I can't stop thinking about the non-existence after death that is inevitably going to happen and it's beginning to...

I can't stop thinking about the non-existence after death that is inevitably going to happen and it's beginning to scare me..

Shut up Marco.

Why? It didnt bother you before you were born either.

so retarded

I got dubs so my argument is valid faggot

>I can't stop thinking about the non-existence after death that is inevitably going to happen and it's beginning to scare me..

Avoid Jews and faggots and you live forever.

We are all going to die sooner or later so why worry about it ? Live your god damn life and don't worry about it.

Go see a shrink. That shit isn't healthy.

Jews are waiting for you.

kill yourself to find out if you're right

and what is the shrink going to tell him? What is any real psychiatric evalution of 'fearing the non-existence after death'?

Only way to forget about it is to accept it otherwise it haunts you for the rest of your life

Death is like permanent nap time. You are either being stuck in your best dream or your worst nightmare.
Die from a overdose you get to be in both.

you only live once and theres is no god or no afterlife, so why live life being scared about death? its inevitable and theres nothing you can do to prevent it so just accept it and enjoy your life

Holy fuck. The amount of times you post this fucking thread you're gonna have me obsessing over it as well. Give it a rest.

>I can't stop thinking about the non-existence after death that is inevitably going to happen and it's beginning to scare me..
What a fucking drama queen! Stop being such a pussy!
Does "dreamless sleep", more accurately, sleeping and not recalling your dreams, scare you? For a while you do not "exist" to yourself. No different. Grow the fuck up already!

It actually isn't. You didn't exist in the year 1200 you will feel just as you did then when you are dead, not scary at all. We have all already been there.

>You didn't exist in the year 1200 you will feel just as you did then when you are dead, not scary at all. We have all already been there.
Well put! Bravo!!

It's worse if you think about it, you're wasting time and energy.

I don't know how anyone can be afraid of being dead. It's exactly the same as before you were born, absolute and total oblivion.

The only thing I fear is the transition from life into death. Not knowing how it's all going to end isn't a pleasant thought. But once it's over, there's absolutely nothing at all to be scared of.

Why are you trying to make snarky comments when you asked a retarded question that only pussies worry about? You deserve to die slowly

do you remember before you were born? that's what death is