What are your thoughts on corporal punishment Sup Forums ? Does it do more harm than good?

What are your thoughts on corporal punishment Sup Forums ? Does it do more harm than good?

My wife and I are constantly debating about this. Our daughter is four, and my wife (who was raised a bit differently down South) believes spanking to be the best way to discipline her.

I disagree. I believe timeout is way more effective, but she thinks it's bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.ro/search?q=cine nu foloseste varguta nu-si iubeste copilul&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gws_rd=cr&ei=0t1MV_qeNInyaPfTl9AM#q=slaped kids are less intellgient


What a faggot.

If your kid does something bad, gets poor marks in school, etc you hit them a few times.

I was hit and beaten and didn't turn into a massive pussy. I stopped being a little bastard real fast after I figured out it hurt. It also made me both fear and respect my father. He always said he'd get one out of me

>Belted growing up
>Have never committed a crime, gainfully employed, God fearing Christian.+
Do you want your kid to turn into a welfare chimp or an upright citizen, user? Spare the rod, spoil the child.

kick her ass and give her a time out to go with it.
tell her one day her sins will leak out of her cooter hole if she's bad.
it's what jesus would want.

If you don't hit your kid now, someone else will later when they act like a brat, since you never gave them a good reason not to. And they're not going to be nice and worry about not injuring her, either.

Timeout ain't gonna do shit. Spank your daughter. Only do it eith an open hand on her bare bottom.

Hit them and shove discipline down their throats as soon as you can.

Girls will whore at some point no matter what, but you gotta beat some sense into boys. If at 18 he's still a faggot, send him to the army.

NOT an argument.

Look, to be fair you guys are shitposting on Sup Forums. Well adjusted adults don't shitpost on japanese image boards so I mean just look at how your lives turned out and ask yourself if you would want a child to end up the same.

Better to not have to use it, but physical contact has very real meaning.

Never had to hit or hurt a kid, but I've most assuredly laid my hands on one when he was testing authority. I got hit a few times, but only a few times, and I think it was pretty well justified.

She's right and you're a faggot.

why not both? corporal punishment for very bad things (lying, stealing), pussy-punishments (time outs) for little things

Bad for children, good for girlfriends and wives.

>Spank your daughter. Only do it eith an open hand on her bare bottom.
nice try pedo scum

I think a mix of both is appropriate.
The older a child gets the less spanking should be used. And talking is always the preferred option, that and time out.
The two exceptions are if the child is doing something dangerous or violent.
You want your kids to associate things like fire and knife with pain when they are too young to understand consequences and talk things out but curious enough to grab.
Also small children are shockingly violent. Biting, scratching, kicking, slapping, you name it.
You want a small child to associate those acts with pain. This is part of building empathy.
At 4 you are borderline ready to phase this stuff out, and by 5-6 time out would be a preferred option.
Timeout is very hard to apply, you need to keep an eye out for your kid and use time out very quickly and consistently for the infractions you define as punishable.
If you aren't fast, fair and consistent timeout does as much harm as good.
Anyways, your wife is right, to a point. Past that point you are right.

Hitting literally does no good

>Kids these day are such pussies! They should be hit!
>80% of kids in this current gen were hit

It does a lot of good when applied appropriately.

I'm the only grandson my grandfather ever hit, and he only hit me once. You'd better believe I instantly shaped up just from the shock that he would ever do that, and we love each other to this day.

Spanking is a decent supplement for parenting. Obviously it's beat to use positive reinforcement, but there are some instances where you just need to lay down the law. I spank my son every once in a while, and I explain why he was punished afterward logically and in a way he can understand. I haven't had to spank him in quite some time, since he understands "no" and I explain why, anyway. He's only boldly disobeyed me a couple times and tried to defy me, and that's when I played the Trump card and spanked him.

I can understand that some idiots overuse it and it can be a greater detriment for the child in those instances, but the opposite end of the shitty parenting spectrum is raising a spoiled brat that doesn't listen. You have to be right in the middle with it.

Only people with no control for their emotions spank their children. It provides no benefit other than releasing your anger and frustrations out on your child.

i only got spanked a few times, but my parents stopped early because they would always have flashbacks of being savagely beaten by their drunken polish fathers. my dad grew up reading philosophy, so instead he taught me the value of discipline, hard work, and conducting yourself as a man. my mother taught me to control my violent behaviour by hugging me, and then making me do chores/hitting a punching bag to get over it. worked pretty damn well. hitting your kids is the easy way out

I think something is very wrong when state basicaly holds man in it's fist and then crushes him. It's plain brutality.

*but you better believe i remember the few times i was spanked. like says, it's a trump card if anything

But I wasn't spanked.
No, it's good for both.
Then how should it be done?
And little girls are hot, nothing wrong with her daddy enjoying her.

