*Takes your job*

*Takes your job*

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nah, now u need people to repair those and keep them working

good thing my job cannot be easily automated

...or at all


>...or at all


I'm pretty sure they can automate a robot that feverishly sucks cocks

Good. Why the fuck do people think automation is a bad thing? The fewer jobs left, the better.

*makes sure robots replace you and you blame technology for it*

Nigga I’m a mechanical engineer.

I chuckled.

yeah and it will clear out all those degenerate hillbillies from the earth.

We have 7 billion anyways.

The only problem i see with this is that those poor asian factory workers will be forced to find something else.

well, automating it would pretty much mean we achieved singularity, and at that point there's no reason for anyone to work anymore

The sort of people who have their jobs taken by machines are not the sort of people who are qualified to operate and maintain those machines.

2 junior Engineers with entry level pay, 10 years of experience in robotics.. “fuck it send that shit to china for repairs” ... they do not need 100 35-50yo box folder with 1-35 years experience of folding boxes.

If you think about it the weaker a species is the more offspring it needs to survive, does that make humans the weakest species?


hindsight is 2020 after all, thanks for the heads up

Until you start making a bot that can maintain and repair machines.

My job is to operate these.

You need to organize your thoughts if you wanna make a point, nigga.

That sounds rewarding.

that's what you get for overpopulating


Thats fine and dandy. But when you automate the jobs, very few people will be able to buy things, therefore the robots will no longer be needed.

Robots dont need sick days, vacation, pay checks, etc. But they also dont need cars, phones, food, clothes....

So what happens at the point no one is buying anything? Some stupid millienials think that the gubberment will give them a guranteed wage. Well guess what else robots dont do? Pay taxes. So without the tax revenue the government cant provide...

This is why robotics are NOT a good idea.

Press bangs on about landing on mars mars mars
Now ‘bots gonna take your job job job
See a pattern?

>when I was young I told my father to find a different job because the future was machines
>user, they'll always need people like me
>he was laid off and has never found a job since because all he knew was machine work
>I now work for a company that created some of the machines that took his job

For every person that says,

>yeah but they'll need people to maintain them

My company is working on a way to deal with that too. Get out of the machine work business unless you own a company. You have a maximum of 8-9 years left. Find something else to hold you over when it happens and start now. Soon anything that isn't computing, software design, fashion and art will be taken over by machines. They wont even need the 16-19 year olds for flipping burgers anymore soon.

>the sort of people
You mean virtually everyone alive?
You know the guy working an assembly line has the same IQ and hardware that the vast majority of white collar workers do right?

Someone's never seen manufacturing.
There's no such thing as a "box folder". People in these environments do more than just stand there and repeat, they pack, pick, ship, maintain, problem solve. Only in third world countries where they use women and children in sweat shops is there a job where you just sit in place and do the same thing over and over.

This automation shit is the fantasy of middle class pleb who are completely detached from reality. We're not even remotely close to full blown automation, and the cold hard reality is, the jobs that will be replace by AI first are white collar.
This common fucking knowledge among programmers working on AI. Get an AI to function in the physical world is the MOST difficult thing, crunching numbers and spitting out info is easy. The first jobs to go will clerical, accounting, low to mid level law, low level programming. The guy working in a warehouse is more secure in his job than the 60-70% of white collar workers who actually do very little other than data entry and forwarding emails.

>inb4 self driving trucks
Not even close. Debunked a million times.

>But when you automate the jobs, very few people will be able to buy things

Only if government suck at their jobs. As long as the wealth is properly distributed, automation make society richer, not poorer. People will be able to afford MORE stuff.

Robots don't pay taxes but businesses that own them do. You sound like the stereotypical low intelligence republican who is pissed that he can't get his grandfathers job because the company automated it and you have no marketable skills.

Yeah you st st stutter

It's almost as if wage slavery and government are both unnecessary. If robots did all the work, nobody would need a job. As for money? In a post scarcity economy, money would be pointless. And government is just crackpots like Shillary and Trump telling others what to do; if people took care of their own lives, government would be redundant.

I'd love to see a machine that can bench a circular saw.

this has been said every year for the past ...6 decades?

