I just got diagnosed as depressive/bipolar

I just got diagnosed as depressive/bipolar.

Welcome to the club faggot.

Now stop attention whoring.

Who guaranties me the personality I asked answers?



what age are you? What type of Bipolar?

have you ever had a psychotic break? at what age did you first have mania and what age depression?

do you have other issues - anxiety, OCD, emotional dissonance? etc

Some dude jumped on the so called "suicidal bridge" on my country. Thats like 5 minutes from here. I feel bad for him but damn, i wishi was him. Im too much of a pussy to end my life.

have you started on any drugs yet?

I'm 23 and i have OCD. My mom knew i was fucked since i was like 12. She sent me to a psychiatrist back then. I paid this visit to the psychiatrist myself. My parents dont know about this.

No. I need them tho.

OP here. Aldo, we have free health care, i can get on medication just by going to my local clinic. But damn, man. I dont want to do pills

so how manic do you get - jsut anxiety dn OCD or do you loose reality (I had my first psychotic break at 21, first mild mania at 13 followed by first identifiable depression)

but I covered it up, self medicated with drink when high adn dope when low, for years. Was diagnosed clinically depressed for the first time at 30, and again several more times until in my early forties someone finally asked me about manic symptoms - so I did not get the bipolar diagnosis until I was 45. No one thought to ask me about mania for thirty years. I just lived with it.

get a shit ton of omega 3's

No. I dont loose my shit. Im just depressive as fuck. Im also an alcoholic, every single time i drunk i end up crying. My mother send me to the psychiatrist because my OCD. I used to awake at 2:00 am and start to folding/unfolding my school clothes again and again. And i had a thing about my room's light switcher

so have you got a Bipolar diagnosis?

Yup. I did the most stupid shit last december 22. Also, my mother also tried to kill herself when i was 14, she's still on meds. But shes cool now. I think that shit runs in our blood

Mental illness is for faggota

call me mister Caitlyn Jenner then

Sudoku is the only answer.

so what is your manic behaviour - don't worry I won't judge.

I was inclined to spend money, grandiose ideas, risky sex (lots of risky sex) and drugs (lots of) and stupid "dangerous sports" and totally unstoppable when I got fixated on something. Really obsessive, and utterly compulsive.

sometimes it was useful - i got my MA and PhD by writing eighteen hours a day for a few months for each, after doing nothing for most of a year because of depression - but sometimes it was not so good - like the time i was convinced I should buy a boat and restore it and tried to raise fifty grand and no one would give me the money and i got a little upset...

I stole my dad's credit card and spend $3000. Butbi dont know, beside my deñpression and alcoholism, im a regular dude. Thanks god i still have friends. My best friend (a girl) knows about my problem. We been hanging since we were 5. That bitch took me into lsd

Get clean. And get the real drugs - avoid anti depressants - they flip you high again. I am now on a really small dose of Seroquel, having reduced everything over five years - i have 25mg tablets adn if i start toget high or low I take an extra one for a few weeks adn it settles me. I still cycle a little, but it is now well within copable.

but you need insight - you need to know how you are, and you need to work on it. Meditation, CBT, all that shit.

get help.