>And little girls are hot, nothing wrong with her daddy enjoying her.
This is bait.

In my opinion, keep a cool head and use personal judgement. Everbody is different. The times I got most pissed off at my parents' discipline was when when they acted out of anger, or unfairly.

But if there's a force escalation situation and calmer methods are met with obstinance, then any necessary force escalation should be rapid, overwhelming, and effective. Whether that means hitting or not depends on the situation. Whether you believe humans to be animals or not, they react as such when caught by surprise.

No, it's truth.
>keep a cool head an
This is an important part. Dispensing justice can not be emotional. It must be dutiful, done because it needs to be done.

Your wife is right and your a fucking cuck.

Just give her your pants, and ask if you can have some money to build a cuckshed in the back yard so she can have a real man raise her son.

Funnily enough that line was from a poem satirizing beating kids.


That being said, justice cannot be dispensed without emotion. Animals have many ways of signaling to each other when their hackles are getting raised or whatever else. Rules, logic, virtue, should be taught, and I personally think leading by example works really well, but connection requires empathy.

>What are your thoughts on corporal punishment Sup Forums ?
Just cut off part of his dick if he's bad. Or the whole thing and say he wanted to be trans. Whatever.

Hitting kids can very easily do the opposite of instilling empathy.

Good post

Indeed. It indicates the very real analogy between waging psychological warfare on a country, foreign or domestic, and the psychological nature of its people.

I am not opposed, but I rarely use it. My daughter? Never, my voice is enough to terrify her into submission.

My son? A couple of times, but once he got big enough it ended,

Spare the rod

Spoil the child

>And little girls are hot, nothing wrong with her daddy enjoying her.

What the fuck

>God fearing Christian.+
So you mean they knocked a few dozen IQ points out of you

well look let's say you grew up with a penis and thought girls had cooties

how else can you observe what little girls are like

This is one of the topics where you should definitely listen to Stefan Molyneux. He presents fact-based reasoning in an easily digestible manner that should convince any reasonable individual that spanking your children is a bad idea with respect to almost every relevant metric.


Spanking children makes them more likely to be sexual deviants, causes a higher rate of behavioral problems, and teaches them that violence is an acceptable response to noncompliance.

It's degenerate and your wife is an idiot.

From old testament - from a holy person, filled with Holy Spirit - out of his mouth:

Proverbs of Solomon 23:13-14
Do not withhold instruction from a child,
For if you should strike him with a rod, he would not die;
For you shall strike him with a rod
And deliver his soul from death.

Prov 29:15
Blows and reproofs give wisdom,
But a child who goes astray shames his parents.

Wisdom of Sirach 30:9
Pamper a child, and he will frighten you;
Play with him, and he will grieve you.

If I had a child I would never, ever punish him corporal, I would just take his privileges away for a period of time, just to create a proper behavior - but using let's say an rod like the one exemplified in the bible is totally not the same with people today beating the shit out of their children, using such a plant rod is just like a whip that gives a burning feeling but leaves no mark and does no damage - it's more of an psychological pain, very intense that can help model the kid personality.

But If you want to live as a complete Christian then this is what should be available in your every single behavior and action.

Galatians 5:22-23

On the other hand, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law!

But again the whole new testament - does not condemn corporeal punishment - and church position is totally against it.

Idk why the right loves it so much, maybe because it's a strong authoritarian thing to do, but hitting your kids is for niggers.

I've read a scientific study once - which observed that kids who got spanked during their development were less intelligent, scored lower in intellectual tasks than the kids who never got corporeal punished.

Found it:
google.ro/search?q=cine nu foloseste varguta nu-si iubeste copilul&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gws_rd=cr&ei=0t1MV_qeNInyaPfTl9AM#q=slaped kids are less intellgient

There is no good reason you should need to hit a child.
If you are forced to resort it violence, it shows you have failed as an adult.

>and church position is totally against it.
My parents got whacked in pre-Vatican II schools a lot. We have fun discussing whether or not that was a good idea.

>scientific study once
It's just in-club approved evidence gathering with suggestions. It's not a rule book for exactly what to do under every circumstance.

>hitting your kids is for niggers
Ironically, the only time I called the cops was when a couple of niggers spilled out into the street and one was starting to hit another.

>My parents got whacked in pre-Vatican II schools a lot. We have fun discussing whether or not that was a good idea.

Dude, I know you might not know it - so I don't blame you, catholic church is heretic - there's only one church and that's orthodox church, I'm not interested in your church positions on this subject - because it was declared anathematized looong time ago when it decided to split and take it's own materialistic path.