>Debunked a million times.
That explains the convoy of self driving drucks that drove themselves across much of Europe a year or two ago. Physical person present in the cab for safety but the computer did all the driving. That also explains the companies who have already placed orders for the tests self driving trucks before they're even ready for sale.

people are always thinking that the claim is
"this job can get completely replaced by automation"
it never was. its just
"this job can be done with 99.99% less human workers"
and the outcome for the layoffs is just the same

just because the first strawman claim isnt true doesnt mean the outcome cannot happen with no noticable difference for most people

*Takes over the world*


Sorry guys, but you saps that work in offices will be replaced LONG before people who work with their hands, you know, the people who have actual skills, in the jobs that actually require you to have a skill/experience not some bs degree daddy bought you.

What do you think will hsppen if they get taxed enough for people to be able to buy what they could before? They'll take their billions of dollars to somr shit hole country that will let its people starve.

Im gurssing youre a entitled snowflake twat who doesnt want to work for shit.

I do a job that these can never do and in some cases actually helps them.

I have actually seen those arms do some damn impressive stuff though, not going to lie.


*Invents incomprehensible technology*

You do realize "platooning" will put very few drivers out of work. There are huge trucker shortages right now, so one guy driving 8 or 9 trucks will simply stop that shortage

i mean sure, right now most people are still given the impression that they have work, because governments dont like people that feel as useless as they are. but the kinds of jobs people take just to get by.. thats occupational therapy, not work.

*Fucks your wife*

The fuck do you do for a living?

this is the explainer video you were looking for

Fuckin chad robots

good thing I make things that people want to be hand-made and I can pride my work with "no CNC used"

>tfw Im a watchmaker

Because a truck CAN, doesn't mean it will.
Unless you remove ALL other human drivers off the road they won't ever be unleashed onto the road.
Also, you've obviously never driven a truck, or met someone who drives a truck. 90% of a truck drivers job isn't driving. It's constant checking. You know how there's rest stops all along the highway? Thats for truckers to stop and recheck their load, brakes, tires. They chain up their tires when weather gets rough. Not even to mention the huge portion of truckers that haul raw materials, so off road in unmapped areas going by word of mouth directions like "go straight 1.5 k, then turn left at the pink flag for 3 km, then go left at the burned out tree" that they got from their dispatcher 15 mins prior. It's not gonna happen mate.

What you're talking about is SO far into the future. ALL white collar jobs will be gone long before what you're talking about.

I can't wait for automation.

Eventually, the infrastructure on earth will be so sophisticated that we will experience a resource abundance that results in poverty not being debilitating and work and careers are optional.

Most people will be on welfare, but for the first time that won't be debilitating. With automation, necessary everyday items will be extremely inexpensive. You will be able to have a nice, comfortable home , money to go out to eat, travel and you won't have to work for it. You'll be surrounded by androids programed to serve you and no one will want for anything.

I, for one, welcome the coming Golden Age and permanent Renaissance.

Machining still needs artfully bent engineers to program the machines and low level grunts to do QA.

The middle is dying very quickly though.

AI development

>be company
>lay off workers and replace them with machines
>government levies a tax so that people can still afford products
>leave for another country
>nobody can afford product
>no revenue earned
I guess the debate comes down to two opinions. Those who essentially believe that companies should be required to maintain an unnecessary workforce so people have money to buy things(which seems like an unfair requirement for businesses), or those who essentially believe that with the inevitable automation of many menial labor jobs it is reasonable to levy a tax on those companies (who are now spending less on payroll) to provide a universal income.

This is the nature of a HUGE portion of manufacturing int he west. Made to order crap, changes made last minute, all that jazz. Virtually everything that's mass produced for a shelf in Walmart is already automated as much as it can be.
All this doomsayign from office workers, clueless ignoring the fact that the first jobs to go when AI hits will be all the things that don;t require physical labor.

You know that's the first job to go once AI is competent right?
An AI will redesign itself a million times over before it starts building robots to interact with the physical world.

those things are all programmed to simply move. what we need is a robot that replaces 100 illegals and can identify fruits and vegetables with HD cameras and use a bunch of arms to pick a plant clean in 20 seconds without damaging the produce or eating some, or pissing and shitting the fields and being a fucking illegal that says we should be grateful that they do it for us.

>and no one will want for anything.
Jeah man, I can't wait. 'Bots are going to usher in universal basic income and art will flourish.

>>inb4 self driving trucks
>Not even close. Debunked a million times.

the generic counter argument for this is:
self-driving trucks dont have to be perfect. they just have to be better than human drivers.
and they are getting close.

>It's not gonna happen mate.
Are you willing to bet your livelihood on that?

If that happens, resource saps would be eliminated and world population reduced to bare minimum. Efficiency would be king, morals be damned.

The bums already far outnumber the useful people in this world and the 1% are firmly in charge. Just one step to go.

