Is his career over?

is his career over?

not if you faggots keep making a thread about him every five minutes

Actually idk, who is he? ^^

Fuck off, 9gag


Why the fuck are u asking Sup Forums about a youtuber you fucking newfag fuck off nigger

because logan paul is the epitome of a strong white western male. a true leader. a true american.



He had a career?



10 million a year off youtube isnt a career?

what did he do?

I wish I was you

>10 million a year off youtube isnt a career?

Try 600,000 a year

he filmed an hero's dead body in the japan suicide forest and libtards are freaking out. thats the BOI

Pretty sure most people are pissed off about it, its kinda a mix of the whole they commit suicide there as to not make it a public thing seeing as its dishonourable to do so, and that most his audience is kids and tweens, so everyone's uppity about it, and hell, if it manages to get him to stay under the radar for a while I'll go with whatever.

A Guy who fucks dead people for views

he should log off the internet

>Sup Forums

get out

Nope, He wont upload for a while, then start again as if nothing happened.

His subscribers will back him up no matter what, and a new wave will subscribe because they have no idea what happened anyway.

No, his career isn't over. His career revolves around 10 year olds thinking he's cool. 10 year olds don't care about dead bodies. The only way his career is over is if enough adults complain to to the right company's and cause JewTube to lose precious advertiser's jew golds.

That's still pretty wealthy lol but I get what you mean.

Why? All he did was introduce Ann Hiro to the internet. Seems ok to me.

Still not 100% on this but if I flew to Japan to make a YouTube video of dead people, and it got taken down without even making me money back, I'd be pissed.


your right his subscriber count hasnt even flinched

What, why wasn't his account removed for that?

Fuckin millbee got deleted completely over a couple frames of anime tiddie, and this asshat gets off from laughing at a dead guy?