>80% of kids in this current gen were hit

gonna need some proof on that mr.

my understanding is that most of the genderfluid carebear bullied cucks nowadays were never hit and essentially ran their households except for when their parents couldnt take it anymore and ended up resorting to extreme measures like smashing their kids iphone with a hammer to "teach them a lesson"

Not something I want to get off into a different topic about at the moment. May God bless you.


What a pussyboi. I bet your wife fucks your ass with a black strapon as well you fairy.

>>I've read a scientific study once - which observed that kids who got spanked during their development were less intelligent, scored lower in intellectual tasks than the kids who never got corporeal punished.

isnt that what they call correlation not causation?

did they observe that the types of parents who tend to beat their children are usually low income, low education, more likely to be drug users and/or homosexual?

>If they weren't raised like I were, then they're terrible fucking cucks 100% of the time. I know this because I was hit and I am the perfect example of a PERFECT child. Coincidence? I think not.

Even if your last statement is true, it doesn't disprove the point.

the "statistics" he states are, similar to the rest of his video, completely unsubstantiated and pulled out of his ass.

>pic related
>no source no proof besides independent blogs
>people will watch this and think that this is true

If you want your children to rebel and not respect you, spanking is the way to go. They will not love you, they will fear you.


instantly disregarded, we're talking about complete homes.

My mom only had to slap me once to get me to listen to her.

It's more about the embarrassment than the pain. Talk to her about the consequences of her actions and rewards her for doing good things like doing well in school or doing chores.


I remember one time this fuckup kid from a fuckup family bragged about having taken his cordless phone out on the porch and smashed it.

I'm not quite sure what exactly was going on with that family, but that wasn't the only thing he bragged about or did, and my family wasn't sure what to make of it either. He's alone with a drinking problem now last I heard. Sad, but probably better off not having married in.

It's a good idea for your wife but not your kids.

It shouldn't be your first option, but it should be there when other options aren't working.

Spanking make blacks more violent in later life. Whites become pussies. Almost no effect on Asians tho

no i was never hit because i have good parents who didnt need to hit me.

unfortunately alot of the people i grew up with had terrible parents who didnt know what the fuck they were doing.

of those people the ones who tended to get hit were on average more tolerable and productive members to society than the ones who were raised by pussy cucks

you say this any yet fear is often an essential component of respect. how else will they respect you if they learn that they can do whatever the fuck they want around you and the worst you are going to do is give them the "stern voice" and give them a timeout?

Spotted the person that didn't read the study but has opinions..

because studies like that have been done multiple times and people seem to think that spanking your children lowers their intelligence the same way not breastfeeding your children lowers their intelligence.

it simply isnt so; its just that coincidentally most of the people who beat their children tend to be minorities who score lower on IQ tests which are unfairly geared towards white people which accounts for lower intelligence, meanwhile children whose parents breastfeed overwhelmingly tend to be educated and/or higher income.

dont be such a faggot

Basically, don't hit your children, there is no need too. Tell your wife her's a sociopath.

It's literally a study from 2009 that didn't get so mainstream - you're just trying hard.

If people know spanking your children is wrong - that's just common sense not the result of the particular study I've shared.

I see it took you two posts to end up with food analogy - is this an American thing or what?

The mint-pincher [75603299]

>It's literally a study from 2009 that didn't get so mainstream - you're just trying hard.

which is pointless because there have been numerous studies like this done multiple times. why exactly is it relevant that this study didnt go mainstream?

>people know spanking your children is wrong
there is nothing to "know" because there is no "know" involved in this statement it is simply "believe" as in people "believe" that x is wrong but objectively there is no moral authority claiming that spanking is wrong or immoral and if there was what gives them that authority? I'm fairly certain that even the Bible condones corporal punishment in the interest of that persons future

>I see it took you two posts to end up with food analogy - is this an American thing or what?
lmfao great troll i didnt even realize it till now

If you want your daughter to be:

Submissive to authority
A quivering sack of daddy issues
Fuck niggers

Then it's great.

nignog rapist detected

Ad hominem, that probably isn't actually true at all.
Here's your (You)

>what do you think they'll do if we keep calling them niggers?

Spanking is a good thing. Dont beat your child and always let them know why you did it after the fact. Children need to know there are repurcussions for their misbehavior. They are not little adults. They do not understand socio-behavioral reasoning. But they do understand "if i act out, ill get spanked." Or "if i do not follow rules, ill get spanked" in this measure the child habitually learns the standards which have been set for them. Softer, more chore based punishments can be added to this later; in the 12yr to teenage years as a reinforcement. As a parent it is not your job to be your childs friend. It is your job to raise them right. Look at all of the edgelords you see in society. This may not be the case 100 percent of the time, however it is my belief that sparing the rod will result in overly entitled, needlessly sensitive losers, who lack respect for authority and their parents. Because they never grew up with a hard standard the child will do what it wants, after all, if they are caught, the extent of their punishment might be staring at a corner or something equally as soft.