Did they take your jerb?

As a driver, thank you. Someone who gets it. Not to mention that the trucking industry in general is very resistant to change. Look at the hell the ELD mandate raised, and thats simply bringing trucking up to roughly the late 90s.

Im sure eventually theyll be automated trucks, but by that time anyone with the work ethic required to be a truck driver will be dead or retired and they'll have to automate.

This is a surprisingly accurate stereotype of the overwhelming majority of people who are afraid of machines taking their jobs. Those who either can't or simply don't want to adapt.

The singularity is a possibility but... its quite far in the future. It takes millions of attempts for most machines to "evolve" better ways of performing a task like chess. However, super computers are a whole different level of complex. Also logistics like how much power and coolant it would need... pretty ridiculous.

>An AI will redesign itself a million times over before it starts building robots to interact with the physical world.
>it starts building robots to interact
We (humans) already build the robots, don't need AI for that. And in some cases (simple) AIs already control them. If (when) AI becomes smart enough to self-replicate, self-redesign, create "children" and build physical machines to interact with world, most of it will already be mostly automated.
So no, AI development is one of the last things to go.

If you read the post, then you would too.
Unless the self driving truck comes with a robot as versatile as a human to do all the other things a human does when operating a truck, they're a no go.
And even if we hit the point where 100% of vehicles on the road are automated, making it viable for trucks to operate automated, you still need a person to be in the truck to do all the other things. So, 0 jobs lost.

I'm not particularly inclined to take industry and technology advice from someone who drives a truck from point a to point b for a living

Nice trips. I work around those illegals, they are not bad folk imo.

One of the main places is a pepper farm. They live in Mexico, but come up for the harvest. No machine could ever pick a pepper as fast as those little fuckers. It's too organic a process.

And honestly, would you or any white person ever want to put time and dedicated thought into learning how to pick vegetables quickly? They like it, so whatevs IMO.

>told my job was going to be automated
>they put in a 20 million dollar machine that works so badly that they need an entire team of employees to do what the machine can't and it needs to be supervised constantly for mistakes

better luck next time automation

Well, let's think about it.
An adult woman can have 1kid every 9months.
An adult salmon can have thousands of eggs and spawn hundreds of offspring.

Still thinking?

You're missing the point. For a robot to replace a person, they need to have an AI that can interpret the world like a person.
AI needs to come first.
Automated arms that do the same task over and over are not replacing people any time soon.
The CNC machine created more jobs than it replaced.

Something has to be done about his problem.


How do you propose this problem can be fixed without a global government mandating population controls?

I've always believed that the main reason the aliens haven't made first contact yet is because their is some form of intergalactic treaty that forbids making contact with pre-world-government species. They're all just waiting for us to get our shit together.

>The CNC machine created more jobs than it replaced.
Most machines do. The only proven inatance of a machine completely eliminating a human position is elevators that don't require a dedicated operator.

and that job still exists just in very small quantities.

True like 5 star hotels and places still operating on obsolete technology (looking your way India.)

Oooo, so condescending.
Don;t need to think through your point of view if you can just stand on your ego.
Solid point though, totally proved me wrong.

I own two restaurants, I don't drive a truck.
I have driven a truck for a living in a high risk industry, that paid very very very well.

Your ego is going to be you're downfall when you're busy-work job gets replaced by a simple piece of software while drivers are still making a good living doing something that's genuinely useful, to the degree that society would immediately collapse if they didn't do it.

The most important people in western society are tradespeople, truckers, garbage men, sewer cleaners, road crews, not fucking jackdonkeys sitting in an office shooting out emails about changes to company policy.
Get some perspective on how the world works before you start preaching doom and gloom to people who know a fuck of alot more than you.
You fucking thought drivers just hop in and drive, that's it. You're fucking clueless.

I love how some faggot like you who has no idea what it takes to properly operate a truck speaks out of turn.

Arnt you late for your shift at wal mart?

Jesus user, tone it down, I think you may have killed the poor bastard.

Godspeed based user, godspeed.

Nah the driver who brings us our stuff fell asleep behind the wheel and died. I guess he proved that humans can still do things machines can't.

Well said user

>The most important people in western society are tradespeople, truckers, garbage men, sewer cleaners, road crews
This may be try but you couldn't tell by the way these guys work themselves to the bone and still get shit on by people who work smart not hard. Just because menial labor is always going to be needed doesn't make a menial labor position desirable. Job security is only good if you have a great job.

