Faggots. if god doesnt exit, how does anything exst?

faggots. if god doesnt exit, how does anything exst?

marduk created it all out of tiamat's body after he killed her

God is infinity. Jesus was a carpenter who enjoys prostitutes and had an illegitimate son with one like most carpenters

ok fag...who made god? check aND mate.

according to the bible, the deep (aka, the ocean) existed before god... but christfags will cry and pretend that's not what the bible says

> if god doesnt exit, how does anything exst?
The same way it always does.

Not this silly shit again...

Why does it even matter? We're all in a simulation anyway.

Do you not know anything?

A better likeness of Palestinian male 2000 years ago


what if god is the devil and the devil is god? the devil is the best liar..

I personally believe some is behind our existence, but religion can go fuck itself. Also anyone who get's their feefees hurt because someone doesn't believe the same horseshit they believe can go fuck themselves.

>I personally believe something intelligent is behind our existence

T. M. Night Shyamalan

if flying unicorns doesn't exist, how does anything exist?

dis some Klingon?



How do you know?

no, it's the oldest creation story in existence, predating the biblical creation by over a thousand years. therefore, it must be the correct one

flying unicorns aren't given credit for having done anything.

your argument isn't acceptable. it's not sound or valid.

1. if things exist, they must have been created
2. if existence was created, the creator would have been god
3. therefore, since things were created and exist, god created them

this does not prove that god STILL exists, but at least that it had to at some point.

God refuses to prove that he exists because proof denies faith and without faith God is nothing
I don't believe ergo he doesn't exist

NO GOD! Fuck Christ worshiping faggots!

this. god is a faggot and unworthy of our praise

Fuck all you non-believers.

God most certainly exists because creation needs a source. Its that simple, something can't come from nothing. Now what we think as God is all prederminist preference.

why does creation need a source? seems kinda tautological to me

If there's no source then how does it exist?

see, this is the big problem for atheists. you're trained to believe that if god exists, it cares about you and listens to you and you need to serve it. god does not have to care about you, or listen to you, and you don't need to serve it.

then, you can't understand why we would exist, with a god, if it didn't perform the functions religion told you it did. you're using religious rules to decide that god doesn't exist but you already decided that the religion was wrong and then you're confused.

the first "bad" argument you learn in philosophy 101 is:

1. if god exists, it is omnipotent and omnibenevolent
2. bad things happen to good people
3. therefore, god does not exist

that bitch ass attitude is what creates stupid atheists.

god does NOT have to love you at all. then, you'll just frown and not know what to think because you actually want to believe bullshit religion and since it doesn't fit, then you get even more frustrated.

Well as long as some user posts it on Sup Forums, it must me legit. I'll start my belief of a floating guy in the sky right now.I'm saved.

Smarter people than I say mathmatics is the language of the universe and although I don't quite grasp maths on more than a rudimentary level I believe it to be true. Cold, determinate reality that exists to operate according to rules. God is math personified.

ask god

>something can't come from nothing

So where did God come from?

Well of course the whole idealism of religion and the unknown boils down to a guy with a beard chillin in the clouds who acts human and is completely relatable despite omnipotence personified to make the idea palatable. You're too euphoric in your own intelligence for me.

Well that's the nature of god, the creator. Nothing came before but there was never a before to begin with

You sound a little butthurt because you're not a strong enough person to forge your own opinions. You are just a sheep, brainwashed to do and say what the religitards want you to believe. It's much easier for them to extort your money that way.

i just emailed Zeus and i'll be sure to post his reply. hold on, ive got Odin on line 2...brb

you're assuming that at some point in the past, there was nothing and then there was something.

Why assume this? The bible doesn't say this. it follows the enuma elish in saying that the ocean (the deep) existed before god and before heaven and earth. Hinduism teaches that there has been an infinite cycle of creation and destruction that stretches back infinitely in time, so the idea of a "beginning" makes no sense.

But you assume there must be a beginning and therefore, assume the necessary conditions for a god to exist. it's tautological. it's the typical theist trick, you create conditions which are inherently contradictory then assume god to explain away the contradiction. aquinas did this 800 years ago and y'all haven't learned any new tricks since then.


I'm assuming that we as mortals relate to creation as that's what is presented to us, not that time is an abstract value with beginning of end. The concept of god creating the universe serves a purpose to relate to a linear timeline which is easier to understand than an infinite loop,that has no point of origin aka God.

you too

>pointless existentialism