Agreed brazilian user

good point

both methods have merit, but a swat on the ass is meant to be about hurting pride, about teaching them they're not invincible and that they can't do whatever they want.

as far as time outs go, they don't really do much but fester resentment. My honest advice is a mix of education, in other words no "because i said so's" you must be honest with your kids you must explain to them your decision making process, you must give them the opportunity to have a voice and change your mind, but do not be flexible on your core family principles. Support pillars don't bend.

but with all of that said, don't let women handle physical discipline ever. My mom used to "discipline me" every time she got emotional about anything, whether it was hair pulling or hand slapping, or throwing me down some stairs.

Women are not rational creatures. They will not be responsible.

For your daughter the best you can do is be a role model for her so she knows what kind of guy to look for as an adult, and if she doesn't respect you by the time she gets to the rebellious stage she'll do everything she can to make you eat a gun and make it end.

a bit of it is necessary. nothing too serious though

One day you'll realize that it's better to spank your children once so they know you mean business rather than having to toe the line for the rest of your life as she debates whether or not your authority as a parent carries any real repercussions.

Timeouts will work at a young age, but sooner or later she's going to be old enough for a solid belt. And that's when you're going to regret every day you didn't lay down the law in the past.

This is what cucks actually believe. Striking your daughter with love is not going to give her daddy issues.

What? Can you articulate a problem you have with what was said?
No, it's girls who aren't properly disciplined who fuck niggers.
Girls whp are disciplined properly are obedient and good.

You sound like a cop. Solid advice though

Cops have a dirty job.

But parents should have a much nicer job, and we should love our children, whether they're our children or other peoples' children. We should love all children. No parent wants to get a phone call from a cop.

>striking a child with love
What is this doublethink?

You give your child timeout when they are misbehaving in a way they are just showing a lack of self control. You spank your child when they do outrageous stuff that they have clearly been raised to know better than.

Swearing at a teacher= Spank

Getting bad grades= Timeout, some of punishment that deprives them of privileges.

Your wife is right, don't treat you child like a rational adult, you're hoping to raise a rational adult. They need to be able to gauge the gravity of their actions, and most importantly, be a good role model.

"Spare the rod, ruin the child"

>Swearing at a teacher
Why spank? What is so wrong with your child and school system that it came down to swearing and you have to step in? What's wrong with your school system user?

>Getting bad grades= Timeout
yeah, nice, I bet they'll do much better next time around.

First off those were just simple arbitary examples.

Second off, it's up to you to decide how you want to raise you child. If you want a din du nuffin ape, make the punishment the same every time so everything gets equated to the outcome.

Thirdly, never have children you limpwristed fag.

Are your children simple arbitrary examples?

Do you want me to start citing some good books about brainwashing or something?

Just curious as to what makes you think I'm projecting anything.

Yeah go for it.

Is she old enough to reason?
If so then don't make fear a driving motivator or she's gonna spend her whole life doing shit behind your backs and keeping more hidden from you. Such is the life of a child, and eventually a teenager, sure, but the best thing a kid should be reassured in is their parents trust.
Trust that they raised a kid smart enough to understand.

give this to your wife on her birthday. She is clearly the man of the house.

And how did they measure "anti-social ness"? 3/10 graph

You're right, I'd rather my kids be on reddit or Tumblr or some other mainstream social media.

Faggot everybody is constantly on the Internet, why not Sup Forums?

Hey OP.

You ever notice how most leftists' arguments about spanking boil down to "Don't spank your kids, they'll grow up to be X!"

You ever notice how X isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just the opposite of the average leftist?

Do you not get that both sides of the argument are being posed?

I guess spanking kids makes them smarter, fucking sheesh.

Well, I didn't know when I was in elementary school to write down names and numbers of when they started teaching us about Ivan Pavlov. The did have a nice little picture of a dog and its bell.

But, among other things, you might enjoy, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyte, which caused me to understand things like the gulag system which I had previously read about. Reading is an essential thing for children.

I own one of the last remaining physical copies.

Just added that to my list of things not to read by people who majored in soft science and need to make a living so they pander to ideologies with no tangible experience or real world observation outside of being studied.

Also, less spanking the more America goes to shit. I think that's a pretty valid bit to consider.

Your conception of where violence and pain fit in the human experience are woefully misguided.

Please add more. I was given the gift of literacy by my parents (READ TO YOUR CHILDREN FUCKHEADS) and it has been one of the greatest gifts of all.

Spank or not, read up for yourself.

First post is always the best post.