I am seriously considering the following plan

I am seriously considering the following plan.
>buy eye patch
>begin wearing it whenever i am around people
>this includes even family
>claim i got jumped by 6 black thugs in Chicago
>claim i got repeatedly punched in the eye
>claim doctors couldn't repair the damage
>claim eye is dead now
>perpetuate this hoax for the rest of my life
>be seen as cool badass, get gf probably
>lie to her about it as well
>think Big Boss
Convince me why I shouldn't.

Yes this is a good idea, what most chicks are really looking for is a good backstory.

You'd get bored of it pretty fast. That'd be my problem with it. Also, gf might eventually want to see beneath eye patch. What if eye patch breaks, do you just buy a new eye patch? It would have to be cooler than the old one.

Bad depth perception.
You'll get used to it over time though I would assume.
Also, eye patches aren't cool unless you're an anime character.
Plus, wouldn't it be cooler if you beat up the 6 black guys? Bruise your knuckles instead maybe

It's a good idea, tribute to the boss

Switch it now and then to the other eye and claim you didn't do that if someone asks. Make them insanely stalk you to get proof.

demonstrating youre a beta male who gets his ass kicked by subhuman trash will definitley attract a mate

you want love through pity, no girl will get wet for you

Gouge our eye for real op. Don’t be a pussy.

if your cover gets blown you can always flee to somalia and become a pirate king

if you're gonna do that you might as well just pop your eye out, you're not gonna be using it anyway

plus are you gonna sleep with it on? no

new idea

pop your eyeball out on stream so we can watch you do it

Don't make it into a race thing but it could be cool, you don't have to specify the race of your assailants, that just makes you seem racist.

why dont you make it actually happen

Go back to your SJW rally



edgy boy
don't you think an SJW would've said "user you are a racist"
I never betrayed to you my own standpoint, merely said it would make him SEEM like a racist, which is something women tend not to like

Shit story girls would probably ask if you have a number to one of the niggers


>meet girl
>Show her eyepatch
>She removes it
What do

getting tired of your shit user, go back to Sup Forums

Damn libtards with their shit logic...
InB4 "I didn't tell you my political views Hurrr Durrr"

>Convince me why I shouldn't.
Because it's a stupid and childish idea

Bitch if 6 people of any race knocked my eye out, you're god damn right I would be racist towards that race. And rightfully so.

yea but you weren't so stfu