Make a wish and roll

Make a wish and roll.
Anything above singles = the wish coming true.


i want to die asap



I wish that nobody replies to this thread anymore


also roll

I wish I could cure my hangover instantly

i want her to msg me

Rolling for this

Threads over guys. Move along.



I wish for FunFair to hit $1 by the end of February

Stop being a pussy and message her first

I wish upon this doll
of troll
that I should get a
perfect roll

I wand infinid amound of es energydring :DDD

Fug :D

benis XD

i want to date her

i want a LTR

I wish to reclaim Constantinople.



i want you all to leave Sup Forums for 1 week.
we will meet next week guys.

I wish I had the ability to grant wishes


I wish all the trap and cuckold threads would disappear from Sup Forums.

Getting a good life

I wish for dubs

Hey, that guy has a really long arm.

I wish that things would lean my way more again like it did a couple months ago.

Fuck it,
one roll for you coming up bud.

I wish I never found Sup Forums

America gets nuked by North korea

roll for that

thanks m8

let's try again

I wish South Korea gets nuked, especially Seoul, Then the Koreaboos here will off themselves

I want everyone to goto Futaba or Nigrachan and bring something good back.

I wish OP will die today.

I wish I didn't waste my time

I wish no one else gets better than singles.


I wish every thread was an Andy sixxx log thread.

I wish that the lottery ticket I buy today will be the sole winner of the jackpot.

I wish Hitler wasn't right

I wish my life wasn't in shambles

i wish to be less socially awkward


I wish I get singles.

obviously this thread lies.

I wish to be happy

I wish to keep being happy with my new sexy 18 year old GF and to continue to forget about my ex who damn near ruined my life. The bitch sees pics of me and new shorty on IG and now she's wants to add me and talk. Swerve bitch. 18 year old GF for reference.

Bitch mind game playing ex also for reference.

I wish you all to play the game

Nicely done user. New girl is way prettier anyway.

Wish my kid in the back seat would stfu right now. Rollin

gross man good luck and congrats on moving up. just get your new gf to brush her teeth, jesus fuck

I wish for someone to send me 10$

Her and I both brush twice a day and floss. She's a VERY heavy coffee drinker and I'm a VERY heavy smoker. We both need that whitening kit but otherwise either of us is every rocking the dragon. What's gross about either of those pics?

Never rocking the dragon*

I wish for my permaban to be terminated

Wishing for Sup Forums to stfu for once!

I need a gf ASAP!!

How'd you get banned?

Stop posting pizza

Sup Forums gets sold to tumblr for a dollar

Damn, one off. Reroll

Rolling for this

Hiroshima Nagasaki buys Tumblr for a penny

Sup Forums and tumblr switch places ideologically shortly after