Can we have an Elliot meme thread?

Can we have an Elliot meme thread?

GTFO with this murderer. WTF?

where do you think you are?


Isla Vista?

I found this a few years ago.

Look at that god like human tough?

You are in the wrong subreddit, newfriend.


>why will nobody fuck me?

Hold up, this faggot had a BMW and wasn't completely fucked up looking and couldn't fuck. Holy shit my sides this guy must have been next level autistic. Like scientific research locked in a lab autistic.

Supreme gentleman

He looked like quite a hansome guy.
I wonder why women didn't like him.
Is there something I'm missing?
He must have been really creepy or something?

>implying that someone who kills chicks because he couldn't get laid would be normal regardless of wealth

But yeah I do know what you mean.

I was broke as fuck and absolutely no higher than say a 6/10 and I could get laid...

Fuck this thread made me think of this kid I went to high school with. He's going to be the next Elliot, he's always bitching about never having kissed or fucked a girl, that life is unfair. He's a damn sight more ugly than Elliot and way more fucked in the head, I bet his body could would hit some trip digits.


read his manifesto, it's hilarious



He was a piece of shit that would make Sup Forums look good

Not even done with the first page and I kekd. 141 more of this shit jfc.

>Sup Forums look good
Stopped reading right there

I went to high school with a girl who talked to him a few times at UCSB

She said he was also a god-tier creep who always had an off-putting “urgency” in his voice. He could not stop talking about incredibly inappropriate subjects and constantly tried to impose his preferences on people. He picked fights and arguments about inconsequential things. He was as “unchill” as a person could possibly be.

She told me that he awkwardly and inappropriately asked out half the girls in an English class. He would stammer about how she’d “have such a good time” and made awkward sexual innuendos. The girls talked to each other, and apparently he said “after you ride in my car, maybe you can ride something else” in an intense, ominous tone to at least 5 of them. She said “we’d have laughed at him, but we were so fucking creeped out.”

Came just for this.

This fucking guy.

I’m actually surprised it didn’t trigger some sort of national discussion about attitudes toward sex.


Holy fuck this guy is a trip

this one made me lose