Good day user. We've got reports of illegal dubs in the area. You wouldn't happen to have any on you?

Good day user. We've got reports of illegal dubs in the area. You wouldn't happen to have any on you?

not me officer i'm just trying to get home

No dubs here officer


What seems to be the Officer, problem?

dubs are in another side of the road, let me pass officer

>We've got reports of illegal dubs in the area.

Dumb as FUCK

I don’t know what you’re talking about officer.


Hard no

Officer, do I look like a nigger?

Fuck you officer


No sir occifer.

Heh... I don't uh... I don't even know what dubs LOOK like.

No sir, Officer

I don't think there's any dubs here officer, but you're welcome to look around.

I dindu nuffin pig


take em away boys

Fuck tha police

But I only have singles officer



real nigga in this bitch

Nothing here but me and my 50 pounds of pure Colombian sugar



Nothing to hide here Officer



No sireee

>off by one

Im watching you. Keep your nose clean understood?


yo ain gon fine shi pii

I have a license for these, officer.


well shit, if you say so.

Only singles here, officer
