95% of you are uncreative, unfunny, depressed, and possess some obsessive and/or cognitive disorder...

95% of you are uncreative, unfunny, depressed, and possess some obsessive and/or cognitive disorder. You don’t browse the catalog before post, you don’t put thought into your posts, and because of your internet addiction you want immediate gratification and attention every second of the day. As you are right now, nothing that involves your input could be considered “good”. The vast majority of you (of which the primary culprits are US posters, let’s be accountable adults and admit it) have no self control. You desperately need structure in your lives

Dear OP,

Fuck you. Heil Hitler.

From, the internet


no u




if I wanted attention I wouldn't be inside on the computer all day you dipshit



Fuck off to reddit you retard.

Yeah, im sure u are sooooooooooooo cool And u are from the 5%

shhhhhhh, go back to skulking

i thought she was varg lol



Back to plebbit, fucktard.

You all know its true.

lol kill yourself nigger


The reactions in this thread prove OPs point. This could actually be an interesting thread, but I guess the "fuck it" mentality is stronger than critical thinking. Fucking garbage.

Upvoted : ^ )