I am married. I have a great job. My wife has a great job. I have two kids that excel in sports and in school...

I am married. I have a great job. My wife has a great job. I have two kids that excel in sports and in school. Without bragging anymore, just trust me when I say I have a good life.

yet, I constantly fly off the fucking handle over the most pointless, little shit. Constantly yelling at my wife and kids over shit that I should not give a fuck about whatsover. I yell so much I'm constantly horse.

I road rage over anything and everything. If I'm out at a bar, I will fight at the drop of a dime, especially if I'm really gassed up.

I yell at my kids for asking simple questions or having minor blunders. My 9yr old dropped some of his dinner on the floor after he bumped the table. Innocent mistake...but you'd think he'd burnt the house down by how stupidly mad I got.

Any remedies /b fags? You guys know everything.

I thought about going to a psychologist, but I am honestly too embarrassed and stubborn, as my mindset has always been people that seek external help for social issues are weak faggots.

American dream itt.

go to a counsellor, my ex bfs dad was like this, ur family will eventually hate u

If this isint bait then either do drugs or go to a therapist

37 year old fag here that dealt with the same thing.

Hi user, Ive got the exact same symptoms. The road rage, the pent up anger/ rage/ frustration, and just like you, I know its pointless, stupid shit I shouldn't bother with. My partner got me started smoking weed to deal with it, and that works great, but I don't want to spend my whole life stoned. So off to the psychiatrist I went. Do it OP, it takes a while for them to find the right medication, but it's not only chilled me the hell out, it's also taken away some anxiety too, and I'm getting along with people so much better now.

It's not bait. I wish it was. 38yr old fag here...

meds? really? c'mon...I'm not going to zombie myself like a liberal faggot. Rather rage and kill my family then that route.

Kill yourself.

2016 called, they want their comment back

>Constantly horse
Spotted your problem, you're an angry horse

I seriously had the same problem as you. For me what worked was I did cocaine once at a party. Came home and actually talked about my feelings to my wife and why I treated them like shit. She understood and actually encouraged me when I felt like I needed to talk, to go out and do coke and come back home to her and tell her what I was feeling.

Not a coke head by any means. Maybe do it once or twice a year.

so ask the doctor for some calm the fuck down tablets or something
most married men need them, its from being sexually frustrated and feeling like you have pretty much tied up your life and given up on adventure and wonderment.

> do drugs
> Kill self

Anyone got any other ideas?

Bruh, smoke a fat blunt every now and then. Hook yourself up with some fire dabs and not a thing in the world will get to you fam.

>Maga faggot
There we go, now we have the real problem. Quit watching fox news all the damn time, it's propaganda that's designed to make you pissed off and cloud your judgement.

I hope you're talking ironically, because you do realize OP is not a negro right?

take up mediation. look up transcendental meditation. it'll change your whole life.

meds dont make you better
they help you help yourself.

sounds like my dad when I was young. He calmed down when he got old, but really could have used a therapist. See a counselor, my dude. No shame in it. Doesn't mean you're crazy. Just means you're pissed off and you could use someone who is literally paid to listen to you work through some shit.

What will you do after your children start hating you?

also, def this. If you can't smoke, get yourself some edibles. If you can't get weed, get yourself some kratom. Super handy for my own anger issues.

Kill yourself but make it look... gay.

If youre serious dude, just go see a therapist. The world is such a better place now that they exist mainstream. This isnt some bullshit social issue it's a legitimate mental health thing.
Get help, you need it bro.

i deal with this a lot with my boyfriend

drugs help

I have you guys here at /b. why waste time and money on a therapist?

It's just testosterone. Smoke more weed.

U are using anger to cover up deeper emotions.
And leave your family alone you fucking piece of shit

dude stfu

Sup Forums is toxic, my dude. gotta be at least 50% under 22 year olds. Really want to get your advice from edgy kids? I was scared as shit about therapy until I went. Turns out it's actually pretty good once you get over the "I must be crazy" shit that's in your head.

Smoke a j and relax friend. You seem very tense


Probably bipolar.

Sounds like you need to confront the true source of your anger, instead of lashing out. It might help to deconstruct the examples that were set for you that might have contributed to your anger response. Perhaps also consider that anger is a reaction, usually to fear. Finding the source of fear and overcoming it without anger is hard work though. Often to see those parts of yourself you need the eye and kind words of another. Most people get that sort of assistance from psychologists these days, but a good friend will do the trick too.

+1 to smoking a phat doob

Shit will mellow you right out

Dr. user is in the house.

