I'm a former victim of child pornography. AMA

I'm a former victim of child pornography. AMA.

Pics of didn't happen

how was the shooting



what do you mean "victim of"?

You were arrested for having it, distributing it or creating it? Or you were the child in question being abused ?


1. Are you now an advocate to prevent child pornography since you're a direct surrogate of the consequences?

2. When the fuck will you get over it?


did you enjoy it? also post nudes

I write lewd stories about 13 year olds. How does that make you feel?

I was the one being abused. I was 12 at the time and I was abused by my swim coach.

I am, actually. I try to raise awareness everyday.

swim coach huh? sounds fishy....

so what is it that you want people to know about your experience.

Nope. It was the worst thing I've ever felt. The penile touching only felt good for a short time.

With artwork like that everyone already knows before you tell them.

who were the perpetrators ? parents ? uncle ?

I want people to know that sometimes its better to run away.

I'll take that as a compliment :)

Nah. Swim coach. Totally unrelated to me.

I don't quite follow your statement. Care to elaborate.

>I want people to know
"People" is a very vague term. If you want kids to know, then specify kids. Kids aren't a general term for people.

>Implying kids are'nt people
God dammit...

greentext whole incident in vivid details for science

What I mean is that kids should take caution in interacting with suspicious people.

>implying kids ARE people
You cant be fucking serious, they have no rights of their own dude

If kids were people, then they would play by the same rules, but they don't, because they need to be taken care of and be shown how to properly function in society when they're an adult.

>God dammit...
Comment something intelligent or at least philosophical you fucking neanderthal.

Hey Pal just wanted to say It's not your fault and that doesn't make you an abnormal person dude, keep it up

See this fucker knows where it's at.

why is everyone talking about neanderthals today

I'll give a normal summary.

Basically, I was one of the top swimmers in my group. Everyone including my abuser said that I would go far. Essentially he shattered those dreams when he called my into his office and asked my to take some photos naked. He mainly focused on my anus and testicles, but not my penis. I didnt even have any pubic hair at the time.

What are you talking about? Of course they have rights

I'll give a normal summary of the thread.

OP is looking for sympathy because their therapy group isn't working out.

Aw shit dude

So kids are not people? As human beings subject to human rights?

I thank you user. You are truly a Godsend.


I though you said "child pornography" not "too old uninteresting pornography"

That isnt true. I havent been to therapy for my troubles. At least not yet.

Everyone is subject to human rights, I never made that statement, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I stated my opinions of the definition of "people" which is an adult who operates independently. Try another private college bud.

I have a friend in america who is being raped and beaten regularly, she is 15, can you help me save her? This is not a joke. If anyone else has any advice, please let me know.

bullshit, they cant legally decide shit for themselves

the law treats them differently towards each other an adult interaction

state mandates that they have to legally attend school (which makes sense I guess but at this point in America's education teachers are underpaid babysitters to a bunch of fuckin morons)

cant porn(purchase not partake), lottery, alcohol or tobacco in this country

What about that is free? Literatly two people rule their lives and everything about it when they are at home an when at school its an upwars of 10+ staff/faculty members who dictate these fuckers lives in manners of go here copy this down/do that

It was a group of older swimmers dude. All of us were 12. Besides, I looked younger than that at the time anyway.

oh an anything about childrens rights as a google result is because they were abused in shit situations an 9/10 are organizations looking to fix other peoples mistakes with their fuck trophies

>Being this dense on purpose

There's no use arguing with , the liberal thinks children should be treated equally as adults. They're probably a pedo or under age of majority to understand.

>countering with an insult opposed to a logical rebuttal

>having that shitty of a counter argument as to why children are people too

yea, i dunno why i feel the need to fall for the b8 thou

I never said that. Again, that is a deflectionary argument.

call the police, wow that was hard.



I cant counter something not worth countering.

Holy fuck we're really on the same page here....

How much do you get paid?
Are they hiring any stunt cocks?

this hivemind shit just got too real for me, im out xD

I never said they didnt have rights.

