Who voted for trump?

Who voted for trump?

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I did

the american's in the country did

I did and FUCK YOU

I did you Obama lovin' faggot - oh, did I mention FUCK YOU!


You are all scum in my eyes, you didnt vote for the true savior of mankind.


I did and I will again in 2020.


I did. I will also be voting for him again in 2020.

what happened again? don't watch news since i'm living under a bridge

Oh you mean that cuck that's about to get booted from office for being mentally incompetent?


I am not American, but I stayed up yntil about 4am on the night Trump got elected just to see what happened. We were shocked beyond belief. Had no idea he actually had a chance despite all the shit posting you guys did.

Went to bed a very surprised man.


Yup. You had to choose between a sociopath who would continue to steal my money and a loudmouth who would lower my taxes.

Wasn't even a contest.

>Pretending like you didn't get a bigger sociopath.

Trump locks himself in his room alone and eats burgers.

So what do you think? If Bernie had gotten in, would he have won?

Sure did. If Hilary runs again, I'll vote for the opposition again too. Fuckin cunt rags don't need more power, the fuck is wrong with people.

i wrote in this motherfucker

LOL so do most of the people on Sup Forums.

We really didn't though. Don't confuse with boisterousness with sociopathy.

Never heard of him.

Wow you have issues

>country is beyond broke
>lower taxes will fix it

>we can spend our way out of debt

Please learn basic economics.


>lower taxes mean I'll have more money
>money stimulates the economy
>we'll spend our way out of debt
dope rebuttal fam

It was your only duty as a voter to know about the man who will save the world and you failed.

Not me

These aren't the same thing you retard.

>Let's not tax the rich
Taking less money for the government will fix the debt!
>Let's spend a shitload of money to fix the debt!
Wait, what?

You don't have an argument. You're just a dumbass.

We need tax money to pay the debt. Arguing against Democrat's tendency to spend is not actively arguing that decreasing taxes helps the national debt, which it obviously doesn't since taxes are literally how the government gets money to do things.

If you don't feel stupid yet please become an fucking hero.

Where my fellow swole AF bernie bros at?

there might be another civil war, and guess what, even tho i voted for Hilary i will be on trumps side. You know why? because trump was democratically elected and i have faith that america's system of democracy and justice works and will always prevail. if he is truly constitutionally guilty of treason or anything he will be impeached.

>lower taxes mean I'll have more money
>money stimulates the economy

Literally how it works.

>we'll spend our way out of debt

People, not government. I realize you're slow but try to stay focused.

I voted Trump because the demon Hillary had to be stopped.

There is only one true savior

Well fukkin said fellow patriot

Ronald McDonald Trump?

When china brings the robot apocalypse down upon us you will understand as the cybergod rises to save us

The one true God

>We need tax money to pay the debt.

Then raise taxes and wonder why tax revenues fall.


Yes, you stimulate an economy when people have more disposable income and they spend it. Taxes are taken in from each transaction and government revenues increase. For a very long time, that's how the US sustained itself. Income taxes didn't even exist until around the first world war.

This is economics 101. It doesn't get any more basic and you're not getting it.

Praise jah I’m not the only one who thinks so

>the government runs on the money I spend at Wal-Mart
wow fam... I don't even...

Are people really this retarded?

Turns out the answer is "holy shit yes"

>Turns out I'm fucking retarded, what should I do now?
Are you going to kill yourself?
Well, you already fucked up. Get on that shit!

Anyway, if you're stupid enough to go "spending money don't fix da det. We gotsta sab' money, den we be kangs!"
What a sane person would realize was that a government raising money through collecting taxes is literally how paying debts works. Seriously, that's all there is to it. The government doesn't have a secret jew-gold vault somewhere (please tell me you don't believe it does) so the only way it pays its debts is by collecting taxes. That's not "spending money to pay debst hurr durr I'mma tard". It's taking money they raised and giving it to the people we owe money to which is the definition of paying debts.

>Reaganomics works
Jesus Christ dude. Not only to you fail at economics you fail at history... recent history.

For a bunch of hillbillies who can't read we can read ballots and vote counts pretty good

>Implying that is trumps visage
he kinda looked british when he was younger. this is like, each feature is drawn to look whenever it looked it's best. but that hair, man.


>mah nigga

I did. Middle/upper class 30's white male, single, no dependents. I make $122,000 a year plus company matches 6% into a 401k as well as typical benefits. I own a 3 bedroom 2 bath home around 1900 square feet in a suburb of Orlando.

I didn't vote for him to take away rights from anyone else. I voted for him so that Hillary doesn't take away MY rights to make minorities feel better.

I did... negro.

i was gonna vote for him, but i met this chick at the gym and i decided it'd be easier to fuck her in my apartment than in a voting booth. so, i missed it. fortunately, trump won anyway and by the end of this year there will be 80,000 less muslim refugees entering the united states than there were during obama's final year as president. and that's a good thing imo.

