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still mad kid?

Almost seven more years of tranny tears.. I wish it would last forever.

you sound like you do op.

oh don't worry, it will

>implying that trump won’t be impeached this year, the year of the democratic wave
>being this delusional

Stay mad libkid retard

we keep hearing this....

> sure mister president, just follow us into this court house

you'll get to witness it soon enough also

> we keep hearing this....
Manafort charged, and under house arrest
> we keep hearing this....
Flynn charged, and pleaded guilty
> we keep hearing this....
Trump confesses to obstruction of justice on twitter, Lawyer has to step in and say he wrote the tweet, in which trump admitted to crime, so hes not liable
>we keep hearing this....
Because we are just getting started

keep dreaming nigger lover, he will last his 4 years and probably beat the Democrat nominee for a second term, who will they put up? Shillary? Bernie? LOL

It does not matter, to be honest. Trump will be in jail.

The plot thickens.
We now know why Trumplethinskin bellows so much about the investigation.
During a night of heavy drinking at an upscale London bar in May 2016, George Papadopoulos, a young foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, made a startling revelation to Australia’s top diplomat in Britain: Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The FBI is now investigating this piece of shit, too. Another trumpster who looks like he was rejected by the Village People.

we keep hearing this.....


like you're part of it.
this pathetic


sure kid


stay mad kid

Is there anyone but Trump supporters who fucking care about Hillary anymore? People are complaining about Trump because he won and he's doing a shit job, not because some other asshole lost.


you do

The alt-reich can't meme.
But boy can they goosestep. MAGA!

He won and is doing a great job.

Plus 7 years

(They're not real trumpsters, you know?)

Is this supposed to piss somebody off or.........

this retarded



You seem upset

weak post
color me suprised

Yep, but he's still your prezzidunt. Proud yet?

Fox news " Russia does not exist, fake news, Lets talk more about Hillarys Moon base "
And the inbreds watch that garbage.

Stocks high, unemployment low, lib tears going to flow for 7 more years!!

this mad
stay mad kid

The alt-reich can't meme because the alt-reich can't think.

That reply seemed a little distressed. You ok?

stay mad kid

stay mad kid

You seem upset.

Are you ok?

(They're not allowed to post Korean girls anymore. Something about not wanting to rustle Little Rocket Man's jimmies.)

stay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kidstay mad kid

fuck you trump faggots are worse then libtards. like a whiny broken record. blow your brains out queef.

this retarded

you seem upset?

>you seem upset?
you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?you seem upset?

Those are russian bots, spamming for Trump.
Hope these end when Trump gets executed for treason.


are you ok?

stay mad kid

the extent of a hillary supporters reasoning capability


did op abandon his thread again?


stay mad kid

maybe op is getting that fat russian he wants so bad.

I love watching these threads 404

almost there op.
soon your shame will be gone

shame on you op.

shame, shame, shame

I love that the left has embraced conspiracy theories like never before. Fucking comedy goldmine!

>> shut faggot

aww, you mad?
you need the screencap where the guy admits to distributing child porn.
was he one of your friends?

Stay mad, kid

stay weak kid

>Remain upset, child.

Maintain ire, junior

remain weak kid

stay mad kid

Literally the height of republican wit.

>Stay intellectually inferior, kid.

stay mad kid
thinks you talk to a child like you would an adult.

i need a pre adolescent pussy

your side of this argument is no less credible, sport.
pic related.


this guy thinks trumps smarter than him

Release the Ivanka nudes/sex tape mr Putin


getting your facts from political memes is stupid

Lefties are whacko

pushing the lame memes again?

if you have to explain any more than the birther issue being racist, you're wasting your time. they're trolling or retardedly stupid

doesn't trust putin
thinks he has a sextape

have you seen the president's twitter feed? he tweets that shit himself, not a college intern

>Wesley Autry
Trump also wrote an article about him for Time magazine after he was included in their top100 people of the year

typicall trump supporter, living in his own alternative fact filth

stay mad kid

>A War Trump Won

>HuffPost: "Trump is Winning"

>In a Win for Trump, Supreme Court Upholds ‘Extreme Vetting’ Travel Ban

>Trump pulls US out of UN global compact on migration

>Trump kills TPP

>The president Monday signed at the White House Space Policy Directive 1, a change in national space policy that provides for a U.S.-led, integrated program with private sector partners for a human return to the Moon, followed by missions to Mars and beyond.


>b-but all he did was bitch about fake news!

>3 CNN journos resigned after their story about Trumps team colluding with Russians was exposed as a complete lie

>CNN being called out by Glenn Greenwald for lying a different time about a Trump/Russian collusion story

>Hillary Clintons team got exposed for paying women to say Trump sexually assaulted them

>letting trump live rent free in your head while staying this mad
>still 363 full days left to go

your post doesn't change the fact that cnn, huffington post, washington post, et al., can't keep their bullshit stories straight from day to day.

the media gave obama and hillary both a pass on russian collusion. remember that hot mic incident a few years back? of course you don't.
pic related.

this guy thinks i'm not laughing at him. i'll take my tax cut now and you'll get yours later, i promise. bwahahaha

sure kid
stay mad

Those are both editorials, silly. They aren't news articles, they're opinions.

someone loves op ed's suprised you're not linking any tabloids, oh wait, the last two are

like most of the news is

fact is our election was attacked