What was his end game

What was his end game

He didn't really exist.

crashing this hospital

He didnt have an endgame
Thats why he was such an absolute madman

Getting JD to ADMIT IT

some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn

It was to give Ted a sense of purpose in life

IMDB Trivia note: The Jantor never talks to anyone except Ted in season 1. He was originally going to be Ted's confidence and snark, but the writers hated Teds character so much they wrote the Janitor into a real character who interacted with better more confident and haired people

Past a certain point, he was just in it for the keks

This. He was an extremely vindictive person, and psychological warfare was the only thing that made his menial janitor job to be enjoyable. He just needed an excuse

Bitch tell me again howu ain no hobbit


nah still ugly and not funny and just plain sad

you took the words "age gracefully" and removed the graceful part

The Joker?

>The Jantor never talks to anyone except Ted in season 1

Didn't he confront JD about the penny in the very first episode?

This thread sponsored to you by my uni holidays where I'm marathoning Scrubs

S 8 is fucking weird. They made it grimdark, literally, the first 2 episodes are shot in night time for the first time ever and JD is unshaven and instead of being occasionally melancholic he is only melancholic

Im missing Kelso, lucky Turk can keep it upbeat and didnt become an emo fag like these other turds

REALLY hate Aziz but theres only 2 seasons to go so whatever.

that was the very first episode of ELR I ever watched
I spent the next 6 months severely disappointed

Yes, that guy got JD and Ted mixed up somehow.

To make Axl stop fooling around and get ready for college and Brick to start being a normal child

and to satisfy Sue's incestous cravings

Is Eden Sher that weird cute like Kristen Dunst

Cravings for Brick


she got that horse face but 9/10 body

Anna Kendrick then kek