Hero or villain?

Hero or villain?

Why do the laziest, dumbest students on my course always post Jordan Belfort quotes about working hard and making it on my Facebook feed?

the whole "zuckerberg/gates didn't graduate university so it must be useless" mentality and these retarded "inspirational" business quotes always go hand in hand, I have no idea what it is they think they're being inspired into doing though

That sounds worse than the "dude they must have been on cocaine all day back then xD!" cunts who praise this movie

Zuckerberg was being pushed with an NSA sponsored bulldozer.
The only people that can actually say something like this quote are people that have already succeeded.
Go talk to the people that tried and failed. And then tried again and failed again. And at some point life gets too hard.
It's easy talking about success when you're living it.

anti hero

He's a kike so definitely a villain.

Didn't he get arrested immediately after he gave this speech?

>And at some point life gets too hard
Fuck the rest of your post, believing this is the definition of failure

while i don't respect how he earned his money, i do respect that he did it so well and amassed a fortune not just for himself but for his friends and employees.

Who cares? It's true. People who advocate for "hard work" are just people who have had it easy and want to add to the mass delusion that they've earned anything.

Stop making excuses for yourself. My dad took my car and fired me and I had literally nothing. I was biking to job interviews 3 hours away. I got hit by a car, broke my neck, and when I came out of the hospital after three days in the ICU, my dad told me he was kicking me out in a month. He did. Homeless, in a neckbrace, with a giant bleeding wound on my head. I never gave up, never said life was "too hard". I kept busting my fucking ass, joined a work-study program for two years and now I have a car on loan, a full time job, and rent my own room. I support myself, and I came from LESS THAN NOTHING. And I'm STILL not done, I spend my off time studying algebra so I don't have to take it again when I enroll in college next year. I'll never be accomplished enough. There's always improvement to be made, happiness to be won.

There are people in this world who end up fucking paraplegic and don't give up on life. What in the fuck is your sorry excuse?

> I have a car on loan, a full time job, and rent my own room

So you lead an average, miserable, pointless life? Congratulations, that isn't worth hard work or any amount of work to achieve.

>There are people in this world who end up fucking paraplegic and don't give up on life

This always makes me laugh. That's because they have the benefit of glorious stupidity. Their mind doesn't have the depth or the processing power to recognize what an undignified, pointless, unfair pile of shitheap their life is. They tell themselves some stupid story that they're stupid enough to believe so they can keep going.

You work your arse off for a miniscule paycheck so you can afford the basic survival needs that society has taken from you and held ransom for the soul purpose of taking away the paycheck you just earned so you will forever be kept in that infinite loop that is employment.

Chin up though, because some rich kid who inherited Daddy's business says that hard work pays off.

No, success is mostly luck.

This, it's also important to disregard what anyone good-looking says, especially if you aren't. Attractive people are handed literally everything in life, sometimes in ways that are slightly abstract. There's no such thing as "hard work" when you actually have things to look forward to when it's over.

I'm genuinely trying to motivate you, and you respond with an insult.

Thankfully, I don't need validation from a stranger on Sup Forums, or really anyone. Keep deluding yourself, friend. I'm just gonna be over here, taking initiative to get the things I want instead of talking about how the world robbed me of them.

Have a cunny.

>My dad took my car and fired me and I had literally nothing.
Your dad's a fucking asshole. No wonder you turned out the same.

>people who don't give up on life are stupid
>society owes me everything I say it does because reasons
>being ugly prevents you from being successful

I love all of you. never change, guys. I needed a good laugh on my break

>most likely spams cunny threads all day
>expects us to believe he's accomplished anything
>mocks anyone who rejects his "you can do it bro" mentality
Keep posting. I need the laughs too.


Two Supreme Court seats,

Nice dubs, nignog B) and still not offering a single example as to what "accomplished" means to you, and more ad hominem to boot!

I'm shaking in my junior galoshes I am

I can tell how mad you are.

I never said society owes us anything, I said it acts as a barrier between you and what is needed to survive.

Look at any other animal and you find it hunts for itself, fights for itself and governs itself.

These things are 'earned' in modern society by paying for them with a paycheck that is distributed by the very same people holding these basics out of reach.

If society collapses tomorrow, most people die because they never learned how to obtain these things without paying for them.

You think you're so independent and self sufficient? Without a supermarket you'd be one of the first to starve.

Oh yeah, I'm so mad, baby. Tell me more about myself~

more villain than hero, but I dont think hes "evil"

>When you realise all emotion including all forms of happiness and sadness are neurochemical responses/deficiencies incurred as a result of external stimuli
>You're a bit of rogue software inside an organic robot that is working only to survive and literally cannot care about your interests and despite the fact that every other organic robot will tell you that what matters in life is X it is objectively, universally the case that nothing is of any importance whatsoever as the concept of importance is just a figment of our collective imagination
Feels inert

To survive as a leach on society.

What's the difference between a Welfare Queen & Jordan Belfort?

>the basic survival needs that society has taken from you and held ransom for the soul purpose of taking away the paycheck
stopped right there. When did "society" take your basic survival needs away?

one is illegal

what are you, some kind of communist? grow up

kek, keep it up m8, sorry but i can't stop laffin

>Look at any other animal and you find it hunts for itself, fights for itself and governs itself.
Except society is a facsimile based on this very concept. Working for the means to feed, clothe, and house yourself are akin to hunting and surviving in the wilderness. Except, you know, a billion times easier. Government is trickier. Self governance worked when there were like 100,000 humans on the whole planet. Not so much with 7 bil and counting. So we elect people who we feel represent our values to collaboratively govern us.

And if society collapses, you think you'd be any more suited to survive than people who are used to working for a living? Except for those killer dubs

hahahaha laughing is fun!

kek, at least I'm not mad enough to smash report on posts that trigger me so they get deleted