God here

God here.
>Ask me anything.

Oda peaksa igpa atinla?

are traps gay?


if you speak you speak.
so what.
>God's demon

Esya odga, reaa rapsta ayga?
Lsoaa, heckedda, icena ubsda

boypussy or girlpussy?

Traps are surgically changed or drugs changed men
they're gay
but getting trapped doesn't make you gay
enjoying it does
girl pussy
super no homo

Why didn't you give this girl any legs?


Why, the fuck did you come here, to 4cahn?

I was never really not here.

Этo пpaвдa?

Why did you give me a 6.5 inch dick and not a 10 inch monster I can "accidentally" whip out whilst drunk at parties and show off to girls whilst cucking the men.

mathematically it makes sense that a god exists but it makes more sense that many gods exist do you agree?

This was written in English, translated to Latin, then to polish, then to Russian.
Figure out the original english.

A great package still needs a salesman

If god exists, he doesn't exist.
Existing, is existing within our reality, which no diety does, even if when you die you go to heaven or whatever, that is not within our reality, so it doesn't exist.

Hy, мoй квecт дoлжeн быть caмым бoльшим, я вoзглaвляю acтpoнoмичecкиe чиcлa. Ecли я бyдy изoбpeтaть пoзицию Бoгa чepeз миллиapд лeт и cтaть им, я бyдy. To ecть, ecли я нe был или yжe нe Бoг.
You can design your own penis for the next life.
Just don't get carried away and make it unusable.
Reincarnation is scientific fact.
There are approximately 9 other guys that could be considered in my class of power.
But I am far in the lead.
Yeah all women want sex
but the contract has to be perfect

God, why do traps exist?

The question to ask is why so many heterosexuals are triggered by homos
even though lesbians are common fap material.

You just keep taking shit out of my life, just wait till I get the fuck up there. I’ll show you my grand MOTHER FUCKING PLAN YOU FUCKING NIGGER

bring it peasant
I'll tear you a new whole and make your life worse than you can imagine
then worse yet.

Hows the popcorn?

Putain qu'est-ce que tu viens de dire de moi, petite salope? Je vous ferai savoir que j'ai obtenu mon diplôme dans les Navy Seals, et j'ai participé à de nombreux raids secrets sur Al-Quaeda, et j'ai plus de 300 morts confirmés.
Je suis formé à la guerre des gorilles et je suis le meilleur tireur d'élite des forces armées américaines. Tu n'es rien pour moi mais juste une autre cible. Je vais vous essuyer avec la précision dont on n'a jamais vu auparavant sur cette Terre, marquer mes putains de mots.
Vous pensez que vous pouvez vous en sortir en me disant cette merde sur Internet? Détrompez-vous, baiseur. Au moment où nous parlons, je contacte mon réseau secret d'espions à travers les États-Unis et votre adresse IP est en train d'être tracée en ce moment afin que vous puissiez mieux vous préparer à la tempête, l'asticot. La tempête qui efface la petite chose pathétique que vous appelez votre vie. Tu es foutue, gamin. Je peux être n'importe où, n'importe quand, et je peux te tuer de plus de sept cents façons, et c'est juste avec mes mains nues.
Non seulement je suis intensivement entraîné dans le combat à mains nues, mais j'ai accès à tout l'arsenal du Corps des Marines des États-Unis et je vais l'utiliser dans toute son étendue pour essuyer votre cul misérable sur le continent, petite merde. Tu es foutue, gamin.

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Fuck you

A fag

waiting on the finale
where Trump gets the embarrassing boot from the white house. Short of a full double term.
learn to french
idk beep boop
>Nice dubs
again idk boop beep
I'll double the pain
triple the abuse
ruin your mind
destroy your mental health
make you hate yourself in ways you haven't yet imagined
there is no up in my anger
you are treading dangerous waters
The Whitefella of Australia tried to strongarm me into the guilt of brainwashing rape babies
I was so angry I punched a hole in the ozone layer
we don't have pollution
we have the hatred of a god here
what does it say?

Lrn2 Google translate beepboop god

I did
the grammar is off

Hi god, big fan. Love your work, I'm awesome.
Question: Why'd you fuck everything up so god damn much? Seriously, shit is fucking whack. Trump is fucking president. An imp in some communist shithole has nukes and my intel processor just fucking slowed down. I mean are you on the fucking shitter? Stop fucking around and fix this fucking shit you dumb fucking cunt.

Your #1 son.

I once loved a girl so much
>I drew a love heart on Pluto
But I'm gunning for you

Forgive me father for I have sinned, I are become a sissy faggot.

It creeps me out how good of an answer that was.

If you are God, then who am I?

>implying God exists
>implying you exist
>implying you all are more than programs.

not a sin
"In a multitude of words, sin cannot be avoided"
Sins are merely motivation
I will get him
don't care
look how exquisitely this program is designed

I like trains

Is gravel sentient?

I like motorbikes

Gravel is god, god is gravel.
As long as it's under 20 mesh, above that is a sin

everything is sentient down to the smallest quark
here's the mindblower:
>Everything is unique

piece of shit

If you're god then tell me the other post, or posts, I posted in this thread.

If I had the time to punish everyone that insults me
I'd never get anything positive done
My powers are merely a result of my positive works
but if you cross my path in dreamland and I'm not busy
I will destroy any normie who rages on me or any girl down there.

Ah so you can't. K.
>I'm tempting the lord.

I can but I don't have time
the people here have so many questions
I'll keep posting this thread once a month.
The truth is this thread is just too busy to bother
>just go hug the virtual pole covered in a decade of semen from Sup Forumstards for over a decade

Will I get trips or quads or atleast dubs?

asking is the right path danielson

bacon kafta

are we still the dominant nation for eternity?

The country I live in dominates
And the country I leave suffers under the crap people that try to play in my tail wind
Because every part of me and every extension of me dominates

but atleast chinks and muslims are long extinct by then right?

Wtf are you doing on my website

I am asian
and half Syrian
>I used to be a hero of Islam: "Hayreddin 'Redbeard' Barbarossa"
>It will always be a part of me
doing an AMA

Should I make my own cryptocurrency or crypto token?

Will i do it?

there's plenty out there
just start a mine
money's money
and risk is risk
There's plenty of successful cryptocurrencies available with massive profit margins for all involved
I'm not going to grant you a successful cryptocurrency without a full reprogramming of how your brain works
I did it already for someone that made bitcoin
and he is now richer than Bill Gates
It's dangerous to give that much power away under my influence
I don't really care who's rich
I do care if it's a direct result of my actions
I would have to program your entire life
if you really want
next life
open your soul to me and I will make you rich and responsible.
hit that pussy
figure out what she wants
and give it to her.
or fail
and fuck a prostitute

What do you fear?

Nuclear Winter
It almost happened when I was 1.5 yo
I would start again on another planet
and those that wasted my time will be trimmed down to the point I waste their time to the same degree
across the board
Really life is eternal
and I have no fear

expect the 40's to be as rough as this decade

Will we ever retake the holy lands?

Why do you look like W. G. Grace?

If you're drunk enough a brothel can be holy
I look like this

What´s the airspeed velocity of an unladeen swallow?

What? European or African?