Hy do people believe in esoterism?

hy do people believe in esoterism?

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It's not a matter of belief. You can experience it for yourself. Would you like me to teach you some basic shamanic exercises to allow you to communicate directly with your own unconscious selves?

Go ahead

Because it's real (within the human ability to know any "reality" at all).

Not opie, but selfs mentioned by Jung, Freud, etc?

Okay, you're going to need a hat for this. Make sure it's one you can afford to lose. Say out loud, "When I put on this hat I am no longer me. When I take off the hate, I am me again." Saying it out loud is important because you're priming your subconscious through suggestion.

Now just start babbling. Make nonsense noises without thinking. This is important. You can't be thinking about what you're saying. Just let whatever baby-talk is in your head pop out. The length of time you have to do this will change depending on your level of suggestibility and your capacity for letting go of conscious ego control, but if you keep it up for long enough you will become noticing the noises assemble into words, then the words assemble into phrases, and finally you will be speaking entire sentences. This voice will address you, and you can communicate with this voice by taking off the hat to talk, then putting it back on.

The hat is there as a form of planted suggestion to make it easier to control this voice. Which of your many archetypal personality elements embodies itself will depend on what's going on inside your unconscious, and this voice could be friendly, angry, or even violently hostile. If you get freaked out you can make the voice go away just by taking the hat off. If you feel really upset, burn the hat or otherwise destroy it. There are more complex rituals like the middle pillar or LBRP, but the hat is good enough for the sort of work you'll be doing.

Yes. The demons, angels, gods, spirits, ghosts, they're not "out there" somewhere. They're all inside your head, with you. With practice you can learn to communicate with them. I do so all the time. We are Legion, we contain multitudes.

Interesting, could you point me further? I'd definitely like to explore the realm of the inner psyche


Western esotericism (also called esotericism and esoterism), also known as the Western mystery tradition, is a scholarly term for a wide range of loosely related ideas and movements which have developed within Western society.

You sound like a dumb fuck.

I have paradigms I find useful, but they won't be the same paradigms you find useful. See, "Ceci n'est pas une pipe." A map is not the thing it's mapping, so all paradigms are ultimately false. They're signposts to help you map out your own inner spaces, but you are eventually forced to start consctructing your own internal pantheon. For me, for example, the Anima tends to take the form of Christina Applegate. My unconscious literally regards her as a goddess, probably because of the deep symbolism of her name: "Christina" being a feminized version of the Christ, while the role of Eve was to be the "apple gate" which taught us to understand right from wrong.

Thats called schizophrenia

Why do you believe in anything that agrees with your worldview at all?

It's the same principle, it's just that their source doesn't have academia/politicians/(((the mainstream media)))/government backing any of their claims.

All you have to do, really, for your truth to become the only and absolute truth is to have (((the right people))) behind it, no matter how wrong, backwards, violent, non-sensical, archaic, ignorant, degenerate, disgusting, horrifying, questionable, or untrue it is, all you need is to have (((them))) on your side, nothing more.


So? It's currently believed that Carl Jung was a self-treating schizophrenic. He often took long walks in the woods with a demon, the personified manifestation of the his own Shadow. Much of his psychological model came from discussions with this demon.

The role of the shaman, prophet, or medicine man/woman is to keep the tribe sane by standing with one foot on each side of the looking glass, helping to keep the tribe connected to the Deep Mysteries of the inner sea. The fact that our modern culture has taken away this role and labelled people with a natural affinity for such work "mentally ill" has, ironically, produced an increasingly sick and dysfunctional society.

>The fact that our modern culture has taken away this role and labelled people with a natural affinity for such work "mentally ill" has, ironically, produced an increasingly sick and dysfunctional society.
Couldn't have said it better honestly
>inb4 samefag

Probably because labels are all anti-semitic, except for ones referring to bad things because they create double negatives

You're taking Terence McKenna too literaly, mate.

It's not just McKenna. Plenty of people ranging from Carl Jung to Joseph Campbell to Julian Jaynes to Rupert Sheldrake to Wilhelm Reich to Alan Moore have made the same observation.

only retards

I'm not disagreeing with your statement, just saying that the way you chose to word your point makes it you sound like you're a preaching lunatic.

I've been studying Hermeticism, Alchemy, and Gnosticism this past week. Really fucking interesting stuff. McKenna's and Manly P. Hall's lectures are dope.

Any anons in here have an idea about esotericism in freemasonry? I am specially interested in European freemasonry, and the Swedish Rite.

What is alchemy other than some misguided chemistry? What else was there to alchemy?