This fag got drunk and got this shit. What does it even mean and what language is it?

This fag got drunk and got this shit. What does it even mean and what language is it?

Other urls found in this thread:

"OP is a fag"

looks elvish like from lord of the rings

Thats what i told him hah, i looked at arabic but nothing

le terible

Looks like a made up language based on arabic characters

We agree, but being drunk in cuba tends to result in terrible decisions

Its Dark Speech:
Elor merokal which means: ' I' am a fag''

Not sure what it says but i just reviewed the characters of the elvish alphabet and its definitely elvish

No, elvish font Tengwar "el terible".

Yeah, that's quenya/ made up language by jrr tolken for LOTR. You're "friend" is a dipshit.



HOLY FUCK this is it LOL

Get aids, faggot

Yeah it is.

If you set it to Quenya on the translation matches up.

Honestly if I was going to get a tattoo in Elvish script I'm not sure I'd go for "el terible"


Wow. It is el terible.

Op here, its elvish. Thank you all for your detective skills. Rest assured he feels like a dumbass. (Hes never seen lotr either)

your a cancer

>(Hes never seen lotr either)

Not sure if that makes it better or worse really...

Top fucking kek.

How do you get tatt when drunk ?
Your friend is a massive faggot, he doesnt assume suckin cock on a regular basis