Why is Donald Trump so bad at being president Sup Forums ?

Why is Donald Trump so bad at being president Sup Forums ?

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because he got stuck in 2005

Why does everyone blame Donald Trump for all of America`s problems Sup Forums?


I honestly don't get all the hate, he's the best president we've had in 30 years.


Judging by your comments, you don't get a lot of things.

He isn't. It's just that liberal idiots won't stop crying about every fucking thing he ever does. CCN spent an hour talking about Diet Coke the other day because he allegedly drinks 12 cans a day. I could understand if it was beer, that'd be a story, but soda?

Well, I get a conservative Supreme Court Justice, a booming economy, a renewed focus on American businesses & jobs, and a fairly sweet tax cut.

Yes he is.

It's all so good!

Because being conservative is a mental disability

he won libbies
we know you are mostly insane by now
go jump off a cliff

My 401k says differently...

You mean like how Conservatives cried about every fucking thing Obama did and how Fox News would focus on secret muslim conspiracy theories?

this nigga gets it

I doubt the economy will last though it's on a rise just like right before the worst crashes in american history.


Only thing he has left to do to get another term is to build that wall.

Illegals costs $100 billion each year, so a wall for $30-50 would be a good investment.


He's like a blunt doctor that tells you to get off your fat ass and excersise before you have a heart attack,, of course youre mad but thats what you need ans thats the truth

sounds like that would make you happy


gotta get the Wall


>whataboutery - the post

Listen to this guy. He's no doubt an experienced economist... Well he's probably done a lot of research at least. OK, but he read an article about it... Fine it was a headline, but he didn't read the article.

Fine, he just skimmed a headline about a dog that saved a duck.

What if he's good and all of the people you are comparing him to were the ones that suck? All politicians are unapologetic assholes, at least Trump doesn't pretend to be a nice guy. Maybe your definition of a good President is a guy that says nice lies rather than dick truth, but mine isn't. Not to mention most of America is just like Trump, selfish assholes. Why do people bitch about Trump? They are butthurt, because they are selfish assholes that didnt get their way. SJWs are Trump, they just can't admit it, because it bruises their pussy ass egos.

Actually I would prefer the economy to not crash and prove me wrong then economically conservatives would actually have evidence to support their economic theories.

in one year he's proved that your obumer was a complete fuckup and failure. that's why you don't like him. USA is not on the down and the down is not the new norm we have to live with.

You are correct sir

You make a powerful case.

You're an idiot.

its not that he's creating a lot of problems, he's too incompetent and reactionary to create anything, even problems, he's just making existing problems much worse

Yeah, this guy is right. Obama made himself look like a fuckup without any help.

Sure thing

Never even looked at an article I can just read a graph. The rise we have right now is what precedes crashes just look.

ok, so rising graphs are bad. Check.

Everyone please prepare for disaster in 2015

>believes in technical stock analysis
>expects anyone to take him seriously

Good job retard

it is when it is too rapid then followed by a crash yeah that's bad and that is what had happened for the last 200 years. If anyone could alter that though it's trump.

Remember when we were told Bush would start a nukular war?

two words:

>l o w
>e n e r g y

instead he got us into Iraq!
What great defense

>believes business cycle doesn't exist, 9 year bull market fresh as a daisy
smart money right here

>creating a lot of problems
And shilling on Sup Forums is great way to solve them

He's a liar.
He's delusional.
He pandered to middle class white males in order to get them to vote against what's actually in their interests.
He supports bigotry.
He supports misogyny.
He's a kleptocrat.

Need I go on?

Of course I do, but I won't. No matter how much it might benefit them to open their minds & see the world from a different perspective other than the one from straight up their own assholes, the conservative fucktards don't see anything wrong with any of the stuff I just wrote. Either that or they're inclined to red herring it to death. And you shouldn't argue with a fool because people might not know the difference.

You'll be okay in 7 years or so little fella.

His policies are coming on strong. The market is just a representation of consumer confidence. Reducing regulatotion and lowering the corporate income tax as well as lowering taxes for almost all citizens shows good signs for a long-term upswing in the market.

no, a strong economy is bad because it will go down again some day. Aren't you reading the thread?

pathetic loser. grow up, wear some big boy pants, and provide a better option next time.

>Retard Alert.

Take you a nap and come back with a coherent argument later, let the adults talk right now.

ma nigga

America as a whole has turned from bear fighting, whiskey slamming, stare down the void bad asses to pussies who need safe spaces. That's why.

or signs of over speculation on the consumers part. Also reduction of regulations often leads to corruption and manipulation of the market which leads to crashes like in 1929 and 2007... you know the worst economic periods in us history.

You mean things go up and down... wow. The crash you are suggesting is just fear mongering. I guess Obama's plan was great by keeping the economy in the shitter so it never could crash is a sound plan? Of course the market will drop, that's what it does regularly.

So if the economy was in the shitter right now, we'd be better off?

that pic is so ironic. Trump cries on his twitter over every little thing. Such a bitch ass.

When the government over regulates things is when things get much worse, good example being right now where New England can't use heat because the local government me don't want to burn coal or gas for fear of that global warming hoax.

that's literally not what I'm saying I'm saying the the economy has ups and downs and various factors cause those ups and downs. I'm not mad that the economy is doing good I'm mad that it's doing too good which usually means there's going to be a crash. I hope I'm wrong and the market stays up I just don't want another recession.

I won't deny that there is such a thing as over regulation that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard that people aren't being allowed to heat there homes that's some ussr shit. I'm more worried about the loop holes that come with an under regulated market that corporations find. Like giving people houses that they can't afford.

>not realizing that after the trumpinator got memed into office he decides to use his platform to troll liberals

You mean subprime lending, the thing that caused the 2008 financial crisis? That was a regulation that forced banks to give loans to people that couldn't pay them back. I got out of the mortgage business and shorted stocks because I saw it coming a mile away.


I'm just gonna leave this here. "Donald, thank you for everything you do for us!"


>when you save a picture of Alex Jones in Cyrillic but claim others are shilling
seems legit

I know, Reagan was the best president we've ever had. He single handedly btfo the USSR.

It wasn't the banks' fault per se, it was actually the Treasury's meddling in Merrill Lynch that led to Lehman collapsing.

Yeah, right. He was the 80's version of Trump.

Reagan grew the economy to gigantic heights, heights that lasted all the way into the Dotcom bubble due to Federal regulations. Clinton nearly destroyed it all if it weren't for based Gingrich.

He's the epitome of an egotistic maniac.

He says some things that presidents shouldn't say, his twitter feed is a little of the rails but the media is really blowing up on some ridiculous things. He isn't completely terrible, certainly not the worst president

He's good at trolling the shit out of you guys apparently. Not something I'd do, but I'm not a 6ft+ tall dude with a big dick and an impossibly large bankroll that's been banging supermodels for 50 years.

Why has noone introduced him to Sup Forums yet? I'm sure he'd love it here!

>Reagan grew the economy to gigantic heights
You mean when the national debt went from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion?

He's not. He's one of the best we've had in a very long time. Only liberals think otherwise.

It seems like there are more guys ready to suck his dick than women. I don't really care about the guy being president (I laughed when he got elected), but you sound like a fag

>A thin skinned faggot who can't even tolerate constructive criticism would love Sup Forums.
Yeah, wouldn't count on it.

At the tradeoff of a nearly 3 trillion growth to GDP. Debt is flexible and relativistic. Brainlet


>The CATO Institute
Really? What did Veritas not have a decent link?