We know ancient Iberians were not indo-europeans, so what the fuck they were? Basques/Aquitanian related...

We know ancient Iberians were not indo-europeans, so what the fuck they were? Basques/Aquitanian related? Mediterranean Islanders like sardinians? Berbers related? meme survivors from neolithic or bronze age? Indo-europeans larping a brand new language?

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frog piece of shit

stop being so mean spain, I dindu nuffin.


Iberian here. Ask me anything

Well this was created during 400BC so actually indo European already widely resided in Iberia at the time.

If you want to know who exactly the ancient iberian people were though here is a great resource. It's map of every single sample of ancient dna we have in the world, gives you direct links to the studies that discuss them and gives a quick snapshot of their ydna/mtdna haplogroups. Of course we are still piecing things together and there are no set answers but this link should be useful


there's literally no datas on entire places populated by ancient iberians on your map.
anyway I don't care about Indo-Europeans here, I just want to know what the fuck were that meme people and from where they came from?

iirc no one knows but they may have spoken a language different from basque, but belonging to the same family.
It seems the Iberian numbers were similar to the basque ones.

And the old name of Granada, Iliberri, looks basque

---Se ha discutido el posible origen vasco del topónimo Iliberri, dado que contiene el sufijo -berri tan frecuente en el euskera. Así, se ha postulado que Iliberri proceda del vasco Iri-berri (pueblo nuevo), lo que podría evidenciar el origen ibero del euskera. Ante la imposibilidad de demostrar tal relación, se ha propuesto que el topónimo proceda de Il-iber-is, presentando el prefijo Il-, muy frecuente en topónimos ibéricos (Illunum, Ilipa, Ilurcis, Iliturgi, Ilurbida, Ilarcuris), y la raíz iber, identificada como el nombre que los iberos dieron al río Ebro, así como con los propios iberos. No obstante, hay que indicar que iber probablemente procede del vasco ibar, que significa "río", lo que llama la atención teniendo en cuenta que los iberos llamaron iber a un río y que otros topónimos iberos que contienen esa partícula, además de Iliberri, están situados junto a ríos.2----

they were black
t. knower

Uh dude, just click on the dots and the study will appear along with the dates the specimens are from, their haplogroups and the studies associated with specimens.

I can tell you half hand that in really ancient times(10,000bc) Iberia was genetically indistinct from the rest of western Europe and was settled by Hunter Gatherer populations. Later on farming groups from anatolia(genetically related to modern sardinians though) trickled in during the neolithic and mixed with these farmers.

There are still many mysteries though, they have some unexplained ancestry that we don't know how it got their or appears earlier than we believe it should.

Reading through the studies will show you what modern archeologists are doing to try and determine who exactly they were

Yes, but that was Iberian, not Indoeuropean.

Iberians were iberians. There were people in Europe, before the IE arrived, you know. Most of them were neolithic farmers/hunter-gatherers, but then, basically in southern europe, there were some more advanced societies, like iberians, etrurians, sardinians...

I agree with all of this, but why do they speak an isolate language unlike other peoples around them?

Who are you referring to you when you say "they"?

I'm refering to this: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iberian_language
Their language was a mysterious isolate unlike other languages around.

Aquitanie, basque and iberian language were the true native european language

R1b was invaders, and i2 the natives, r1b adopted native language between eastern iberia and southwest france.

in the rest of europe, including western iberia, r1b brings indoeuropean languages

Iberian, nigga

Pic related is my mothers mothers mothers etc.. quite literally. Iberians just didnt have IE language but were genetically IE.

All the peninsula is Iberian ethnicity except for immigrants and rape babbies

Eh debatable. We don't know whether Iberian was the hunter gatherer language or the neolithic farmer language, though i'm guessing Etruscan was more likely to be the Neolithic farmer one and Basque the hunter gatherer one

All meme science how the fick would there be mass migrations?
Stop smoking crack

>how the fick would there be mass migrations?
Have you paid attention to Europe at all for the past couple years?

The rebuild of the sp*nish empire when?

Jesus christ brah,read a book, or at least read wikipedia.


tl;dr human gathers first, neolithic farmers second due to farming technology, and nomadic PIE aka Yamnaya bringing their langauge due to horse domestication or chariots

None of thst allows mass migration you retard fuck.

>implying you need mass migrations.
Yamnaya had horses, and was a cultural conquest.


>About 8,500 years ago a new form of subsistence - farming - started to spread across the continent from modern-day Turkey, reaching central Europe by 7,500 years ago and Britain by 6,100 years ago

Im pretty sue 2000 years is long enough for a population to spread from one end of Europe to another retard

Finns obviously