Highly doubt the validity of both popular and electoral vote. I can't see the race always being so tight and it always is.

This isn't trickle down economics at all, it's just the basics. Your chart is cute but it doesn't take into account the vastly different eras, political situations, and global economics. You can try to boil it all down to "the rich are getting richer!" but that doesn't prove a thing. Why on earth wouldn't rich people thrive during good economic times? It's possible for the 90% and the 10% to both do well.

Christ, you're not even seeing the irony here, are you? Income growth getting worse and worse as government debt balloons which is exactly how we started this conversation.

No, you're not getting it.

Reaganomics failed. It's a retarded philosophy invented by a moron.

Those in power are always going to spend less. That Ferrari made in a factory in Europe by a handful of guys paid for by money you took as a loss due to your accountant saving you every dime and claiming that you're a war widow with enough money to make it financially pointless for the USA to take you to court over that fact that you're clearly lying does not help the economy.

Literally some random jackass buying gum at a 7/11 in the hopes that it'll stave off his nicotine addiction another night is adding more to the economy than that guy.

It's not moving massive amounts of money that's never taxed. It's that guy who buys a pack of gum, fails, and then buys a pack of cigs that drives money in this country (which, again, the government actually has to collect to do stuff because your ass is too dumb to build a road and the economy doesn't work without someone going to their job to make money to build roads so your dumb ass doesn't have to)

Voted Trum, proud of it because I can vote for whom ever I wish without anyones fuckin approval. Also, cause fuck liberals.

Might have failed but it doesn't stop them from using the method.

i voted for truomp because highlarry is a lying whore

She would have protected weed.

would have been the most bad ass president of all time, imagine if kim jong un fucked with him " WHO'S THE SLIMY LITTLE COMMUNIST SHIT TWINKLE TOES COCK SUCKER WHO JUST SIGNED HIS OWN DEATH WARRANT"

I did and I'm definitely voting for him in 2020, CTR faggot.


If you'll look to the left you'll see one of the first people eaten after the economic disparity reached full swing.

Here's a simple example of why you're a dumbass:

>If I have $10 and Jim has $2 then I have 5x more money than Jim.
>Jim would pay to go to college with his 2 dollars but the price raised to 4
>The economy did have a surplus though so I, knowing the guy in charge, got him to allocate that to me (I have more money than Jim so, naturally, I should have more influence than him)
>I have 17 dollars and Jim has 1 (I spend more than him so it's important that I get more to afford my nice home)
>Jim is clearly lazy and unmotivated and it's not fair that I doubled my money and had to pay 3 dollars while he only paid 1.
>Next time around I have 16 dollars and Jim has 0
>This is fair because we paid the same amount. I try to sell Jim as slave labor but this doesn't quite work out. I spend 3 dollars and next time around the government won't get in the way of my slave trade.
>Jim now has -1 dollars and I own the bank. With any luck he'll stay in the negatives forever and keep making me money.
>If it looks like he won't I'll spend a couple more dollars to fix that.

Dude, from your own source...
>“The Laffer curve shows the relationship between tax rates and tax revenues. Supply-side economists use it to argue that it is possible to generate higher revenues by cutting tax rates, but evidence does not appear to support this. The lower tax rates by the Reagan administration decreased tax revenues significantly and contributed to the massive increase in federal debt during the 1980s.”
>The Laffer curve and supply-side economics inspired Reaganomics and the Kemp-Roth Tax Cut of 1981.
>During Reagan's presidency, the national debt grew from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion.
>This led to the U.S. moving from the world's largest international creditor to the world's largest debtor nation.
Maybe try reading it next time?


MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN 1 DAY AT A TIME!!!!!!! Move out snowflake if you don't like it

>i own the bank.

>a chart which sums things up with two bars per period
>muh economics.....
the problem is not the rich its free trade, lrn2micro before you spout macro stupidity.


True. Trump might be a wanabee fascist retard but we still have to deal with the fact that he's president.

The Republican party has proven that they are straight up evil, which is a hard thing to do in politics. Trying to gut every government agency to save money to give it to the rich is a terrible system.

When one group has all the money they can't trade it for actual value. And when that happens the system collapses.

This is why Trump did get into office. It wasn't so much the republican voting turnout so much as the lack of democratic voting turnout. Libs were to split on Hillary and Bernie. The media, left media included, spent too much time banging Bernie's drum and dragging out Hilary's email scandal dividing the democratic vote while Trump just walked in for the win. Then everyone acted surprised.


>hurr durr the rich
>t. I don't understand the data.

So wait...

You're arguing against the consolidation of money under singular individuals or you're arguing for their death?

Is your point merely that you think I'm Jewish and should die for that or did you have an actual argument?

