Daily reminder Western Europeans started multiculturalism and globalism. Just see Native American map...

Daily reminder Western Europeans started multiculturalism and globalism. Just see Native American map. All non-white countries could be Japan today and capitalism would love it. But Western Europeans prefered multiculturalism. In New World, even in North America, you have Italians racemixing with British, Irish racemixing with Germans... In Europe this is an aberration, racemixing between ethnic groups always was rare.

>racemixing between ethnic groups always was rare.



Even in UK you still have some Britons today.

>All non-white countries could be Japan today
Asian Jews?

Funny how the enjoy globalism so much and take advantage of it to the point of getting butthurt over Trump's protectionist pretensions, particularly those that target or may affect Japanese companies, but don't want foreign businesses and investing to set foot in their country and enter their closed local market.

They do everything within their capabilities to stop foreigners from getting their hands in some of their companies, yet they sometimes end up reluctantly selling those to them.

>In Europe this is an aberration

this is what happens when you watch too many Varg videos

> Venezuela and Columbia in the 5% category
Nigga, no more than 2% of our population is indigenous

fix your fucking country you mutt

spot on

we're on it, dumb manolo. Actually we've been doing better than most cunts on this continent

The only way to fix it is getting rid of the actual population and then repopulating the land with a good group of people (no Asians)

and no nigs

>Actually we've been doing better than most cunts on this continent
Don't you get tired of telling the same joke always? Or is it a signal that someone forgot to take their medication to keep their hallucinations in check?

The only way this sinking ship has managed to stay afloat is by sending thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of miserables to other lands. Chile seems to be the latest victim of this play. But somehow, the government and its drones keep parroting that this place is doing it great.

>the government and its drones
What about global indices that don't give a fuck about our government? They tell otherwise and show steady improvement my mamerto friend

>All non-white countries could be Japan today and capitalism would love it
this desu

>"(About Tlatelolco) After we had sufficiently gazed upon this magnificent picture, we again turned our eyes toward the great market, and beheld the vast numbers of buyers and sellers who thronged there. The bustle and noise occasioned by this multitude of human beings was so great that it could be heard at a distance of more than four miles. Some of our men, who had been at Constantinople and Rome, and travelled through the whole of Italy, said that they never had seen a market-place of such large dimensions, or which was so well regulated, or so crowded with people as this one at Mexico."

Man Europeans are really subhumans for wiping out these interesting civilizations.

CHI here

El Salvador is like 1% Amerid

3% in Colombia

Venezuela is like 1%.

Colombia has the same or lower emigration rates than all Sudaca countries except Brazil, Chile and Argentina.

The only Spanish speaking country that isn't filled with Amerindians and Amerindian looking people is basically Cuba.

not really. The venezuelan amazon and southeastern region is more densely populated than our amazon and southeastern region and those regions have lots of indigenous people. Also, there are a lot in the northwest as well, towards falcon and Zulia states

Muh 100 billion of dead natives.

Colombia has 1.5 million indigenous people, 3% of the population.

Venezuela has 800.000.

Venezuela has 30 million people, clombia 50 milion

Venezuela is "whiter" than Colombia? That''s new for me

learn history dumbass, the drying of your capital was inevitable

Japan wouldn't be shit without the West.

yes, slighty. They were at 42% """"""""white""""""""""", meanwhile Colombia is 37% white. However with the recent """"""""white""""" flight from Venezuela, it must be equally at 40% in both cunts as lots of them have come here

Colombia was one of the most densely populated areas of the Americas before the arrival of the Spaniards. Muisca people of Central Colombia was perhaps the most complex society of the Americas after Incas/Mayas/Aztecs.

Colombia is mid term between Ecuador/Peru/Bolivia and Venezuela. Not as Indio as the former but not as Caribbean/destiny for European migration as the later.

>destination for European migration as the later
beg to disagree. During colonial times (XV until XVIII we received far more europoors than Venezuela, mainly asspaniards and that's why our population growth was more rapid. Venezuela received more recent immigrants during the oil boom and world war period in Europe, mainly asppaniards and poortuguese. meanqwhile we got roach'd at teh beggining of the xx century

hilo 5lombianos

not really

Greeks are cool in my book

Japan is literally 2 ethnic groups mixing into one