Nobody will ever want to touch me nobody will ever want to see me nobody will ever want to feel me nobody will ever...

nobody will ever want to touch me nobody will ever want to see me nobody will ever want to feel me nobody will ever want to embrace me nobody will ever want to hold me nobody will ever want to laugh with me nobody wil ever want to enjoy life with me nobody will ever want to be with me because im human garbage

me too thanks

No that's not true

Kys then. Stop looking for attention, stop b8ing. Kys and go back to the fucking hole you came out of.


not true, i actually like the scars of self harm on a girl. on a guy it takes some getting used to but i am more for it than against.

after the 4th vertical line you're suppose to strike them out with a diagonal 5th line

just dont make it gore and you're fine.

please go and desinfect them pls, infections arent that pretty

Op chill out and come hang out with us in my Kik group

i want to come too

tits or gtfo

she showed cuts, thats hot as

The more the merrier

End it now it only gets worse.

I would totally date a girl that cuts/used to cut herself... Okay, "used to" is not really a big deal and scars aren't either... If she still cuts that can be kind of cool, maybe she'll be okay with letting me cut her a few times... maybe she'll want to be smacked around and roughed up, that could get pretty fun

Shhhhhh stop lol

i know
i dont know why im running

I've only ever dated a girl that cut herself once and I didn't know she cut herself until I broke up with her and she went into the bathroom and cut herself and came out and showed me and I was like woah chill I'll give u another chance, she was also crazy af and halfway suicidal

hey, wanna talk about it? I'm here.

You wont. Cutters never do, they just grow old and ugly, usually in a crack den.

Or you could not be a predictable little faggot and rage against the machine.

ehhh how about you go to a hospital yeh? you have to get those sewn shut

jesus that's deep... seriously that's not a good idea, those legs are far too nice to cut all up like that


i can go deeper
i hate the memories of these ones though

satan dates crazy bitches

Im pretty sure that's not even op just some loser posting pictures from the internet of girls that cut themselves

Ya should put on some scarring cream. May take years and never be entirely invisible but good enough. There be a fitting shoe for each foot so keep your head high and confidence higher. Easier said than done.. Am aware. Been there done that. There is also no shame in asking for aid if you are no longet master of your situation.

how does one kill them self and then walk back to the hole?

Thinking of you OP. Not sure if there's much I can say that'll come across as anything other than a platitude though. Just know that someone is concerned for you and hopes you get better. Rooting for you.

its me
theyre old cuts though
heres my scars of all of them

p sure I saw that pic before this is prob fake but hey if it's not op you ain't alone come kik me @ plokijuhv, you need to stop hurting youraelf

shit bitch you look like a zebra

i would do all that stuff with you, i just need you to cut a slice deep enough for me to stick my dick in


You always find people more fucked up that you

and nobody will teach you how to use Punctuations aswell.

show the dick already


will you be my maid/fleshlight/cumdumpster pls?

Go somewhere else for attention, good idea scaring yourself so that on the off change that you get out of whatever you seem to be in, you'll be reminded by it everyday.


youre lying to yourself. i would want to do all of those things to and with you

I love you user. It doesn't matter what you've done or who you are. You still hold a place in my mind now and I wish you the best of recovery and growth.