China has arways been the center of human civirization. Western worrd may have storen that spot for a few hundred years...

China has arways been the center of human civirization. Western worrd may have storen that spot for a few hundred years, but now China is returning to its rightfur prace as worrd superpower, a position it has herd for thousands of years. China has been deveroping extremery fast and wirr soon be better than the USA in every aspect. It is even schedured to finish buirding its own space station by 2019. I for one wirr wercome the China of mirrenar history and curture that never started one singre war in its existence as worrd superpower instead of the USA which promotes bad varues and sponsors viorence such as terrorism and wars across the grobe.

chinese are subhumans

The average Aryan ubermensch is dumber than the average subhuman...

Why do Chinks tout their ancient culture when they spent the whole Cultural Revolution fucking destroying it?

asians are sneaky people
anyone who believes that the average iq of china is 105 is mentally retarded
but look at your flag you shitskin

because americans are fat blobs lol

Everyone does that according to the current age

>Back then we were superior to the Europeans!
>But today, look at how close to the Successful European we are!


So your excuse for them to score well in tests is the assumption "they're sneaky", implying they cheated? If that's so how come Asians in the USA have criminality rates far smaller than white Americans? Face it man, Asia has always been far more important than Europe in terms of history, culture, achievements and so on. Any book on general history will spend at least three times more pages talking about China and India than all of Europe combined.

this graph is bullshit
how can you calculate gdp of a pre-modern "state"

of course it is

>intercourse frequencies: Higher
the good times are still coming, having a manageable IQ like 1SD beneath whites is okay if I can enjoy water sports with a woman

asians are subhumans

>90% of the country is either rice farmers or factory slaves
>average iq is 105

>check flag




Eurasians are the master race

>be jap
>have iq of 105
>didn't even write your own constitution

I don't understand what that had to do with my comment

2 Nukes weren't enough

People show themselves to Europe in a better light historically but compare their proximity to them today

I find it hypocritical

Stay positive like your HIV

*show = compare

Constantly readjusting sentences and my word selection to make it right

Why are you insulting me if my argument actually works to your benefit


R-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-EE--E-E-E !!!

Leafs are awful """"people"""

People [compare] themselves to a better light to the [current frontrunners] historically, while reserving the right to compare themselves as [proximally] as possible today

It is hypocritical, how could you have interpreted this as an anti-white argument?

Apparently so

>Muritard judging other flags
What is irony

*in a better light

I don't follow your """logic"""" there bud.

I really like Chinese people. I just hate their government.

People compare themselves in a favourable light to the modern Western Europeans, who are clearly disproportionately successful to the other races, even China, yet reserve the 'uncontestable' right to compare themselves to the modern European yardstick

>I really like Chinese people. I just hate their government.
Have you even met one -_-baka

Don't generalize people you racist nigger

You just can't win in this forum

Generalizations are wrong.

Everyone does it to me and I don't expect preferential treatment

Why are you such a fucking bigot ? Uncle tom pole smoking raggedy ass motherfucker

My doctor is Chinese and I am friends with a few Chinese.

I will be more specific. I like Chinese immigrants and hate Chinese tourists.

In any forum participation you have to align yourself with the interests of the dominant group to find acceptance

Oh crap the chinese immigrants are posting under our flag now,

I don't you cuckfuck. I raid their shit as often as I can. I'm banned from Sup Forums after spamming BBC there. I've been doing this for years now.

I unironically hate W*ites

Grow a pair and get back to me Kunta Kente

Its not healthy carrying such hatred for a such a broad group of people


Wew lad that's some potent autism right there

U black and Muslim senpai. Why you loving these orcish pig skin fucks ?

What would blind hatred towards nearly 1 billion people achieve? On the basis of a negligible attribute such as white skin colour?

The Communists TRIED to destroy it.
But the common people preserved it, and they were successful overall.
Now they are trying to restore what has been damaged.

China = dog shit

> but compare their proximity to them today
But that's because it wasn't always like this today. In the past for civilizations like the Chinese it was the opposite

That's because you're a cuck :^)

Thats essentially why I wrote "in the current age", to imply comparison to the most successful group has always happened

Not a cuck honestly, being objective

>to imply comparison to the most successful group has always happened
The way you were talking about made it seem like a form of damage control idk.

>Not a cuck
>In any forum participation you have to align yourself with the interests of the dominant group to find acceptance
This is an anonymous forum you worthless nigger. Grow a pair of balls.

Look up Pax Americana we stabilize the world

you think chinks won't try to colonize all the territory around them when they have the chance?

They actually won't because imposing their values and way of life on others isn't part of Chinese culture, unlike bloodthirsty warlike occidentals.

>inb4 southeast Asia
They were basically refugees

But Westerners already colonize the world. Whenever Europeans or Americans had the slightest chance to start and win a war they did so; It was like that with the Roman Empire, Crusades, colonialism from the 16th to 19th century, and all American imperialism in the 20th century. For some 50 years you have had taken the stakes of risking nuclear armageddon because you couldn't accept some slavs were trying a different socio-economic model in their home country. And ever since the fall of this country you have been fucking up latin america, africa and the middle east with civil wars, regime changes and sponsoring of terrorism. China on the other hand never started one single war for its more than 5000 years of continuous existence. They only start Civil Wars and even then it's something that happens only once every 150 or 300 years. The last one was some 60 years ago so we're well for our time. Westerners on the other hand can't keep their hands of the trigger. The last war Westerners started was Syria which was in 2013 and before that there was Libya that was in 2011 and before that you sponsored civil wars in countries like egypt and tunisia and before that there was Iraq and Afghanistan. All of these within less than 20 years. Westeners specially Americans like hiding behind the idea of freedom and democracy but the truth is you constantly are causing wars everywhere in the globe, you are the bad guys. You are the ones that recently withdrew from the nuclear weapons ban agreement you had with Russia. It's the US that is fearmongering its citizens against Russia and China. Why is that? The shadow government of Western countries is much of the evil in this world. And it's not something that can be defeated even with mass mobilization. Just look at Trump, an outsider was elected and promised to wage a crusade against bureaucracy and "drain the swamp". How did that change anything? He's already a sell out. I'd rather live in a world dominated by China.


