Step1: catch virtual fish

step1: catch virtual fish
step2: breed virtual fish
step3: ?????????????
step4: PROFIT!

for realz I made over 30k USD with cryptokitties and its time for round 2.

>for realz I made over 30k USD with cryptokitties and its time for round 2.
that's why you're hear lying to us.

cool I got my fish.. this better make me rich cus I missed cryptokitties

op I heard about this site too I chalenged you to a duel

im cumming thinking about how much money Im going to make


I cant wait

I got the rare fish xD

all these normies on facebook wont shut up about this fish shit

I have 5 fish already

lul my sister was playing this

I cant wait for the app version

blue or green?

my prianha op

this is like bitcoin I heard

gotta catch em all

i have a plan to make 1000 dollars a day

so you can only get fish by inviting people?

for now. market opens late january

how i feed my fish?????

my fish are worth over 9000

this is literaly so epic my fish are making me babies every 20 hours and I can sell them for 20$ ea to.retards lmao

how i breed

wtf my fish died

can i reroll my stats i got FUCKED

can someone give me just a common fish cus all my fish died ;*(

who wants to join my discord we about to raid the newfags

i trippled my eth already

just signed up cool

this is fun