I can say I found The ultimate RP definite answer to why Goyim hate the Jews:

I can say I found The ultimate RP definite answer to why Goyim hate the Jews:
>The Six Common Reasons for anti-Semitism
>Economic: Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.
>Chosen People: Jews are hated because they arrogantly claim they are the chosen people.
>Scapegoat: Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for all the troubles.
>Deicide: Jews are hated because they killed Jesus.
>Outsiders: Jews are hated because they are different than the rest of society.
>Racial Theory: Jews are hated because they are an inferior race.
>Let us examine these six frequently-given reasons and determine if they are truly causes or excuses.

Other urls found in this thread:


k keep me posted
nice cunt

Jews promote often weird self serving shit that undermines common thought of many people.

Sometimes this snaps back.

I can think of a few more, nepotism, neuroticism, annoying whiny voices..


this should enlighten you

it was written in the 2nd century AD mind you

Jews are bloodsucking aliens reptiloids thief bankers.

It's mostly because Jews keep in their own little communities.
If you also draw attention then you get problems.

Every Jew I've met that cared about politics either wanted to subvert Canada with Zionist or liberal bullshit. No Jewish nationalists exist outside Israel

It is just human nature to hate other groups.

>It's mostly because Jews keep in their own little communities.
You don't want us at all, especially not to assimilate. All the problems in modern era started then.

Jews take the cake for paranoid rationalism. "The goyim are going to fuck us over, we best get them first"


>The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth way be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.

recognize this?

We used to be relatively fine with jews. Amsterdam is still called Mokum to this day. Until the Germans came in and removed them. Now they play no more role in our society.

>But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.

>recognize this?

yeha taht sounds like an*los

You still use a lot of Jiddish slang in your language, words like mesjogge, sodemieter, schlemiel...


Ash Can Nazi Jews

>a culture made solely to bring themselves to the top by any means necessary through exploitation of others, subtle consolidation of power etc.
>i'm supposed to like these people because muh 6 gorillion

well, unlike the anglos the jews have been known for exactly this for at least 1800 years

normal in their mindset

>hurr if someone doesn't like me the problem is obviusly on their end and no way i'll put myself in question
see this is already a reason hate you

attributing jewish behaviour to anti-semitism is hate speech and you are a nazi

I wouldn't know anything a jew did here that would make me like them.

But so many things that make me dislike them.
Like their support for muslims, silencing all critisism with nazi etc.
Mass support of liberal propaganda.
It's just to many things.

I think they would collect way less hate if they just would shut up insteed of trying to change society to their favour against the common good.

But the average jew is nothing like this.
I can see why they would be paranoid.
I mean, just read this entire post.
It's a bunch of people hating on jews.
If you are a regular jew and you come across this thread, you will absolutely be wary of the goyim.

lmao who cares
jews always have other jews to help them keep jewing

>>Economic: Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.
Most important here. Due to a somewhat unified culture jewish communities fourised easily in a lot of trades. Part of it due to an ambitious mindset and part of it because of good networking.
Then and now people are mad about it. Half the reality non-jews could have the same mindset if they tried but the other half is there is a gap between the actually rich and powerful and the "middle" class and it's hard to actually break into the world of big guns. So people are mad about jews having a bit of an easier time since they got a birth right to easy networking.
>>Chosen People: Jews are hated because they arrogantly claim they are the chosen people.
Every religion kind of does that. Jews only claim it's about race on top of religion wich is arrogant, yes but not outlandish of a claim for a religion.
>>Scapegoat: Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for all the troubles.
Every minority is a convenient scapegoat by definition. The jews being well integrated in the western world are in a bad position for this because the wealthy jews can still attract the ire of people who give a pass to middle-east minorities because of the rough upbringing.
>>Deicide: Jews are hated because they killed Jesus.
That one's kinda wonky but yes. If you lived in a christian world and your religious figures kept repeating you that, it would stick.
>>Outsiders: Jews are hated because they are different than the rest of society.
>>Racial Theory: Jews are hated because they are an inferior race.
As they are not just a religion but also an ethnicity they have different looks. While there's very little to compare between human ethnicities in the paradygm of a modern society where people don't encounter a lot of risks they do tend to have traits that aren't helping attain the current beauty standarts guidelines, such as oily skin and big noses. Tough luck.

