Currently facing 3 felony charges and potentially 11 years in DOC for a crime i didn't commit

currently facing 3 felony charges and potentially 11 years in DOC for a crime i didn't commit

ask me anything

Should hang out with the right people

what crime

What were you accused of?

What state?

strong advice

Not a question, Judgey McJudgerson

Although I agree its fine advice.

Hey double jeopardy

Unlawful Use of a Weapon
Armed Criminal Action

was told it wasnt appropriate for the original forum i posted in, so wanted to come here.

i just got out of a long while in county jail, thought i might hear from other people in similar scrapes


Have you practiced not dropping the soap?

No...I'm innocent..

I intend to fight and god willing I think I will win

also rape is very rare unless you're wanting it or you really piss someone off.

Cool man. Read books, further your education, and workout until you turn into a super human. Women will crave you once you get out if, by some chance, you can convince them to hang around a felon in the first place.

You can get your masters ez in 11 years

don't waste time in there OP get that degree

What happen

heres a tip

when you take a shit in prison, make sure you store it somewhere safe and concealed as to not let the moisture out

during cafeteria, find the most alpha dude in there and rub your shit in his face

you'll get beat up and possibly killed but at least you could get

i aint going period
tried to help someone, witnesses misunderstood it.
miscarriage of justice.

More detail? What was the situation, what do people think you did? What really happened?

well I am guessing you are american so get ready for gang related politics, homosexuality and being able to get out free from any crime as long as you have money

your justice and penal system is a sham

With female friend. She's having an emotional meltdown, probably withdrawals idk what the fuck ever.
Stops car in busy street. starts burning self with cigs. user says "what the fuck are you doing" takes them away, berates her. she doubles down on hysterics and grabs a knife.
starts melodramatically trying to cut her wrists, i reach and grab it away as well.
step out because she wont stop going for it.

witnesses at an insurance agency, probably 100 feet away.. older middle aged lady types...see me shouting at some crying girl..
bloody knife in hand..

wow, i'm fucked. we both 'sober up' emotionally and start to high tail it out of there; too late.

sirens and they're on us. straight to county.

Since i'm the guy they figured i could be intimidating her or threatening her sooo they slammed me into county

got many threats in county when people heard the charges, i had to find a way to convince people i was innocent.

i posted bond and got out and now im fighting it

yep man you're so crazy right, it pissed me off how heavily everything is slanted towards money.

i've been dealing with this shit for so long and it's really the everyday jew.

all this talk of foreign policy, blah blah - average joe gets fucked more by his local court system than anyone

Best of luck with your appeal case

Going through a case right now too, you need to lawyer up. It is going to cost you more to go to jail than to have a lawyer. you didn't do anything wrong, and it's important that you express that you were trying to save her life. If you have any text messages or anything to show it, that will help.

Good luck, user. Don't let our failing justice system fuck another innocent person over.

I misread, Is this for the first trial? In my country you can't be detained until you've had a trial

Yeah see the way it works here is total bullshit!

you get charged, and i had 10,000 cash only bond. Like, fuck you. I don't have that kind of money!

so i have to sit in county and wait for a judge and this whole thing to go on...guess what? holidays niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

no court for weeks! settle in bro, you could spend MONTHS in county jail...or years!!!
no outdoors, 20+ hours lockdown

I managed to get out after an eternity by getting a bond reduction

Thanks. I did. I spent thousands of dollars raised from literally everyone in my life who believed me and knew I was innocent because I'm not that kind of person, i'm not violent at all.

here's the kicker guys: she told the cops the exact truth about what happened - and they STILL ARRESTED ME.

because they claimed i could have been intimidating her

Damn, that really seems bad, beg for bitcoin and get a decent lawyer, is it the state that's pressing the charges? Because if it is and you've had no contact with the girl 2 weeks before trial you can have her as a witness for your side. The 2 week rule is for where I live, but it should be roughly the same

Yeah...condition of my bond is "no contact with the victim".
I say, WHAT FUCKING VICTIM??? but i'm not stupid.
I'm incredibly lucky in that she's done everything she can to stop it, but damn.

i was waiting in city jail on a 24 hour hold to see if state or city decided to pick up charges.

so i'm assuming i'm getting out. Like fine, I got detained - but given her testimony they wont pick up shit, right?

FUCKING WRONG. an hour before i expect to get released...
"state decided to pick up charges, 10,000 cash only bond, going to county"


That's extremely bull shit, that would never happen here, you could look up witness ruling for if you could have her as a witness, if the state still decides to disallow her then you might be sol, if she can and the state only has the witness from far away that might not go over well for the state. Even if you can not have her as a witness then the state may use her against you as a witness from the state, If that happens and you do not get a great lawyer, when the state lawyer does their questioning avoid eye contact, that will help with either a judge only ruling or a jury ruling. Some cases don't have a jury under some circumstances. If you can not get your own lawyer then the state should give you one and you will meet them before the case, try to get as many questions for the witnesses as you can, the lawyer will hopefully be competent.

The reason why you should avoid eye contact with the girl is because if you have anything other than an extremely concerned look on your face then the jury or judge might see it as you trying to intimidate the witness into saying what you want her to, you can look but try not to stare

Thanks a ton for the advice..
I feel confident I can win and stay a free man.

Good luck!

Why you do it, op?

Are you black or something? This sounds fucked.


Again, we both told the cop the exact same thing - the truth - we got separated probably minutes after we left.
i mean the cops were ON US, we didn't have time to invent shit.

her story matched mine completely because it was genuine.

still got arrested

in america you could walk up to a man in a crowded street, unload a shotgun in his body, drop gun, get arrested, go to jail, court next day "bail x amount of cash" free within the same day, next day do the same rinse and repeat
"1st world country"

Police have to fill a quota. Prison is an industry and there is money to be made. Who cares if you're innocent? We only care if you're rich! Welcome to capitalism!

>didn't commit
they all say that

I feel you, but
Innocent men go to jail every day in America.

that would be attempted murder almost certainly and no, your bail would be in the millions - if you even got it (and if you were that guilty, you wouldn't)

they just want cash, you're right about that.

>your bail would be in the millions
OJ simpson killed his wife and her jew, went on a log drive down the freeway and was out by the weekend

If you were really reasonable, the cops would have understood the situation, if you are white. if you are not white or weren't reasonable, then think about what you've done.

yeah fair point.

can't argue with that.
meanwhile, the victim herself corroborates my story 100%...
i still have to go spend months in county.

tell people my charges, oh you like to attack women huh, is that because you're afraid to fight men bitch..Etc. Etc.

I was in a real tight spot the first couple days i tell you. I managed to stand my ground not get hurt at all and convince everyone I was telling the truth

MEANWHILE he's out having sex smoking cigs and plotting his corruption of the very system itself.

You're wrong. Because I was reasonable, I told the truth in a somewhat heated manner.

I'm grey eyes white, as the driven snow.

you can't trust the cops not to be petty - especially when it's profitable to the system.

stop being so quick to throw people in front of fucking troikas

Have you tried being rich?

Grey eyes white? Faggot, if your eyes aren't on some scale of blue-green then you're a shit white.

try killing yourself op