He did nothing wrong Sup Forums

He did nothing wrong Sup Forums

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We know



Of course he did nothing wrong, he's just a German Shepard.

Look at this monster. I bet he's leading her to the gas chamber himself!

My grandmother was in the holocaust and she said that this photo was her friends baby and hitler and dr. shindler ate her at a ceremony. Look at the evil on his face.

Hitler was a mad man and had a psycho aura about him. Can't you see how shaken and afraid these animals are?

Here is gently reassuring a toddler

This is an example of Nazi mind-control. He used it on this poor bird. What a holocaust! Not even the animals were safe from Nazis.


seig fail! fail hitler.

Look at all these oppressed people. Hitler FORCED them to follow him or else he would have SS soldiers line them up and shoot them. The people HATED Adolf Hitler because he was a MADMAN!

naaa he was just a good doggo

He had the first anti smoking and literacy campaign.



and first animal-rights campaign as well.

Pure evil. Look at this.



He lost
His leadership was killed or imprisoned
Germany paid reparations for over half a century

those that do not learn from history
are doomed to repeat it

While also very devoted to the well being of his people, Hitler realized the importance of a strong and capable army.

Look at how he was preparing these boys for soldier-work. Clearly he is up to no good here. I heard that hitler was putting boys as young as 3 years old on the front-lines with rifles at the beginning of the war.


he was really close to world domination so i respect adolf

Kind of seems like a decent guy to me, in this pic.


Ah look at you, so cute so weak so... useless!

Throw him in the hole


The 20th century's Christ, sacrificed once again by the Jews.



It's nice to see something that isn't a thread about lolies, shotas, FB/Instagram, or traps.





Hitler did nothing wrong. Jews wrote the history after the war and made the Jewish Communist crimes put on the other party (Hitler). Hitler only wanted what was best for his people; being strong and said he wished that for every other to do the same, just not to race-mix.

Hitler was beloved by his people. He was freeing them from their slavery under the bankers.

That's why the bankers were willing to kill tens of millions of innocent people, just to destroy him. To keep their slaves from rising up and throwing off their chains.

Accusing others of their own crimes has always been a Zionist tactic.

Hillary used emails!

Is your life this shitty, that all you do is post anti-Trump memes in threads about history? Sad. Really fucking sad.

Poor taxidermy.

푸틴과 함께!

it's pretty cool what we're doing though. not pathetic at all.

Front-line soldier/expendable cannon-fodder

More taxidermy-based propaganda

He has a Shepherd, he can't be all bad.

Poor starving children, struggling for a handout. Their lips twisted into cruel smiles by hunger and dehydration.

They're shills user.

Ask yourself: after the election, if Putin wanted to cause problems, would his shills still keep supporting Trump? Or would they attack him now that he's the President?

The whole 'muh Russians' shit does not even make sense.


>The whole 'muh Russians' shit does not even make sense.
see Notice they shut up about it now that Mueller is investigating the democrats.

Adolf Hitler personally burying the first oven-load of jews at the newly opened Treblinka concentration camp.

I had 5 grandparents all die in the holocaust. It was truly a shoah. Never forget the 7 million.


Did he take two sips?

"6 million" is just a magic number for the Jews, their holy number of 6 along with the Biblical-era multiplier of million as "a really big number."

But the number itself is no more accurate than "72 virgins" or "40 days and 40 nights" or "the lamp burned for 8 days."

For a death cult like the Jews, "6 million Jews dead" is their ultimate masturbatory fantasy.

The 7 million? Don't tell me about the 5 million.

Hitler killed over 600 million Jews. Some of them are still alive today to tell the tale of how the evil Nazis killed them over and over again.

Hitler bump


Funny how idiots use the vacuous epithet of "Trump is literally Hitler!" when Trump is as big a Zionist puppet (strings pulled by Kushner and Ivanka) as they come.

This thread is hilarious.
Obvious satire but funny satire.

Yeah, it's funny that any adult could believe the official dogma of WWII and the Holocaust. Like adults still believing in the Easter Bunny.



So those weren't chocolates hidden all over the house?
>off to the scat thread.

let me guess, they all were siblings?
ibred makes them juice even smarter, that is why they win every second nobel prize (roundabout)

Some top dogs defected to the US