing to certain generations than others because that's just the environment they grew up in, Nine Inch Nails is undeniably radio-friendly as fuck and The Downward Spiral was a key work in ruining the legacy of industrial music

nobody would give a fuck about industrial is NIN never came about

>The Downward Spiral was a key work in ruining the legacy of industrial music
Cry me a river, Trent never, ever claimed to be industrial, the media labeled him that, he admitted to taking hints from it, but he never called himself industrial, in a recent interview he was called industrial God and he almost cringed at the comment.
Industrial is still out there, faggot, look around, I bet you will find something awesome, seriously, go, look for industrial music old and new, you're in an internet age, you have an access to music from every corner of the world no matter from what time period, NIN didn't ruin anything.

Cash's cover lacks the context of an entire albulm leading up to this song. Hurt is the Eiplogue to a story. Imaginre reading a book, only reading the epilogue and never exploring how it is the album got to that point.

TDS isn't an edgelord album. It's a warning against being an edgelord.

>Cash's cover lacks the context of an entire albulm leading up to this song.
Cash's entire life was leading up to this song.

telling it took a cover of another musician to do that.