Sounds like you got raped as a kid by a trusted authority figure. I'd go back into your memories and understand that.

1. Remember kid rape trauma
2. Confront feelings of rage and inadequacy
3. Hunt down assailant
4. Rape assailant, murder assailant, rape assailant's corpse
5. Profit

You're welcome.

I rest my case.

been said since the second post on here since 2003
kill yourself

I'm not sure why you would say that. Anger issues are prolific and caused by many many things. Not only that, I have bipolar. I rarely ever feel anger and I almost never express it when I do. My symptoms, and I would say the bipolar symptoms of most bipolar patients, has little to no connection with anger. However, intensity of emotion and propensity to express emotions most definately is connected due manic states.

Well, kill yourself is the only option...but do it in a way that goes over the top with your rage. Jump off a building with chicken wire tied around your neck and your hands super glued to the side of your head so when the wire gets tight and cuts through your throat it looks like you ripped your head off in a rage when you splatter to the ground

Forget your pride and go to the meds you weak faggot, NOW! Or it'll be too late and your family will hate you. You'll be just a lonely grandpa with cats and dogs all over the house.

Meds, now. No drugs, meds is for weak faggots, drugs is for weak retarded faggots. You're not retarded, so... Meds.

Good advice you weak minded faggot

Holy fucking kek. Only answer


The only difference between meds and drugs is who prescribes them. Their effects and usage are unrelated, meaning there is little generalizable distrinction between the people who use them other than socioeconomic class. That said, many people don't fit the mold. Pain med junkies can be just as difficult to deal with as an schedule 1 junkie. Plenty of well respected scientists use hallucinogenics (like pot, lsd, and dmt). More definining than the distributer of the meds/drugs by far is the motive for taking them.

Either kill yourself or change something now cause you'll end up like my father feeling sorry all the time and living in regret for being a psychopath only wishing your loved ones weren't gonna remember you as a fucking dick...

That's pretty fucking cool. You degenerate monster!

Yeah, he stole it though, and theives are the worst degenerates.

I do what can

Stole from fucking what

I grew up with a father like this and our relationship can never be mended because of it. Seek help. Go to a therapist. Please.


Seriously though, what can a therapist say to me that will change me?

Go to a psychologist or at least look into cbt. Don't fuck up your kids because you can't keep it together. They'll remember this

Fuckin aye.... You are a prime example of one of those assholes that has everything but is miserable.

Find somewhere quiet, like a walk in the woods, get the fuck away from the bars for a bit. Get your hands dirty and make something.

Because before you fucking know it, this perfect little world you have is going to crumble. Your kids are going to grow up thinking EVERYTHING they fucking do is wrong. Your wife is going to despise and leave you.

Prove to yourself and your family you aren't fucking nuts.

If that's your attitude you should kill yourself. Why would you have kids if you're a selfish fuck?

I never saved the image, but I saw it on Sup Forums at least a year ago. That post was like stale poorly constructed pasta - the worst theivery.

If your wife has any sense she's gonna band with the kids and leave your angry ass behind

A therapist can't help you.

But your kids are going to hate you, and have trust issues. They will have terrible relationships and mental issues.

Basically, they will become you.

Microdose shrooms. Takes away the rage without tripping.

If not, go to anger management or take martial Arts. Get a punching bag.

Do it before your family hates you

This is true to a large degree, which is why I recommended he deconstruct the examples that were set for him . I've seen people change themselves dramatically, I think OP can do it too if he's serious about it.

How should I know? I'm not a fucking therapist. Don't go then if you're so fucking weak. You're gonna fuck youre kids up.

It doesn't matter how amazing you see your life if you have something in your past that is fucking you up still. No matter how good my life got, the shit with my father fucked me up and left a deep burning rage within me. I had to deal with that issue and find a way to deal with the anger before I stopped being angry at anything and everything in my life. The shit with my father wasn't even particularly dramatic, just standard physical and mental abuse. Nothing sexual or terribly scarring. But it did make me angry and until I came to grips with it I just took that anger out on random shit. I can't even tell you the path you should take. Some people seek catharsis by healing the wound, some by excising it. Personally I enfolded my anger into who I am. I stopped caring about my father and put a leash on my temper. I accepted that I have great violence within me and now it's less of a tiger in the back yard and a more of a dog on a leash. I can let it out if I need to, but it never threatens to get out of my control. If you really have that issue, then I hope you manage to find your way. Because I know that life is tough when you find yourself striking out against those you care about for shit that doesn't deserve it.

OP is obviously not man enough to do this himself.

