I can't wait for the pre-post-post-post-era, it's gonna be literally the best and highest selling era in recreation

I can't wait for the pre-post-post-post-era, it's gonna be literally the best and highest selling era in recreation.
>Why do I have you?
>~There is a reason

I'm so excited about everything everything is going to be great this time! Nobody should have to die! But do all people deserved to have lived?

wtf are you talking about

I just want to get on with it and start the fire tbh

Oh it's gonna be bad. It's gonna be so bad people will think it's the worst thing ever. But we'll know better.
>Why do you do this?
>~there are times and there's places

sure man. fuck it.

Nice digits
I know, I want all of this waiting to have been worth it. I know it will, but the cork's gonna pop.
Trying not to become too despondent here; the vague image of her face keeps me going.

The technology is just the beginnings of the new world order. The best part is the human spirit. That's the beauty of what's to come

With no survivors of "the great war" people will forget what suffering truly looks like.

I'm not worried about becoming too cold before then. Gotta lot of animosity and there's no "way to get rid of it", well, at least until that time comes. Fucking kill 'em all.

You assume too much about the shape and nature of the fuel we will be using to burn said fires. The flames have already been ignited. You brush your teeth with worse.

Atta boy.

Procreation will always be our ultimate driver.?

these digits were the nice one imho

I am worried about literally being cold. I don't doubt our leaders good intentions.

Am I assuming? I'm not being sarcastic or bullshitting. I don't have to know the mechanics of everything to understand it's necessity and importance. In general, that's my outlook; I don't want to step on any toes or be out of line.

Protection is more important than procreation.


I'd lend a blanket or coat. Times like this, I relish in the jaggedness of the frigid climate. Someone would want these arms and chest to keep them warm and comforted even the warmth is placebo and the comfort momentary.

I don't doubt them either; forgot to mention.

a whole thread made by bots
and it's barely 2018

T. Human

I saw this strange "T." yesterday for the first time. What does it mean?

i think polfags use it to quote someone
no idea where it came from originally

Not as artificial as you may think, dubsman

You assume that fires burn up and are hot. Plasma can do all sorts of things.

How romantic

I wonder how cars are gonna look

Of course. It won't be rain flooding the earth this time, that would be silly. They'll be crushed when they realize the truth about that "rapture" thing, though.

Very, unless having kids is a mandatory thing. Would rather not have a reversal tbh

Not if I can help it

What can you do about it?

What the hell are you guys talking about?

Let them down gently

I like the way you think.

Things are about to come full circle. We are going to colonize Mars.


Oh, ok .
I get it now

But we can't just waste Venus. So what do we do with planet number 2?

You'll find them resembling dildos and vibrators more and more

What kind of traps are there on earth? Any massive quantities of nerve gas?

How safe is nuclear power?
How advanced are synthetic material production?

How big can Earths army be if it has to be?



Calm your tits

Sry bby