Digest: the fact that there is so much jew at the top of the ladder is bullshit but what do you want to do about it?
Be ambitious yourself, build your own network and involve your family, friends and religion mates. In a few generations you'll have pretty much catched up to the jews.
Who cares about their religion? There's much worse ones going on.
They do look a bit gross. Not everyone can be arverne.

>They do look a bit gross.

What about you? Are you hot?

>In a few generations you'll have pretty much catched up to the jews.

hahaha no, they've been playing this game for millenia son


You keep telling yourself that but the big leagues are only hard to break into. Once you made the difficult step you already have a network and you're already involved in larger than life affairs.
If you were a blue collar but hauled your ass to a position of small town mayor, and teached ambition and proper networking to your kids, your name could get in relevant cities, to the senate to eventually head of the nation in three to four generations.

Jews are born into such a network. They will also always advantage even a stranger jew above a known gentile.

We have a jew here that got into hereditary nobility in only one lifetime. He started out in financing, became the CEO of a large chemical company, from there brown-nosed himself into the aristocracy and became the best friend and sole advisor of our previous king. Hence he controlled all (noble and bourgeois) access to the king, got himself first lifted to baron, but he let others know that he wouldn't stop there, and managed to get himself a hereditary title of count, with castle domain and the right to an epitheton. He is now known as the count Jacobs de Hagen, and his kids are in, all to be married into the aristocracy.

That is a very individualistic view though, which, while it is a very western way to view things, can ultimately turn counter-productive.

Example is all those successful south African millionaires like Elon Musk or whatever. Are they doing good personally ? Yes. Is the South African white population doing good ? No.

Sure you can say you don't give a shit about your people, only about yourself. Besides how cynical and emotionless that is (and how common it is too i mean we are in such a situation because everyone thinks like this nowadays, this is actually one of the roots of the problem) you can have as much money as you want, if the rest of your people are fucked you are fucked too.

If you are the only white person in the country, it doesn't matter how much money you have you are fucked. If everyone hates white people it doesn't matter how much money you have you are fucked. If you are the only white person in the country how do you even expect to take part in influence networks by the way ? You simply can't.

8 is kinda cute desu

That's what I said. You starting out of such a network will not have the sme chances as a jew. But if you were to be ambitious and willing to build a legacy your children's grandchildrens could have about as much chances in life as jews.
I'm by no mean saying that to downplay the advantage the jew get. I'm saying that trying to rouse ambition and a sense of family into non-jews.

That's why it's not about a self made man's sucess story. It's about his dynasty's story. Don't underestimate what family can do.
If you have close bonds with cousins, nieces and nephews and help them get jobs or positions you and your kids and grandkids will get it back.
If you invest time into networking with the families your offspring marries into, four generations are enough to have quite some influence.

> The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya

Where did the ancients come up with this shit

No because in four generations they'll all be dead in a war despite the millions they inherited from you

What you say only goes if everything is ok otherwise

Talking about family btw, a nation is just an extension of your family in theory.
For humans your tribe and your family are closely related and making your family rise inside the tribe is just fucking pointless if the tribe as a whole is going to shit.

>Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race.

Oh, Tacitus, you dididn't know nuffin

There's no reason being that pessimistic about the future.
Remember, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Having the beginning of a network in place when the war starts is better than nothing to ensure your young ones don't get sent straigh to the slaughterhouse.
And if that war doesn't happen, doing nothing because it might happen is just waisting your potential.

Finally your nation being an extention of your family may be true in some countries but France isn't even mono-ethnic. Bretons, normands, alsacians, occitans, basques, provencaux, corsicans, burgunds and arverns aren't the same breed even if they're all white.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't mix them mind you, but telling me I should have a sense of family toward a random basque is stretching it.

>making your family rise inside the tribe is just fucking pointless if the tribe as a whole is going to shit.
go into politics then. You won't matter but your grandkids might. And then they can handle the country a way that's been influenced by how you raised them.
Politicians aren't becoming less shit. If you have a vision work towards it.

this was before birth control

now they control the porn inductry