* Crusades

He never said anything about them being succesful.

Also 4th crusade is best crusade

>Face it man, Asia has always been far more important than Europe in terms of history, culture, achievements and so on. Any book on general history will spend at least three times more pages talking about China and India than all of Europe combined.

>China on the other hand never started one single war for its more than 5000 years of continuous existence

Does Tibet or the various invasions of Vietnam ring a bell?

This. Chinese immigrants are kind and hardworking. My only problem with the Chinese in my country rests on the tourists and the fuerdai/wealthy population.

I feel like Tibet counts as a civil war. Vietnam on the otherhand is pretty lulzy.

>I feel like Tibet counts as a civil war

I'm pretty sure that it was a sovereign nation when it was invaded by China in 1950.

Europeans and people of European descent created roughly 85% of all scientific and technological discoveries in recorded history--without East Asia, the world today wouldn't be that different, but without Europe it would be really different.

There are many reasons for Europe's success including geographical location, climate, and perhaps racial factors--whites are genetically predisposed to individualism and Asians to collectivism.

Whatever dude I don't care.

Chechnya kruto.

Your digits confirm.
Long will the Chinese aeon be.

>le I just got BFTO face

In what conceivable way is China as a civilization more important than Europe?



Can't wait for them to take over

Here I give you the ultimate redpill

An intellectual revitalization of Europe started with the birth of medieval universities in the 12th century. The contact with the Islamic world in Spain and Sicily, and during the Reconquista and the Crusades, allowed Europeans access to scientific Greek and Arabic texts, including the works of Aristotle, Ptolemy, Jabir ibn Hayyan, al-Khwarizmi, Alhazen, Avicenna, and Averroes. European scholars had access to the translation programs of Raymond of Toledo, who sponsored the 12th century Toledo School of Translators from Arabic to Latin. Later translators like Michael Scotus would learn Arabic in order to study these texts directly. The European universities aided materially in the translation and propagation of these texts and started a new infrastructure which was needed for scientific communities. In fact, European university put many works about the natural world and the study of nature at the center of its curriculum, with the result that the "medieval university laid far greater emphasis on science than does its modern counterpart and descendent."
Also, White IQs rose by selecting for IQ among the higher classes and profilerating those genes downward when peasant starved. When the most peasants starved, the black plague, which killled 30–60% of Europe's total population, you had a golden age of IQ flourishing, and this leads to Renaissance.


rofl at all the faggots who don't realize chinese economy is smokes and mirros a matter of time before it collapses

But as he also said, Europe is in a much better geographical location than East Asia. It is easy to get to Africa, Asia, and the Americas from Europe, but from China there is no other continent at a reasonably close distance other than Australia. Europe is also resource-poor, which compelled people to journey around the world to seek resources and wealth.

Said the increasingly nervous white man for the millionth time in the last 40 years

When Zheng Ho embarked on his famed voyage to the Indian Ocean and east Africa, the purpose of the expedition was to collect tribute and impress on the locals the might of the Ming Emperor, it was not intended to explore or colonize. Afterwards, the emperor forbade further seagoing voyages.

their housing bubble is going to send them to hell dumbass

research it just google "china housing bubble"

Said the increasingly nervous white man for the millionth time in the last 40 years

>Europeans and people of European descent created roughly 85% of all scientific and technological discoveries in recorded history--
It didn't happen in a vacuum m8.
>without East Asia, the world today wouldn't be that different, but without Europe it would be really different.
Wew. The biggest one off the top of my head is no gun powder. No gun powder means we'd still be warring with blades and arrows.
>whites are genetically predisposed to individualism and Asians to collectivism.
Whites were just as collectivist as Asians pre-Renaissance.
Hell just look at doctrine's like the Mandate of Heaven. It's basically whoever has the biggest dick gets to rule.
A lot of European society was tied down to 'birth-right' and obeying the king no matter what.

fuck off get the fuck out if you hate america soo much

>cringe thread

Said the increasingly nervous white man for the millionth time in the last 40 years

Said the increasingly nervous white man for the millionth time in the last 40 years

Hurry up and die off so we don't have to deal with your retardation anymore

WTF I hate China now

All samefag. All CCP proxybot.

What's wrong Chin? Did whitey steal your girlfriend? Cry more, slant eyed cunt.

This. In anglosphere countries if more specific



Daily reminder that the capital of China is Taipei, the president of China is Tsai Ing-Wen, and the Mainland Communist insurgency is dommed to failure.

>Hong Kong, more like Hong Cuck

How's One Country, Two Systems working out for ya, champ?

just get over it, the commies won

Taiwan is a part of PRC in denial.

Their lack of flagrant human rights abuses suggest otherwise.

Fuck you, you burrito-snapping wetback. Shouldn't you be landscaping someone's yard? I wouldn't expect you to understand the complex subtleties of China's political history. Just as the Jin and Song kept the mandate of heaven after being pushed south, so does the ROC retain the Mandate of Heaven from Taiwan.