Take 4 large garlic cloves

>take 4 large garlic cloves
>crush them with a spoon
>cut them up in very small pieces
>let it sit for 15 minutes
>allicin forms
>put garlic in a cup
>add orange juice
>chase down the mixture
>endure 10 minutes of queezy stomach
>enjoy natural euphoria
>enjoy the physical and mental benefits of nature's most potent medicine

Eat garlic and onions, user. Drink green tea. It makes life so much more bearable, and it's cheap as fuck. You hear me? GARLIC. ONIONS. GREEN TEA.
If you're worried about garlic breath; green tea, lemon juice, an apple, parsley or orange juice cancels out the odor. You're fucking welcome, cunts.

What other effects have you noticed from doing this?

Garlic on pizza tho

I feel much sharper, cognitively speaking. My mood has increased dramatically. I have a lot more energy, causing my work performance to improve, me to exercise more, all stuff that in turn elevates each other. The only downsides are the odor, which I addressed already, and the possibly upset stomach. The benefits far outweigh that, though.

Accept the truth! Join me on the path to exceptional health!

Add unrefined (organic preferably) coconut oil and take 1-8 drops of a potent oregano oil once a week to 8 times per month for added gut cleansing. Coconut oil has MCT's and is a very good source of energy. Caprylic acid in coconut oil is antifungal and antibacterial. Cleanses liver and kidneys well.

Garlic is high in B vitamins, green tea high in polyphenols and/or catechins. Add lemon juice because it increases absorption of antioxidants in green tea 8x.

I just bought some garlic clove I will destroy my stomach later for OP.

neat, thanks faggot


am athlete, dont want it to kill my foot

He talked about this. Good regimen to do.

No. Had neighbours a good 12 yeas ago that would use garlic I swear to God. Would bathe ,fuck ,cook , and use as laundry detergent


....and yet still stunk of foreign b/o...you know the type, the "my peaceful god will murder the shit out of your god" type.

>Add unrefined (organic preferably) coconut oil and take 1-8 drops of a potent oregano oil once a week to 8 times per month for added gut cleansing. Coconut oil has MCT's and is a very good source of energy. Caprylic acid in coconut oil is antifungal and antibacterial. Cleanses liver and kidneys well.
Thanks, I didn't know about that!

>I just bought some garlic clove I will destroy my stomach later for OP.
I direct a garlic fart in your direction, dear user. May we both live a healthy and fruitful life.

Another convert, and a hitlerdubs wielding one at that! Do heed my advice though user, if you're inexperienced, start off with a single clove of garlic. Work your way up!

If you wish, though it may be a bit too much for the untrained body to handle odor-wise. I tend to indulge in garlic whenever I know I won't be going anywhere for the day. But even if you start eating garlic once a week, your health will improve!

You got two feet, don't ya?

Needless to say. I still gag like there's a dick in my mouth at the smell of garlic.

>Would bathe ,fuck ,cook , and use as laundry detergent
Lol, well you raise a fair point. Moderation is an aspect not to be overlooked.
That is a shame. There are other superfoods out there, though. And you could simply ingest garlic without truly smelling it [as stated in OP]

will do, thanks coach!

You dumbasses crack me up.

Please, call me Gnarly Garlic Gary.

Laughter is healthy, but you'd be better off eating that nutritious g-a-r-l-i-c!

what an absolute load of horseshit

Are you not a fan of science, user?


Onions are fucking life guys, not memeing you here. Eat those bitches with every fucking meal i dont give a fuck what you have. Eggs? Onion in those unborn fetuses. Steak? Shove some onions on that bitch. Cake? Nigger i don't care just put an onion in the middle or some shit #INGESTTHEONION2018

Just ate one garlic clove. Garlic farts are strong today lol Y'all need get with this. These age old secrets/remedies for better health destroy anything Big Pharma tries to get us to consume.

Cancer starts in the stomach where the majority of the immune system resides. When you're overrun with bad bacteria, it releases toxins that flood the bloodstream causing inflammation throughout the body. This is leaky gut syndrome. This I suspect is the root of cancer.

Garlic is super strong for the stomach. Very, very good for killing parasites and fungus. This is why OP talks of more energy, better cognitive function, and better mood.

Most of our serotonin receptors are in our stomach. Eating garlic which is rich in vitamin B6, serotonin production goes up a lot because B6 is apart of process in making serotonin.

That sounds like a bunch of european liberal faggot shit. ill never let you commie scum poisen me and my freedom with your foriegn pesantry food

>Europe is trying to conquer US with... garlic

Gotta try harder, user.

Yes, yes! Exactly! Though your specific application may not correlate with mine, I fully support your post. To a healthy life, onionanon.

Wonderful, my friend! It is true that our digestive tract and, as you stated yourself, stomach are crucial in the regulation of our mood. I've taken to consuming garlic on an empty stomach for full effect. It holocausts the fuck out of the bad bacteria. Studies have also shown that our good bacteria are more allicin-resistant, causing them to stay!

I love the rest of your post, very informative. Keep stuffing yourself with this god-given superfood, and gas the pharma kikes with your garlic farts! I raise my clove to you, brother.

garlic on pizza is the shit

please lurk before posting. the smell of new is overpowering

>cancer starts in the stomach


rogan is constantly talking about this too. i think I'm gonna try it. he highlights the energy increase, which seems surprising, but I'll take your guys' words

Wow I never knew allicin was good for good bacteria. Read some good things and garlic should be a staple food for everyone. Been worried because oregano oil has been said to kill good bacteria too.

Probiotics. Some of the good bacteria strains can alleviate eczema, depression, and more. My eczema is gone finally after doing a cleanse and taking a probiotic every other day. Good talk on here. Be well!

my dad used to do this and he very rarely got sick from the cold and flu. wish he would do it now since he has moderate high blood pressure and cholesterol. hes 69 btw and still works

first world problems OP has

raging hardons upon digestion, no seriously garlic is one of the best things for circulation / blood vessel tone, and vit C from the OJ will increase the potency of that pump. grapes are actually very good for this as well, red grapes in particular for the high resveratrol.

Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Pretend America is your whole body from head to toe. Washington D.C. is your stomach. When corrupted politicians (bad bacteria) invade D.C. (your stomach), they create a swamp (pool of toxins). The swamp floods into the rest of the country(flows through your bloodstream) causing chaos and corruption at a massive level (high inflammation). In order to fix everything, you need to drain the swamp (rid of/cleanse toxins out) and put good politicians back in.

Paging Dr. Sup Forums. This thread is hilarious. Please, give us more information about how to cure cancer.

nice try OP
my cousin did this and he died

Do you think there's a decrease in benefits when it comes to cooking them?