>not worth countering
Just like your brain wasnt worth using in school...? Your answers do not show any proper political aptitude.

Ha ha faggot.

Give me your Twitter before you go bud

Are you fucking high, that ruins the point of being user

Are you fucking new, I was trying to bait the liberal out

Let me entertain this for a minute. You really believe that, in your mind, children as human beings are not considered to be people. Forget whether they work or not. Human beings who go to school, have rights under law and programmes put in place for their wellbeing are not people?

>Proper political aptitude
The edge...

greentext that shit pls

What do you think about kids sexing each other? Do you think it will cause psychological harm to them even if it's like innocent and consensual. I went through that when I was 8.

Depends if its forced or consensual

You're on Sup Forums dude

People is a very debatable philosophical term. Some say pets and animals are people, some are saying people are adult humans who contribute to the manmade society.

You not understanding the difference between two words is retarded.

My experience was very consensual but I feel like I've definitely been harmed by it.

What they do personally is not relevant.

What is RELEVANT is their AGE and whether they can make decisions for themselves. In this context, OP cannot use "people" as a term to make people aware that it's okay to run away because they aren't specifying a target audience as a VERB.

Seriously, did you even make it past elementary?

I feel for you user. Myself & others at the Roman Catholic play school I attended were abused at age 5. I've never managed to find out what happened to the abuser & the other victims. I know how hard it is to remove the experience from your conscious thoughts

>pets are considered to be people
Jesus Christ

Sorry to hear that user.

Why did you feel harmed?

I was a victim of it too, only the video of me ended up on youtube.

Did you make it past your first semester at your local community college?
>being this triggered over a post on an anonymous Mongolian duck aficionados board

I didn't at the time but it's had some longer lasting effects on my sexual attractions that I'd rather not go into.

>creates thread
>ama guise
>I don’t want 2 talk about that but AMA!!!

I'm not OP you faglord.

:^) sorry pal!!!!
Now about those deets. We are anonymous, after all (;

talking about this stuff usually helps

state in the OP that you're male

Do you sometimes masturbates while thinking about what happen OP ?

1. Get into your friend house
2. Get hidden and wait until ahit happens
2.5. Hide the phones near you
3. when the abusor is going to rape you friend get out of you site and try to beat up the abusor
3.5. Inmobilize it and call the police

People should nonce children,
And stop feeding a diet of a carnivore.
The dirty diet of pain and suffering, a diet of non-human-specific foods causes a lack feeling.

All i ever wanted was to be felt as a child.

Kids should sec with beaitiful adults, we should never kill, we should eat beautiful foods and...
Most importantly we should be open and honest about everything.

You were hurt because they lied, you hurt inside because you eat acidic dead ass shit destroyed by fire. Or you live among those who do.
STOP killing other emotional expression of God ie animals!!!

All the pain will go away.

Or carry killing and keep burning in hell.

You are the child you are the coach you are me and we are the sunlight.

Fuck up, stop ditching children, start loving all.

Much love you spastic cunts, eat fruit and salad. Gooooooood luuuuck.

I'm really thinking hard, and i don't see how child porn could have any victims. Unless you perhaps fapped so hard you gave yourself a hernia.


wow no shit really?

you're really making a difference

actually you're killing plants

Yeah, that is why jesus dies for you, and plants don't cry or have emotions

>human beings are always people
>niggers who do absolutely nothing productive and basement dwellers on Sup Forums complaining about said niggers while also being unproductive pieces of shit are people

animals don't have emotions

Yes they do, spasyic

Because Trump's President. It is the rise of the Neanderthals.

Used to think the same thing
then like a month ago i witnessed a car accident, a cat become 2-dimensional in front of his pal. The second cat has an expression full of astonishment and terror that I've seen only on humans. Now I pretty much changed my mind

>former victim
I'm glad to hear you aren't a victim anymore


If you where approached by therapists who asked you if they could use the video of your molestation as an approach to get pedophiles to not abuse other children, would you do it? You would be lightly compensated 100-500$

>penile denial