"I'm like really smart. I'm a stable genius"

"I'm like really smart. I'm a stable genius"

Hillary is a 200 year old clandestine donkey witch on her absolute best day. Not saying she is better than Trump but how can you fgts still defend him at this point?

Other urls found in this thread:


He has officially jumped my shark, can we p[lease get a march againt trump image thread?

Post this on pol pussy

I'm from Canada and my buddy and I followed the election and wanted Trump to win because we thought ot would be hilarious and to see the reaction of some of the far left girls in my school. I kinda feel bad about it now like I was supporting a bad person but my friend is pretty right wing and feels he's still funny and better than Hillary so idk.

im a Sup Forumstard pol is too much for me, i find it to be mean spirited on the whole where Sup Forums is fun so fuck off nigger and dont tell me what to do

>"Days without being a national fucking embarrassment"

I'm pretty sure they've stopped measuring in days, and instead go on hours now, since sometimes he might reach the heady peaks of double-digit numbers then. .

ya i used to think that he would be better because like you said seeing butt hurt lefts is fun and also i felt that hilldawg was some sort of subhuman donkey witch , also i generally enjoy watching the world burn , but after "stable genius" i dunno n e more


Lol he's gonna be the first president to get impeached for being retarded

If only we could rescind the voting rights of every moron who voted vor him


You could just ask a trumpanze before he can vote a
> basic math question
> a question about the constitution
> if the earth is round
And 95% of trumpcucks would be unable to answer correctly.

OP here I mean in their defense Hillary is some sort of 200 year old donkey witch, I thought he was better than her at the time and even if he wasnt watching the butt hurt left was priceless and still is but hes just rotten at this point.

I've always believed there should be an I.Q. test to vote. Or even a basic aptitude test.

I heard that alot from trumpcucks " i want to watch america burn"
Why are the GOP people such traitors?

> winning

me personaly OP here again , I just hate the world am a forever alone born again virgin neckbeard, no allegiance to n e thing except watching the world burn cause why not sure, im a Sup Forumstard, dunno wut their excuse is


isn't it supposed to be "transvestite donkey witch"?

>have you ever believed that the Democrats operated a child sex ring out of a pizza shop?

Hillary was obviously the better candidate stfu

I'm starting to agree with this

i beleive so yes sir from South Park describing Sarah Jessica Parker, I felt it was valid here on this

You guys do realize that's hes just fucking with all of you right?

What america really needs, what it lacks, is something that athens had in its political system in ancient times.

Ostracism. Someone could be exiled for ten years by popular vote.

Although, come to think of it, that would be a disaster.

some arcane southpark quoting there

>Hillary was obviously the better candidate stfu
not saying i didnt think she wasnt was just saying that i felt she was some sort of subhuman donkey witch where as i kinda thought that Trump was at least a human being

Yeah, I knew he was when he started. Then he won and now we're all stuck with it.

and this is an excuse for his behavior in what reality?

the man is supposed to be the president of the United States.
perhaps its time he acted like one, instead of a petulant child with the attention span of a gnat

its the subtle, little thing in life that make legends sir


"jokes on you I was just acting retarded"

Well if you were in Trumps shoes would you:
> act like a retard
> or go to jail for the rest of your life

not trolling , please explain goto jail? i gneerally never follow politics what is he getting locked up for?

No he's not. I know it's hard for you to understand this, but you can't call "LOLITROLLU" at everything because someone's retarded.

I mean, typically you're not that far removed from stupidity when you are a troll.

So what you're saying is that Trump is just... pretending to be stupid?

>pic related.

kiddy diddler

No he's not. People are pretending he's smart

Anyone who defends Trump is a Russian shill at this point.

nigger i fucking loath redit try harder


can you givr mr the cliff notes version, i live under a rock of sports insulated from real world bullshit, i mean he backed a guy who fucked kids? is that the jist? again not trolling just a shut in

Lol Reddit has a much better UI and community than Sup Forums.


their community is shit hive minded snowflakes more or less fuck those cunts

More than 100,000 people have signed the petition for Twitter to enforce their ToS.

