Rekt thread

rekt thread

bonus point rekt by the train

Other urls found in this thread:


>The half-hearted attempt at saving him.





Wow the news does not give a fuck in ching chong land

even cats hate fucking disgusting vaginas



Someone post the air compressor hamster webm please.


>guy tries to save him
>o shit he fat
>mission failed we get them next time



wtf? story?

What's the point count on that?

that cat gets so fucking comfy, why the fuck cant i get that comfy?

Chinks can't see well enough to drive , their slanted eyes get in the way

car crash

Asians driving the car


niggers being stupid niggers, nothing new here.

laughed my ass off

nah, I meant the hamster+air compressor story

told this nigga i would pay 50 dollars if he peirced his nose with a syringe & he did it

But i did not pay & blocked him

>Rekt staightfagsarenastyfuckingcuntpigs

anyone have this video were people stop wor a rendeer on the highway and a truck just rolls over the people ?




ok thats just fucking r00d

pay up faggot my nose still hurts

>Reverse search
>Just recommends "lip"
I think this might be true


Like imma believe you

pay up nigger hoe

russia has a very good physics engine

Nigger detected
I hope you get diabetes you chicken eating fuck.

Judging by the height he went through the cartilage too, ouch.

nerve gas

thanks user, haven't laughed like that in some time

He kinda tried.


Wouldnt cat's rough tongue feel terrible on clit? What the fuck is she thinking?

>no bob
>no vagene

why did you let a cat lick ur dick u sick b4strerd


South Africa represent!



thats what u get for being a nigger biker going 100 mph through an intersection

how is that guy even alive

who's the wrong here?

oh fuck

did he died?

breaking his neck gave him super powers


Car Dismount Vol Rekt.7

"This roast beef tastes a little fishy. Donotlike"


>who's the wrong here?
the dumbass car driver
a bike on the road is same like a car on the road

bikes should not use main roads, see the outcome

Wat hit him?

