Why is communism bad

Why is communism bad

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A)It always fails
B)Millions of unarmed innocents get murdered in the process

>b-but that wasn't real communism guise! It's never been tried.

Nobody gets anything or people who work less get the same pay as someone who works way more

same reason niggers are bad:

doesn't work

Go read a book


because theory and real life are two very different things and work in very different ways

you're missing chavez and castro, soon maduro and that indigenous guy from bolivia

because communism has always been written on paper (AKA Theory) and every time it has been applied it always ends up in failure. it will only work in 2 ways. 1 a hive mind and no free will. 2 small groups like hunters and gatherers as society grows this idea no longer works

Because it's too much like socialism and liberalism

If it achieves its end goal of a stateless society then a feudal state and/or series of gangs will eventually spring up. Otherwise, it will devolve into the types of societies it tries to replace.

Did communism create 4chin?
Checkmate atheist
1 like=100 salutes, 1 share =1000 salutes

Capitalism kills 20 million annually, retard

got a source to back up that claim boyo?

It's not bad, it just doesn't work.

Your use of that meme shows
A) The only socialist tendency you know of is the authoritarian ones

B) You have no knowledge of actual facts

C) You don't know what socialism is since Pol Pot is in that meme and literally every socialist hates him.

>user has left the server.

Got a source to back up "muh 100 gajillion"?


No type of social order is inherently bad. Implementation is everything. You can have a wonderful monarchy and an awful democracy. All depends on what social values are in play.

Because nothing bad could ever happen by giving your government all the power over the economy ever.

Way to go, boyo
These fucking retards, man

>implying each and every one of these is falsified

You commie fags just can't accept that your system will never work.
>we should redistribute our wealth to these poor shitty countries so they can just fuck it up and squander it, just like they squander all of the aid we give them

capitalism isn't perfect but it has worked for almost all of human civilization

>because communism kills
>because communism starves
>because communism

Because nothing bad can come from allowing banks to play casino. Up to the point where they could crash the world economy to set civilisation back to the stone age.

No crypto, they own all your shit, they take what they want, they force you to do certain things, tell you everywhere you can go, lock you down in life. Internet well nope

Tyrone, stop doing drugs

"why comunism? because i want to do very little and get paid the same as a surgeon. very unbiased sources: comunistwebsite.com, capitalismisevil.com, jezebel.com"

No. Communist said anything about redistributing wealth to poor countries, You're pulling that out of your ass and sounds like the most ridiculous mainstream media shit.

Communists advocate aiding revolution in other countries. Such as what Che Guevara did. After he helped in the Cuba revolution, he went elsewhere to aid in revolutions. Such as Cuba after the revolution, helping revolutionaries in Angola to gain their freedom from colonialism. It isn't about redistributing wealth to poor countries, retard. It's about aiding change in other countries so wealth redistribution doesn't need to happen, the point is to make the wealth distributed fairly to begin with.

>Such as what Che Guevara did
hey, I'm on board for that, I want to kill some niggers

Every source besides Guarian and WashPost are unbiased sources that collect world data on starvation, poverty, and death. I'm using sources created by YOUR system to show the ills of your system. Also a janitor wouldn't be paid the same as a surgeon, retard. Read Marx.

Do you have proof he said this?

>the point is to make the wealth distributed fairly to begin with.
kinda like what happened in cambodia, kill 1/4 of your entire population, destroy everything that makes them an individual, and eventually nobody has jack shit.