Your pockets will be defending him when you start bringing home more of your own money in Feb. Donated his salary, economy booming, dow at all time high, black unemployment at all time low, millions of new jobs, hundreds of companies opening factories in the U.S., ISIS obliterated, illegal immigration down 24%, deregulation ratio of 22-1, revived NASA, 3% GDP, V.A. reform, ended TPP, repealed individual mandate...nobody has to defend him. The results will. And they are. MAGA

No I don't know 100% for sure but if I had to make an educated guess he's an idiot and all the people around him have been abusing the fact that he's an idiot which eventually got a bunch of russians involved. And now all this shit is coming to light and lots of people believe this will lead to him getting impeached. But in my opinion the way it's set up it's gonna be all the people around him taking the fall and not him

Trump when he was a teenager

Cmv isn't a hivemind, it depends on what sub u visit

This would be a huge mistake. Twitter is the best tool for exposing Trump for who he really is. Fucking hell, the stupidity is off the fucking charts in this country.


The guy can call himself what ever the fuck he wants and I dont give a shit because I am getting a tax cut so I can buy more weed and hookers add in my 401k is blowing up and so are my other investments so I hope the guy continues this streak of winning because I am losers

>muh russia
>muh rape accusations (that haven't been proven)
>inb4 pseudo-intellectual assblasted cucks reply

> Donated his salary
Not only did he take more vacation than any other President before him, he also made his security pay for their mar-a-lago visit, costing tax payers millions.
> Economy booming
Thanks Obama
> millions of new jobs
Actually fewer jobs being created last month then any other time in the last 8 years.
> hundreds of companies opening factories in the US
> ISIS obliterated
Thanks Obama
> illegal immigration down
Yeah magic wall works great
> deregulation
Gives Bankers the freedom to scam people in more ways thanks to Trump.
> revived NASA
No idea how that happened, Trump did not know the NASA exists.
> ended TPP
To this day has given no reason, why and could not explain what TPP is
> nobody has to defend him
Then why are you trying to? case closed, trumpcuck.

4chans ads are reflective of the toxic community it houses

> ISIS obliterated
Thanks Obama

What the fuck are you on about? Onigger never even acknowledged ISIS' existence. Remember when those ISIS supporting sand niggers shot up that building in California and Obama was quick to drop some "disgruntled workers" bullshit?

hehehheheh nice :-DDDDDDDDDDD epic

> please be retarded elsewhere


for sure wut cmv? i mean i can go there but not in the mood

>iq test

Nice in theory. But it would be tampered with and be just another way of voter suppression.

Unfortunately has to remain an open democracy where all can vote.

Thanks Obama for ISIS obliterated? You fucking kidding me?
Obama funded the Syrian rebels, who in turn a lot of them ended up selling weapons to ISIS and joining ISIS, because they were mercenaries.
Isn't it funny how ISIS couldn't be fought for over 2 years under Obama then Trump gets inaugurated and now ISIS is pretty much fucking dead?

>ZERO (O) air traffic control sky deaths this year
and u saying trump have done nothing for the country?? checkmate fagot lolol

A lot of Americans wanted a change and we are now dealing with the consequences of that change.

It should have been Bernie. Yes he was obviously way too far to the left but there was a Republican congress and it would have been better for the people of this country to have a President like him to get the discussion rolling on more liberal policy.

Even Democrats don't want to have that discussion because they're afraid of being branded a communist/liberal/socialist. This country has shifted farther and farther to the right since Reagan.

im not mad i am just disgusted by him at this point OP here cant say this enough i am not a hilary donkey witch supporter in fact i was looking forward to trump but this nigger tweeting "I'm like reallt smart, I'm a stable genius" really fgt? and trust me i love trolling lefts rights anyone but this is trolling me as a human being i dont givea fuck abt amerifat

> things you believe when you watch Fox news
And no its not funny that Fox stopped their daily Obama funds ISIS propaganda, the second it didn't make them money anymore.

