Currently on my 2nd day of a 7 day water fast...

currently on my 2nd day of a 7 day water fast. I want to go to continue with my workout routine but I'm not sure what effect that will have since I'm not getting the nutrients to build muscle. Will free weights and cardio have a negative effect? Or will it just expedite weight loss

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Stop with the weird fad dieting shit. Just eat healthy proteins and lots of veggies like a normal person and you'll be fine. Fad diets don't work and most of them are straight up unhealthy.

The diet isn't related

Weight training may not get you many results but cardio will help to start burning fat stores

Well you're not putting in calories, so any type of calorie burning exercise will make you lose further.

I suggest not doing free weight though, you'll forsure pass out with the lack of nutrition. Either that or just bang some preworkout/caffeine like a madman

Take a week off from weights (you need to do that every so often anyway) and just focus on cardio. Overworking your muscles without feeding them will just burn them out.

Christ, I thought you meant you weren't having any water for 7 days...

I second what user said See a reputable dietician if you want to get serious about dieting. No fads. They're all bullshit.

I've seen an article that challenges this idea. Hold on i'll look for it

This the one

No salt intake + sweat = deathly low bloodpressure

See how low bloodpressure is when doing cardio brainlet


Sounds like intermittent fasting as well.

However I feel like after a certain amount of fat being burned, would the body not turn catabolic?

Your body turns into a state of ketosis about 3 days in

Ok user stop doing shit, just do some easy routines with health food, proteins and other shits.
Btw Cardio is a good way to loose some weight with 30 minutes every 3 days per week and some easy muscular exercise

I completed a 10 day water fast earlier this year and carried on with cardio and body weight as frequently as when not fasted and though I did experience a loss in performance on high intensity or movements that focused on fast twitch muscle fibres I experienced no loss in endurance and now loss of muscle mass. Maybe lift a little lighter and take your time (this is how I approached the high work load exercises), listen to your body and don't over work yourself and you should be good.

> experience a loss in performance
> I experienced no loss in endurance


Could mean that his form, speed on certain exercises weren't 100%, but was still able to complete the intensity of the program

No loss in distance I ran. Shitty at lifting weights quick and sprinting. Does that clear it up.

Most lifting programs have you start relatively low, I'm talking just bar in most cases.

That's to simply build the muscle memory as you continuously progressive overload.

I wouldn't train at all while fasting. Maybe a fast 30 minute walk, not more.

While during training you run a risk of this , the more serious concern is that during rest your body has no external fuel for the compensation and reparation process. This means it will cannibalize on itself, and most research says it will mainly do that on muscle, not fat.

Bypass workout routine, spend several hours in sauna

Thanks, why are you mentioning that?

Supplement salt? This is easily added to water or taken as a capsule. In regards to fuel that is straight BS sorry. The body transitions to ketosis.

However with all this being said it does not meaning water fasts are risk free. Take it easy, listen to your body, research and if in doubt consult a trained medical professional not a bunch of oervs on the web

Only mentioning since you said "suck at lifting weights"

Just find a 5x5 program (ICF, SL, PPL), and lift from bar. Then continuously slap on 2.5 plates on each side (progressive overloading). Once you have the basics down with the movements, then you can make bigger jumps in weight: Etc. first couple months you can get away with 5-15 pound jumps, eventually it slows down to 2.5's each side. I

t's meticulous as fuck, but the muscle memory transitions once you get to higher weights, and allows you to move heavier weights, without worrying about form, since you've gotten it down from the beginning.


This was only experience while in a fasted state but thanks for the advice.