Nazis vs Antifa. Who do you side with if you have to choose?

Nazis vs Antifa. Who do you side with if you have to choose?


I know which one I'd rather fuck.

I would sell them weapons and let them fight.

who exactly are you that anyone would want to buy weapons off you?

U wot m8
Depends .... i am for strong national government, strict punishment for crime . I think people of my country ..and only us...should be able to make decisions , lavs and policies to live by ...if majority of people in my country want to ban meet (for example)..than i must become a vegetarian or leave ..same thing for all controversial things
What does that make me?

Nazis - they are dead bro ! Neo-nazis are just larpers .
Antifa - real dumb (usually middle class ) kids ..

The side who gets laid more

I sent my leftist gf's nudes to a neo Nazi online and he posts her on Sup Forums sometimes..

They are equally bad, fucking retards fighting for the entire wrong reasons.
If I get to pick one side i prefer to win and run the world, it will prolly be the nazis.

Your question is redundant. Antifa are the nazis.


>shit vs crap

Nazis, the Fourth Reich would be a godsend nowadays

The police

What definition of nazis do you mean?
Actual nazis who slaughtered millions of Jews.

Or Antifa’s definition of nazis, which is pretty much anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest ways.

If it’s Antifa’s definition, then that’s who I side with Because they are actually sane and not screwed in the head, unlike Antifa who are psychopaths and need to be institutionalized.

I'd be the one that eats popcorn while watching autists battle in the street.
However, if I had to choose I would be with the stormies, but that's no real choice as I'm a Jewish kike, so.....

I like the way you think.

The guy with the guns, obviously.

Antifa... if I had to.

But then, if you look at the girl properly... she's actually a scout - wearing uniform in fact. Possibly even quite a conservative chick; a respectable democrat, rather than your average anarchistic piece of trash. I'd side with HER kind any day.

No she's not. I'm Czech and she's known for being full bash the fash liberal crybaby. Don't get me wrong, the skinhead on left isn't better choice, this is choosing between crazy and crazy.


they are both fucked in the head.

post them user

If I absolutely HAD to choose, it'd have to be the antifa fags but I don't so....

>>Sup Forums


Antifa scout. Still a better option of the two by a long shot.

Mimochodem jsem taky Čech i když tu kauzu jsem registroval jen lemto, dlouhodobě žiju v cizině.


not bad, please continue

how extreme is each side in this scenario? like, are we talking "gas all non-whites" type nazis who have free reign to genocide and antifa shitters who practically enslave/kill non-tolerant people, or more modern versions of these that are just annoying fucks who never shut up?

I would join ANTIFA in hopes working my way to the top so that I may reform it into something more effective and respectable. Something similar to the original Black Panthers.


The Antifa is fighting themselves?

Antifa - mental midgets....CUCKS...feminazis..or kids whit simplistic outlook on life (white bad - nigger-good :) )
Right wing will save protects Eastern Europe from Muslim terrorists and liberal lunacy

Can i just kill them all? of not i guess i have to side with the Nazis then after all the ANTIFA faggots are dead go to the FBI and get all the Nazi faggots arrested. A win for everyone!

Sieg heil

A JEW considering a question of social morality....

That girl is 16yo brainwashed liberal cry baby who somehow made it to be a scout. Definitely nor conservative chick and respectable democrat. She tried to provoce conflict with police on the same rally multiple times. World is small. I know few people around her and especially i know her scout troop (Mafeking Brno-Židenice). Im scout and I would rather side that guy. There were no neo-nazi symbols on that rally. That was just legal rally againts imigrants. That "respectable democratic chick" actually ilegally blocked legal rally because she and her friends dosnt liked other opinions.


I will still admit that the current Antifa are better than neonazis/alt-right.

Then again, I'm a anarcho-syndiclist at heart.

What got deleted?

>Fascists vs Fascists that think they're socialists.

ill take the non-delusionals please.

maybe this is because I'm not really religious idk. I think there is a God and we all worship Him (or Her who knows) in different ways.
Pls don't tell this to my rabbi, he will take my Iluminatii membership away

The Nazis are socialists and so is antifa. Two different means to the same end - subjugation.

Please dont call her scout. She actually wore that uniform just to make controversy and get attention. Even when her leader told her not to go there in uniform. She abandoned her troop for a long time ago. She have nothing to do with scouts.

Whichever one isn’t using violence.


This. Real Nazis can go fuck themselves. As far as people who are Nazis because they enjoy a different kind of ice cream than Antifa members, they are cool with me. the dumb anarcho- ''insert some political ideology " shit....
Anarchy is temporary state ...IT IS NOT political ideology (think i am wrong?..just read more than Wikipedia... )

Fucking OP's picture is in my hometown.

Both Have shit opinions but I would rather side with Antifa if siding with none is not possible
>at least they know how to party
Also bigger chance to convinced them from proper opinions, they're just kids for the most part while nazis are full-blown arseholes

Anyone know what the fuck that spam is? I see it all the time. Honeypot?

Did u vote SPD on the last votes?

would love an answer

Nazis are not socialist! They supported corporations and fought the Soviets. They also purged all the leftists in Germany.

Anarchy means a rejection of hierarchy. Having everyone as an equal in all forms.

Tbh all but the ancaps are pretty much the same, think like a different specializations of a doctor. All are medical doctors and would agree on most things, just specialized on certain things

It's ok to beat the shit out of Zionist banker scum and burn their families alive.

Antifa so I'd have an excuse to commit crimes and get away with them.

Please enlighten us

Am I the only one who would love to see those two hatefuck each other?

Plottwist: i voted for STAN.
But I would rather join unharmful "neo-nazis" than that anarcho scum.


>Anarchy means a rejection of hierarchy
IMPOSSIBLE....some people are smarter,stronger,luckier than other people they become leaders of groups, businesses, councils , countries ....
You can try and reject reality all you want ... after some time leaders will emerge , and take charge of the situation ..making a oligarchical state, fascist state , Communist state e.c.t..

Hang the bankers! Kill the bourgeoisie! Redistribute their property to disadvantaged youths! Seize the means of production!

Them being Jewish has nothing to do with it.

Do you post the same fucking thread every day?

I am neither a facist or a communist

This photo was taken in front of my ex gf work. Hate that bitch now. But it doesnt matter

Can I oposite both sides?

>The anti-nazis are Nazis?

So who's antifa?

As far as I can tell it's still legal to kill nazis

Antifa use (or want to use) force againts its enemies. It doesnt mean they are nazis, but it sounds like facism.








aaaaand /thread

op confirmed little soy boy antifa






those beautiful women


Its not ok that "antifa" overgeneralizes "nazis" but its ok to overgeneralize antifa. Some next level logic right there


Hahaha dumb bitch



I sit back and let them duke it out, then when the victor is weakened and in a state of false security I will strike in the name of 1776.

being this stupid




That is what the word means.

Also haven't you heard the phrase "from each according to their ability, and to each according to their need?"

See pic.

Also see pic. The idea they follow is called the paradox of tolerance. In order to prevent intollerant ideas to become popular, you must actively fight against it

I'd include the asshats waving a Nazi or confederate flag a Nazi. Or anyone who advocates genocide of nonwhite people. Anyone who agrees with Nazi ideas. Anyone who believes in white supremacist ideas. This isnt that hard. I really hate that people over use nazi


who has the nudes??


No one.


An intolereant left wing group who use violence against anyone who thinks differentley to them.

No, they aren't really Nazis. But they are far closer to the definiton than Trump and his supporters, kkk white power types excluded ofcourse.