I too want to make as much as a fucking doctor for working at starbucks, but then all of the doctors will flee and we will have starbucks kids acting as doctors.

because old white people said so.

also, it's unrealistic as all things without limit are.

a good mix of regulated free market and social programs would be the best, but i don't know anything about anything.

he said that about niggers, similar things about mexicans and had a prison for gay people, i just read it in a historian's book about him called "the killing machine" by nicolás marquez, probably you won't find it in english, but the guy is solid in the historian field

because it failed

I really wish we could start a program to export these commie lovers to communist countries so they can get their just desserts

A communist dessert is like a communist meal, it consists of nothing.

checked, also your description of comunism sounds a lot like capitalism

im sure Venezuela would accept a few of them

I'd say Communism is bad in the short term and Captalism in the long term, humanity is doomed either way, just give it time.

you are seriously fucking retarded

capitalism is why rich countries are rich. It is NOT why poor countries are shitholes. It's not America's fault that South Sudan has terrible political and economic instability; it failed to develop on its own.

goddamn millenials

>bad in just the short term
>not bad in the long term too

Korea, the former soviet bloc, and venezuela would like to have a word for you

CIA literally trains torturers for dictatorships who happen to fuck up their countries in helpful way to the US.

>bad IN JUST the short term
Where did i say that?

Not even 5% trth.

Africa is fukked because western imperialist nations went over there carving it up like a thanksgiving turkey. Disruption and displacement caused their current problems. But Im sure you don't want to hear that.

nice trips

how exactly? because it leaves financial responsibilities to the individual?

>Communism is bad in the short term and Captalism in the long term

chocolate trip cookahs!

yes, one gets bad before the other but both suck eventually.

It isn't. Authoritarianism is.

Missed quads by one.
kys yourself in shame.

Because people like food and not dying in work camps.

You had to go poke the bear!

No it doesn't have a source because it's a lie.

Fucking white people.

If we count everyone who dies of hunger to communism, does that means we should count everyone who dies of hunger to captalism?

Because it limits your natural rights. You have a right to private property and to do with it as you choose in the marketplace

Dude, Nicolás Márquez is a CIA agent, even more right-wing than Bannon.
Guevara fought side by side with blacks, Mexicans, women, gays, you name it. And he was a medical doctor.

>natural rights
I get what you mean, but natural is not the word you are looking for.

>average wealth in USD
Those are Rothschild dollars, my man. They're fucking worthless.

pol pot did nothing wrong

But realistically, socialism is cancer to literally everyone who doesn't benefit directly from it, and the only people who do benefit are those in poverty and the powers that be. Literally every working class individual gets screwed because it's their pockets from which all of that magical extra money to provide cheap/free public services comes from. Nothing is every truly free.

The Ends of the Earth, by Robert Kaplan, 1996. Read it. He's a Kissinger apologist who showed in this book how the capitalists are taking over Africa and Asia.

OP apparently never attended world history on a high school level. Its been tried many times In many different ways. It's got a 100% failure rate and about a 60% genocide rate. I'm sure some group of dumb fucks will try it again though.

>implying africa was a nice place to live before white people showed up
>implying the ottoman empire didn't have the single biggest hand in imperialism in africa

>only people who do benefit are those in poverty and the powers
So basically captalism exchanges crewing the worker over screwing the poor and the powers remains, well, in power.

>socialism is cancer to literally everyone who doesn't benefit directly from it
You mean like selective socialism? But isn't that just capitalism?

Both benefit the 1%, ones offers no freedom, the other sells it but most can't pay for it anyway.

No political system is perfect. Someone, somewhere is going to get fucked. Why would you prefer the middle class get fucked even harder that they are now by taking even more of what they earn to marginally raise the living quality of the bottom rungs of society(who are likely already leeching from the system via welfare and other programs)? And more so, benefit the 1% even more? That just sounds like you're erasing the boundaries that separate middle and lower classes so everyone can be poor, but just slightly less poor. To me that sounds like a net loss.

Lord Rothschild thanks you for your obedience.

Because 7 billion people will never be able to maintain the organization required to run the world's industry


capitalism is good, complacency and corporatism is bad

You keep talking about the 1% as if they were immutable. They are not. The 1% at the top of left-leaning autocracies do not owe allegiance to the IMF and that's why they're so demonized. Not that they're saints or anything.

Because Fox news and old people say so, its in the bible