Wtf are shrimp exactly? Bugs?

Wtf are shrimp exactly? Bugs?

They look creepy af... Like ocean spiders.

And how the fuck can people stomach eating those shots? It's like eating a cockroach with all those legs and creepy eyes

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Lobster used to be called sea cockroaches and were fed to inmates as punishment

I feel the same

>ocean spiders
Thats what I am going to call them from now on

Crustaceans like crabs, lobsters, yabbies etc

Reading David Foster Wallace is an early sign of homosexuality

They're Crustaceae which belong to the Arthropoda

cockroaches of the sea

They are insects of the sea

Never heard this, but did hear they used to be considered fit only for the lower classes and were often served to servants.
And lets be honest, if it werent for butter, an extravagence back then, lobster is shit tier food, especially if not cooked by the book.


Its a social thing. I never have seafood, especially shrimp, crawdads, oysters, clams... unless its a bake or boil, and then theres always booze. And usually some good smoke.

Micheal Cusak is that u?

You should know there are actual sea spiders

Furthermore, Shrimp have 10 legs, a.k.a. Decapod, whereas spiders and other arachnids have only 8 legs.

Honestly, they're closely related enough that they may as well be considered insects for practical purposes.

If it makes you feel better, some 90% of the world features insects as a minor or major part of their diet, and there's some pretty good nutrition on certain bugs. edibility may vary, though I'm assured honey roasted crickets are delicious. Never gonna find out for myself though.


Big surprise, Sup Forums says chicken tendies > shrimp cocktail.

Shrimp have a vein, Insects don't have blood

Isn't the "vein" that people talk about just the un-pooped shit?

i still call them sea roaches


They're basically sea-borne insects. Crustaceans are extremely similar to land-borne insects in practice.

Well, they do have blood. It just isn't for transport of oxygen. I'll look it up actually I'm interested now.

Shrimp are shell fish