Still not my president. Fuck outta here

Still not my president. Fuck outta here

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Just because he's officially elected doesn't automatically make him the president of every citizen. Every citizen has a choice to put their faith in a real leader, and Mr. Orange ain't mine.

Who is your real leader then? Besides the guy in charge with the power of course.

Name two things he's done wrong. Not said, actually done.

>Just because someone was democratically elected to be president doesnt mean theyre the president of everyone
Are you literally retarded

Their goium doesn't win, wines for a year about being butthurt.

What a butthurt boipussy.

OP isnt responding. Bait thread. Sage.
You people should know better

You're right but:
Not my board.
Keep this shit where it belongs

I don't need to tell you.

Are you kidding? We're all in the shit and who do you think is to blame?

Lol, have fun being a sheep.

Best part is, she isn't anyone's president.

I have other shit to do than to constantly refresh my own thread, but I guess that's the way of Sup Forums users with no lives?

Wow you really are very intelligent my man. Lol.

Thanks for the very detailed elaboration my man, so are you. "Lol"

>avoid and/or ignore arguments
>bitch about everything
>ad hominem
>still no profit


Im not even American, just pointing out that what you're saying shows that you're either too dumb to think for yourself or just disabled

You cant name anything he's done to affect you personally, can you? Maybe read some non-partisan news articles once in a while and stay off tumblr you massive waste of space.

If I performed this poorly at my job, I would get fired. They pay you, right? Or are you retarded for free?

I can see i made you upset. But if you werent such a faggot retard that could explain your feelings you wouldnt be in this mess.

Nice argument bro.

I'm not playing your game, if you need me to point out specific things then you really are retarded. Open your eyes.

First of all, nice comeback. Second, "mess"? I'm having the time of my life, laughing my ass off. Keep 'em coming.

Telling someone to open their eyes isnt an argument. The stock market is doing great, hes reduced taxes nationwide, he's going to take funding out of welfare that rewards lazy immigrants and white trash (and costs us $54 billion a year in taxes) and we have a better relationship with Russia than weve had in almost a hundred years. Whats the problem?

I'm a Snowflake

Back to Sup Forums you go.

Uh uh. Thanks for proving me right.


Not a fan of Trump but this little boy is hilarous


All of my information comes from non-partisan, non-American news sources to avoid bias opinions. Again, your responses are not arguments, nor constructive in any way.

Whatever you say, mate.

The stock market is doing great because of obama. Trump has signed no legislation that would have an impact on the stock market.


George Soros

I dont like the guy,
but honestly if the DNC doesn't reform I may vote for him out of spite.

I feel like the same idiot makes these posts daily

>we have a better relationship with Russia than weve had in almost a hundred years

That's pushing it, just because Trump likes Russia doesn't mean they like America. If anything because of the constant "it was Russia's fault!" from both sides, the relationship was probably better under Obama.

If you are American then, yes, he is your president. Reality does not change because you are a salty faggot

cuts taxes jobs up people making more money but he did say no no words!

Im preetty sure we had warm relations with them under George Bush.

Ah yes, the classic "faggot" comeback. Further proves my point of the mentality of Tr*mp supporters.

Mostly seeing trump supporters being autists and not backing shit up ITT

It's funny because it's true!

hes doing fine just fuck off already I dont care what huffpost taught you, fucking christ.

that place is a joke,
they actually made a news article out of someone vandalizing a wikipedia page.

Stay salty cunt faggot nigger.
Im not a Trump Supporter btw, just not a salty cunt faggot nigger spastic

Wow edgelord teach me your ways

so if everything Obama did only comes into play to better America a year after Trump's president then all the super bad stuff Trump's apparently done won't make a difference till he's out of office in 7 years? idk if bait or typical bs random hate for Trump

The left reads and believes that "joke" user, thats why were so fucked up right now.

>The left
Im not sure you can call democrats leftists anymore,
they've become something else.


Killary would have been bad for america and the world Trump is bad for America. You war loving fucks have the president you deserve.

Just dont go letting of your big nukes please.

Lmaoing at supporters actually responding. Give up. Tr*mp probably won't last another year. I'm done, peace.

I remember being 14 on Sup Forums also.

something else like exposed cons who's time is up and we can clearly see a better job being done in 1/8 the time

wwwaaaa wwwwaaaaa too bad. you lost faggot



not being a trump supporter = clinton supporter... flawless logic.

another solid point. keep trying to sway people for the next 7 years


>believing this retard will win another election


dude no, the last major democrat you could really call leftist was Bernie, and they screwed them over.
the DNC right now only serves a bunch of rich white liberals with more money then sense that prioritize their dumb pet projects like trannies and other sjw shit over actually important things like raising the minimum wage to a livable level.
They have lost touch with the common man.

Obama wasn't my president for 8 fuckin years.
Deal with it snowflake.



Sigh, lefties still think there are answers to problems that politicians can solve. The only job of politicians should be to get out of the way or obstruct government wherever possible
The minimum wage, wherever it has been implemented has only served to suppress the wages of the lowest paid

And this, Trumpfags, is why the rest of the world now thinks that you are an unfunny joke.

nice b8

Yes it does automatically make him every citizens president. Gtfo newfag.

>Appointed ajit pai to the chair of the FCC and put net neutrality under threat
>Recriminalized marajuana

Itt: liberals still butt mad af

stay mad kid

Just factually incorrect. He is your president. suck it up

Quite literally nothing in that paragraph is correct. You tried/10.

Yeah, what mess?
Liberal douche activity lowered, economy recovering, countries fear us again. All good to me

If by 'fear', you mean 'pity', then sure champ..

To be a Trump supporter you either don't have a conscience or you have one and wilfully ignore it.

In any case, you are evil if you support Trump. Sorry to say, but you are.

and it's really immature to double down and hold firm in a mentality you know in your heart is evil only because you can't deal with the shame of people calling you out on it

Sorry not sorry Trumpies


One of the saddest things I've had to witness as I've grown is the majority of the world be controlled so easily by the state. I'm only 18 and don't have all the answers but the fact that there are masses of so called liberals who actively deny reality without question is quite black pilling

I've read posts elsewhere that attempt to convey the point that not all Trump voters are racist, bigoted ignoranti, either willingly or by nature. Sure, I'm willing to concede that there were a great many reasonable and dignified individuals who voted for him.

What this premise must recognize though, is that even though not everyone who voted for him is a racist, all racists voted for him. Essentially, no matter how decent or enlightened you claim to be, you've thrown your hat into that ring, and you now have to own up to your position.

A bit like Brexit, really.

So glad I'm not a burger...


Dont try to sound smart you brain isnt even fully developed yet you just sound cringey

There's no way you're 18, edgelord. Try 14 and b&.


>brain isn't fully developed
>still larger and denser than the bugman's


Science bitch, learn something for once

Please just *attempt* to make sense, faggot.

Def a 14 y/o newfag Sup Forumstard spewing shit off of urban dictionary

And obamama wasnt my president either nigger. Go the hell on!

Well atleast you didn't call me a Russian bot.

obama wasn't anyone's president

Hmmm, and the alt-right mocks 'libtards' for whining. Hmmm...

lmao almost...ALMOST as stupid as the sovereign citizen movement. Get fucked.

Doesn't change the fact you're wrong.