How is this called in your country?

How is this called in your country?

perro caca

We call it 'Canadian culture' or 'Canadian achievements.'

Either one is acceptable.



parceiro de dança

Chiant XD

maika ti



I don't like dogs.
Too fucking many of them behave like stupid kids.
Guess it's the owners' fault.


Hello Ali Mokdahri



perro caca

Chient? Chian? I don't know

I can't trust someone who doesn't like dogs. That's just fucked up.

We, the italians, call it : perro caca

jaguá to'u nde bóla ha okaká

Apparently the weird eye contact is because that is when they feel most vulnerable and they look at you for comfort.

Creepy but cute.

Dogs are a reflection of their owners, and since the vast majority of people in this country are irredeemable shiteaters it's only natural that the dogs would take after their masters.

perro caca

Ein Hund setzt einen stinkenden Haufen Scheiße auf den Boden und schaut dabei behindert

Paskantava koira or koiranpaska, depending if you mean the dog or the shit.


polenta con caca

Perro cochino

cane cagone