Wait till your stupid automated truck drops GPS signal because of a cloud and runa thru a preschool

I'd like to see a robot get hit on by gay old men that still don't use the internet.

Not him but automated vehicles will use GPS for navigation across long distances but use cameras to avoid things like that. GPS can't tell what color the stoplight is.

Oh man, that piece of anecdotal evidence totally made self driving trucks work.

80% of truck/car crashes are caused by cars.
Unless 100% of civilian cars are automated, at max you'll reduce truck accidents by 20%.
And and AI capable of avoiding accidents with a human controlled vehicle is super fucking advance, and by the time that AI exists, every job other than trucking ill be gone.
trucks are fucking heavy and don't stop and turn well, no matter who controls it. Going from 110km hr on the highway to 0 takes 5-15 seconds depending on load, not even considering weather.

You user are right, buy there are also people whi build those things. While the main body of any robots are made in series and easily automated, the "hands" are custom design and built, which ironically is much cheaper to do with humans. Also robots break down and need troubleshooting, again jobs for humans!
I did laugh a little too much because of you
and i think that's the reason why there are not that many robots yet, proper training is hard and not olny for the workers, but also for maintenance staff, backup workers and so on..
that would be true only for high volume series production, outside the US there are much more small companies compared to large corporations, they have little money for high tech and also need low volume parts which are expensive to produce by any automtized system. Take a lathe: for high production 1 machine makes one to few parts all its life, has special clamping fixtures and so on, in a general workshop such lathe has universal clamping fixtures (it's oversimplified but very close to reality), that needs human skills to operate, if parts are simple enough you don't need NC at all (like repair shops, not for cars luckily)
if you watch how automated warehouses work you see how that's gonna be... parts go from the warehouse to machines and back without human intervention...


AI is gonna take all the STEM jobs real fast.

They know they are valuable, and most take pride in themselves. They have families, friends, lives, and most of those jobs pay pretty damned well.
The fact that you think a guy they drives a garbage truck gives a flying fuck what "people who work smart" think of them is pretty narcissistic.
Job security is always good if you have bills to pay, especially if you have a family.
and as for desirability, there are ALOT of men out there who WANT to work physically. They genuinely enjoy being outside, and bonding with their crew.

I'll concede that the technology isn't ready for a full rollout but you have to admit that there is considerable desire for these among companies who own fleets of trucks. Industry isn't going to hold back from developing this just because a few drivers will be out of work.

My job can't be automated anytime soon so I'm all for automation of other industries if it makes products cheaper for me. Even if prices don't go down I'm still not opposed to it because it's natural and desirable for companies to improve efficiency.

When did I say industry doesn't want it?
Ofc they do, that doesn't change the fact that the barriers preventing automated trucks are PAST the barriers preventing software from taking virtually all white collar jobs.
I'm not saying NEVER, I'm saying it won;t be anytime soon, and you should be concerned everyone who works in an office suddenly being unemployed and having no skills or ability to anything useful, because that's going to happen first.

I'm operations manager for a warehouse full of guys loading trucks. Not exactly a white collar job that can be automated. I'm not worried about white collars losing their jobs or trucks drivers losing theirs. I got mine.


Fuck. How the hell am I supposed to sleep after watching that?

According to oxford U research,
the first 5 jobs to be taken by automation will be:
1. Middle management
2.Commodity Sales
3. Reporters, Writers, Journalists, Announcers
4. Accountants, Bookeepers
5. Doctors

Its pretty fucking simple stuff, you need to computation power + awareness at human level to automate robots, all you need is computation power and an internet connection to replace almost anything white collar.

I have a buddy that seriously believes that if truck drivers get laid off due to self driving trucks that they'll ally with white supremacist groups and overthrow the whole socioeconomic system. I think he needs to lay off the cocaine.

Actually middle managment is likely the first to go.
A computer can compare a list of orders to whats in the warehouse and issue direction for loading etc.
I think it's pretty likely you'll be replaced by a computer LONG before the warehouse guys get replaced by robots.

I agree, but not for the same reason as yours. many people's job is simply gather information, sometimes input that in a database (it's not common even in MNC) or have that kind of data on hand for when the boss aks.. some of these jobs are held by people with some "bs degre your dad whatever" but also plenty of regular people.

There Are already synthetic humans indistinguishable from normal ones either this or there's some other explaination to what they are... if you haven't noticed this your dumb as fuck

have you ever worked with those machines???
The break, fail all the bloody time. Hell if you aren't paying attention they will self destruct by doing some retarded shit.
These things are the expensive niggers of the industry