That depends on what the source of your anger is. Each of us is blind to many of our biggest faults. We know this to be true intuitively as even our loved ones annoy this shit out of us sometimes. The trick is finding out what issues are causing your anger that you're (obviously) blind to). A therapist can't tell you what they are, but he can help guide you to them.

So repeated phrases now offend someone's intellectual property? It's fucking Sup Forums, you dumb cunt - there hasn't been an original idea here since 2006.

>shill identified
Get the fuck off this thread you cancerous cunt

See a therapist, please. Do it for your family.

Yes your post is piss in an ocean of piss. No we don't make money off our memes. It still wasn't your idea, degernate.


>I thought about going to a psychologist


easy, solve it with weed or teas.
also It really depends on tons of things but if you really feel is a problem you should see a doctor, it can be stress, depression, boredom....etc

Start boxing or MMA. Get that aggression out.

>my completely terrible and hostile attitude is affecting my family profoundly negatively for years to come, but I've got too much pride to go see a psychologist.

Sounds to me like you have no pride. Youre the weak faggot for not understanding what far reaching negative effects you are having on your family, and working to change that. You can't change for the better, that's real weakness.

This could actually make it worse, as it's just a further displacement of his anger. Take that new release away and the anger has been ramped up even more, with even more profound consequences.

Divorce your cunt wife, never see your kids again after they turn 18, move to another country when you have $1M in the bank. Cut off all contact from your previous life. Walk every day, stay in shape, keep to yourself, play games all day, get high and drunk whenever you feel like it, fuck escorts and never have any relationships.

You should have started MGTOW and ANTINATALIST. But alas you are a normie fucking idiot and you are the problem with this world, everythign that is wrong with it. You promulgate theft in the form of taxation, you advance gynocentrism by catering to your cunt wife and the exploitative court system that constantly fucks men over and you give absolutely no thought to anything other than yourself. I bet you support nationalism and warfare too. Faggot.

Don't drink and go to meetings.

Get a hobby like boxing, faggot.

Im like this, so i spent time playing sports so i can vent by btfoing people on football and breaking ankles in basketball


jump off from bridge
Get mauled by bear

Easier than talking to a shrink and better than drugs: go see a regular general practicioner / internist. You may have something physical in your head that you need to check out. The doc will probably recommend meds or a shrink, but it's the best way to start. It works way better than doing nothing, which is causing you to do stupid things like post on b, and will eventually wreck your family life and turn you into a loser.

I used to be like this. Flying off the handle to my wife and kids all the time over stupid shit. Go see a therapist user, ASAP. If that doesn't work, get some anxiety meds. Don't make your family hate you.

So much of me wants to make a joke out of this

But my ex wife left me over this shit.

I also feel the same about psychologists. I know it's corny, but the only thing that really has helped me is meditation. I meditate on little things that set me off in the day, think on why I did it. There's a reason, and the deeper you dive into your mind, the more likely you are to find that reason. I guarantee it's probably something small that's been eating at you, and you don't realize it.

You lack self discipline. Also you seem to bothered about what others think of you and not enough about what you think of yourself (self respect).


OP, i have your test results back, in the diagnosis i do not see any life whatsoever, it says you've long given upon it like a failure you are

i have the following professional Sup Forums suggestions: kys

please deeply consider your options if you can't even control your anger over your kid dropping food
don't pretend it's health, take responsibility for your poor life choices and actions


meditation is the answer u seek fag

Just kill yourself you over exaggarating faggot.

Find and read the yoga vasishtha

honestly weed or a psychologist and if that doesn't work, a psychiatrist. Some of those drugs work, but they suck.

Your issue is that you're a whiny bitch who takes everything in life for granted. You get mad because you like to be hateful and like to upset other people and you have no intention of even trying to solve your anger issues. You love making people walk on eggshells around you because it makes you feel powerful. From what I can tell, you're just an asshole and will always be that way. You probably think you're awesome. Since you're too much of a narcissist and a pussy to kill yourself, leave your life behind and go live alone in the woods. You know your family would be better off without you screaming in their faces at any chance you can find. They'll leave you eventually man.

Transfer all of your money to my bank account. When you're poor you'll have better things to worry about and be humbled by constant limitation. You'll relax and realize that getting angry doesn't solve problems especially if you can't afford it. Finally, after your kids are taken into foster care and your wife leaves you for a nigger, you'll be broken and incapable of this anger problem. If I had to get you get emotional about simple shit because you have no real stresses or struggles so you make them up daily any chance you get. Quit being a fucking child and be grateful you don't have pressure from a million sides and you'll have no way out.

have some you time, go on a solo vacay and just chill ez.