>Even Democrats don't want to have that discussion because they're afraid of being branded a communist/liberal/socialist

This this this. Americans can't dissociate the idea of socialism from USSR totalitarianism. It's like socialism/communism is the fucking boogeyman for people in the US; the second its mentioned the conversations run off the rails with people throwing out hypotheticals about "gubmints comin' for mah propertees"

Thanks Obama you fucking nigger for the 200 billion in interest on the national debt that you and the fucking democrats added so much to funding dumb programs that failed because you never knew anything about business in your shitty nigger life

ahahahahhahahaha wow XD

Thanks GOP and traitor Trump for giving the wealthiest people a huge tax cut, while fucking over the middle class. And adding a huge national debt, even though you promised to lower it.

Have you taken a look at next year's tax plan? I wouldn't be surprised if trump ends up generating more debt

>this country has shifted further right
Yeah, gay marriage, "misgender" laws, legal weed, gender/womens studies bullshit being taught in college, degenerate gay pride parades with kids twerking, and the general fact that saying "there are only 2 genders" is now considered offensive... yep this country has shifted so far right.
lol you mean the blm apologist cuck who let two screeching sheboons take over his rally, the guy that screams how ""white supremacy"" is a "growing problem" in the U.S. (when really its just white people fed up all the white male bashing in the media nowadays), the guy that would shit his pants in a meeting with Putin or Xi, the guy that says white people don't know what poverty is like, etc.

Looks like you got triggered m8.

>unemployment down
>stock market up
>USA finally starts putting foot down internationally (dooh, of course other fools dislike if you come from being generous idiot, back to world police)
>deals with other important countries like Russia and China like a pro. Gets immediate responses from these giants just thanks to few meetings.
>says the truth, even when it is bad for himself.

At the same some kids who never ever have heard a single sentence of Trump's plans accuse him of racism (sorry what? Obama was more racist than two Trumps together), sexism (which Trump admitted like a man, while still taking every possible step to put women in important positions in his administration. At the same time Hillary was ready to destroy lives of everyone, just to cover up for her family).
Literally nothing of essence aside from some weird personal dislike can be put on the table by these kids.
So give us a break, will you? eat your eco-vegetables, boil in your own juices and listen to zombifying media and participate in feminist movements, but don't pretend you have ANY bearing on progress and future of USA, to have an opinion on why a successful president is suddenly bad.

And stop acting like Trump is embarassing. There is a good old truth that people find embarassing and unpleasant things that they cannot fight within themselves. If you can't stand talks about unemployment and shit like that, it means you are deeply ashamed of being a dumbfuck and just want Trump to shut up.
You think other country presidents/leaders are so amazing? Hey there is a plan - move there.
Who is that amazing leader in your opinion? The power-hungry fruit of 70's Putin who makes literal spectacles for russian people, as if they are fucking 5 year olds, yet cannot be removed because of state mafia?

>muh fox news
Not an argument.
>har dar triggurd xD
Not an argument.

Merkel, who literally does not give a fuck about Germans and has allowed the most irresponsible immigration politics to take over Europe (Merkel's reasoning is 100% lies, as if Germans lack workforce, while nearby polaks and Easter Europeans would love to work in Germany, and would not drive trucks over Germans).
UK's weirdos? China's comministic death regime leaders? Ghadaffi? who?
Hillary, who looked like a liar at every moment she opened her mouth + came from a power family, who had taken USA hostage for nearly 80 years?