You know, your hero did commit suicide while hiding from those who bested him.
>just a thought

>lrn to economics
your rant is barely comprehensible
accounting where you use income that has already been taxed to create a business in another country which has different tax laws and choosing to leave any holdings in that country rather than repatriate them and pay tax again is savvy business.


fuck u rich fag ur the reason i lost my healthcare

unfortunately for you i did read emanuel aez paper and understand the methodology behind his approach which is somewhat fales in that tax revenues are not an accurate picture of distribution of income as the rich earn most of their money in ways that tax aversion is not possible. IE if you own a small business and get paid cash you can put the cash in your pocket to avoid taxes. also if you earn less with a small business as an individual you can game the fuck out of the system to avoid paying taxes.

>i do not understand what sales taxes are

I blows me away that anyone could think that he was mentally competent to begin with. You would have to be functionally retarded to think this guy is smart.

Advocating for lower taxes is not Reganomics. That would be low taxes for the rich only. I'm advocating low taxes for all.

Doesn't matter which side wins, we still lose to stagnated politics.

Except the implementation was low taxes for the rich, not all. Maybe try reading next time?

I did. Only to get rid of the Mexicans. Somebody needs to nuke their entire country and get rid of those nasty slobs.

>this is the part where i completely ignore what you said as i have no response

>I do not understand what subsidies are
>I also think there is a federal sales tax

>I also think there is a federal sales tax

There literally was and with it and a few tariffs, the federal government was funded. That's the point you're missing.

>accounting where you use income that has already been taxed to create a business in another country which has different tax laws and choosing to leave any holdings in that country rather than repatriate them and pay tax again is savvy business.
>your rant is barely comprehensible

Are you stupid?

I think you're talking about simply using tax shelters in other countries to save money, which, I'll agree, is a great business move.

That being said, you just fucking mentioned that the goal was to take advantage of other tax laws. Obviously this would be bad for the government in which the original wealth was developed.

It's not criminal but the goal is still to dick over America. So which is it:
>Money or America?
Because your argument is definitely "I should move my money elsewhere if it's cheaper and bank on the idea that that economy won't collapse."

trump can only be /b's hero, hes fat, uneducated and yet has an opinion about everything and ordered his wife by mail from east europe

>I don't know that the recent tax changes are temporary for the lower brackets and permanent for the highest brackets

>b-b-b-but congress can extend them

I wouldn't want anyone from Sup Forums running the country either.

I did and I'm doing it again in 2020

What words did you just spew out of that cum filled mouth of yours? Do you know where I'm from? That's right, you little faggot pile of shit. I live in a time machine. I'll go back in time to fuck your worthless mother to turn you into one confused motherfucking bitch that can't help but feel fuckin' confused. You'll want to be a man, only, you'll have a little bitch pussy when I head back into the future 9 months. Guess what I'm gonna do when you're coming out of your mothers busted up stretchy ass bubblegum pussy? Shove my dick in there, and slip it in your little 9 month old pussy. The fuck are you gonna do about that bitch tits? Yeah, here's how this is gonna play out. I go ahead another 9 months to see your mother give birth to you, consecutively you're giving to our daughter. Oh that's right, maggot. I turned you into a little bitch, and our kid? I'm his daddy, whats better? You're my daughter. I'll turn you into a nigger, a chink, or a fucking spic if I want. I'll head back in time to the beginning of that dried up family tree and turn all you motherfuckers into niggers. Shit, I don't give a fuck. My time machine has a god damn size-device. You already know where the fuck I'm going with this. I'll head back in time again, size my self down, jump into my own dick, and fuck you in sperm form bitch, yeah, you'll give birth while getting birthed, and giving more births. Shit bitch, I'll make my dick bigger while staying small and ejaculate right into your sperms babys sperms while cumming in your full grown cunt. Ever have a kid while being born a couple times and having a kid a couple times at the same time? Neither have I. You don't know what the fuck I'm capable of. Fuck with me again you motherfucking maggot.

Here we have the combined intellect of Trump's base. Low life hillbilly welfare Alabama chesters. Congratulations on being the slowest evolved white niggers. Worthless.

Prove or GTFO, you fucking limp wristed bitch ass faggot looking like dicks out for Harambee nigger.

It can be though.

The idea that the rich should pay more in taxes is a pretty reasonable idea. Capitalism is based on the endless accumulation of wealth. That's pretty much it's guiding principal. The rich get to be that way by basically engineering every facet of their enterprise to maximize profits.

They can (and usually do) employ people to figure out how to save every cent they can. A normal person can't do this. As a result a flat tax will benefit the people who can pay someone to find every single exemption and write off. They'll pay less than those who can barely afford to pay anything.

So, when you start advocating for lowering taxes across the board the question becomes:
>Are you advocating for a flat rate lowering? (benefits the rich)
>Are you advocating for a tiered lowering across the board? (raises questions about the debt but isn't necessarily wrong)
>Are you advocating for a lowering of taxes on the common person (benefits are based on the percentage of Americans you decided to help)

yeap hillbillies, fuck off cunt

Where are you swole?

>saying fuck you to someone who asked a simple question
way to make a reputation for yourself bud, not toxic at all