How many guys can a girl fuck in a yearly/monthly before it becomes slutty?

How many guys can a girl fuck in a yearly/monthly before it becomes slutty?

I'd say 12/year. A different guy every month is slutty.

the second she fucks someone that's not me,

depends is she fucking these guys while still 'attached'.

5 guys while being single (doesn't matter how many times she fucks them)
1 + 1 while being attached/in a relationship

More than 2 a year is a slut if she relationships.
Otherwise 3 annual at max.

out of wedlock = whore

I sleep with 1 to 2 guys a year on average when I'm not in a relationship, haven't fucked anybody in a year, but Sup Forums would probably call me a slut. So at the end of the day,4 chan logic dictates if you are a girl and you have ever had sex you are a slut by default.

1 cock per year

Id give her one or two and it would have to be with boyfriends. One night stands automatically make the girl a slut.

calm down mr1840s

What a waste of trips. Did you even read any responses?
No, you just want to assume "men will think im a slut anyways, so fuck what they think and i should just act out and not care about any semblence of modesty or morality"
Stupid fucking victim mentality. And that is why you deserve the slut label, not how many dicks you choose to fuck.

24. That's 2 a month. Less than that is acceptable with a proviso: it depends on what kind of guys she fucks.

Yeah down with those whores
As the bible says, stone m to death
serves m right!

One. Me.
Everything else means she's a slut.

As if any girl would use opinions from Sup Forums as a benchmark. Please.

I don't have to read this thread when I'm on here almost everyday and read what you think I assumed every time being said about girls who have fucked about the same amount of people I fuck in a year. I don't have to read the thread. 90% of you think that way. It's in every other thread.

What is it? Multiple of 5?
Guy sleeps with 4, he says 20.
Girl sleeps with 20, she says 4.


I go by age, not year...
Late teens/early twenties: I'd hope for something around 5
Mid to late twenties: anything over 20 is a bit of a turnoff, and I'd probably be a bit wary.
30's: depending on the girl, I wouldn't mind if her # matched her age.

That said, the only way I'd write a girl off is if her # is something absurd that suggests severe character flaws and/or mental illness.

hey nobody forces you to be a slut
no need to lash out at the people around you just because you feel guilty

>I dont have to read this thread
Yet Im on here and responding

And then honestly it starts to make less sense.
You're not just a slut, you're a stupid fucking bitch.

None, or any at all.

All girls are sluts.

Nice counterpoint.
Have anything in your repitoire besides blatant denial?

Confirmed retarded.
>I browse the same 3 thread types and assume those 20 other people who also get off on gay fur porn are the entirety of Sup Forums

i would say more than 4 per year. 4 is already a lot. I mean its every 3 months someone new and normally you fuck with someone atleast for a weeks.

1 every 3 years and not more than 3 in total.
Basically a girl that has boyfriends for more or less 3 years, this means that she's taking them seriously and is not giving ass just about to anyone who asks.


You're a funny guy 1920's man

also, I don't mind dating a slut if she's serious about it, but I will marry only a virgin. If I'll ever get to marry that is, because I find this shit completely pointless and obsolete these days. Maybe to raise children, but I don't care about little screaming fucks.

ITT; Realists vs butthurt roastie skanks and the white knights who love them.

Maybe if you didnt give up the ass so much, since you can't be bothered with birth control, you wouldnt be such a brain damaged, butthurt bitch.

You vape, don't you?


The total, overall number doesn't matter much to me. By their 30's, its not unusual to meet chicks who have 20-30 in the rear view mirror. I don't care. They get the same expectations I've laid for myself. 3x10 is 30

More importantly, its how they treat whomever they're "with". I don't like cheaters, and if you have a casual dating situation, she should be able to say "Sorry, I'm going out tonight. I met a guy. Want to do something on the weekend?" I can handle that. But if its casual, and she pretends theres nobody else, but you know damn well otherwise, thats still basically cheating. I lose respect. Honesty is important, and being able to act like an adult is equally important. I will respect you more. I expect the same.

Easy. This was solved years ago by sitcoms and afterschool specials.
>If she hooks up like a guy, thinking with her clit: slut.
>If she holds out for who she loves, not slut.
>If she saves it for marriage, wholesome.
>If she's divorced, hot to trot.
>If she never puts out, lesbian.