Stop fucking fooling yourselves.
Trump may be a born entertainer, given his life record, but he is no way bad or worse than others. If anything his decisiveness is simply amazing (he and Thatcher would probably be good buddies) and his reforms will bring good to USA in future.
Countries are so passive and slow, they often eat up gigantic amount of goods YOU created, and provide nothing. Trump simply trusts the old business principle - sometimes doing anything is better than doing nothing. His USA moves forward.

You want to sit idle and wait wonders, do it.
Just don't lecture those who don't on why this or that is better. You will sound like those unexperienced fresh-out-of-uni "professionals" who think they know a thing about practical business.

>inb4 dem rats reply with "nuh uh >:("

Also another huge problem with republicans is they don't want a democracy.

They don't want other ideas, they dont't want other policies, they don't want other ways of thinking. This whole Trump trying to shut down this book by Wolff and press charges is hilarious. Any kind of dissent will be met with the government arresting or charging you for talking badly about the GEOTUS.

>Obama was more racist than two Trumps together
How to go full retard

Afraid to get torn apart by wolves. Boy Sup Forums has become a lib shithole

Trump hates facts and critics. That is why he went ape shitting his diaper when some football player was protesting. Trumptard could not believe that an American was allowed the freedom of speech, while his friend Putin wouldve just shot the whole team

When was Sup Forums ever not a left leaning/anarchist/chaotic free for all?

>unemployment down
If you need me to explain this to you, just ask. Thinking is hard

I have another graph for you...

>stock market up
Here's another graph. Again, if you need me to elaborate on this, I'd be happy to.

It used to be the rest. Not a lib shithole. Also libs were never this bad. Their all fags nowadays

I think they're more likely to reply with just "uh?"

because whatever reality that guy's living in, its certainly not this one.

and that word salad of a response is, far from being a convincing argument, more a telling indication of its author's grasp of reality.

Do it, u wont

>dur imma call him retarded xD
How to be a faggot and argue like a liberal.

Are you trolling or just actually retarded?

I'd recommend proof reading before hitting post next time.

is that the same employment graph which a year ago trump was claiming was entirely faked, and that the "real" employment figure from "trusted sources, believe me" was 40%?

>lolololol, grammar mistake
Classic fag lib counter

Most Trump supporters I know don't like Trump so much because of his actions, but because of what they think he represents. They want someone in the oval office who will give the finger to the establishment (even though Trump filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs), so as long as Trump continues to upset the elites/media, they will continue to support him.

I love how the republicans get a total pass for that whole 2008 thing and Obama did nothing but now that Trump is president everything is going great finally!

So what you're saying is you can't refute what said?

Please - he was clearly giving a hand to blacks all the fucking time. He got his political basis thanks to careful manipulation of blacks.

I like Obama's public speaking abilities, and am a lawyer myself, so I get where he is coming from.

Still - Trump has a great record of being a man who has not divided people by skin colors.
Obama does not have that.

You're as stupid as a fucking stick the rich were rich before this tax cut and are going to do what the rich like to do and that's get richer and they are going to do that by investing in the USA and because you are so fucking stupid its only potential debt and not 1 fucking dollar has even been added to it but like I said the 200 billion is just in interest grows even more as we type fuctard but you turn a blind eye to that

>deals with other important countries like Russia and China like a pro
Oh, you mean like kotowing to them? Like refusing to acknowledge that Russia meddled in our elections? Like not doing anything about those horrible trade deals with China?

Or... what exactly do you mean by this

Sometimes "nuh uh" is all you deserve when you just make broad generalizations without backing them up.


Not a grammar mistake I literally don't know what you meant.

>It used to be the rest.

Did you mean the best?

>Not a lib shithole. Also libs were never this bad.

I'd say this board was never really politically motivated/active at all. No idea what you mean here.

>Their all fags nowadays

Yes this is a grammar mistake but I was more confused about the first part.

>Trump has a great record of being a man who has not divided people by skin colors.
Obama does not have that.

Top fucking kek

I love how you strawmanned his argument into him saying "obama did nothing" when in fact he didn't say that at all.