Hey Sup Forums. Can we have a feels thread. My poor kitty just got hit by a car today. Her name is Knuckles...

hey Sup Forums. Can we have a feels thread. My poor kitty just got hit by a car today. Her name is Knuckles. She's 9 months old. I'm so sad right now :(

Sorry to hear that bud. Chin up.

How she get hit



Maybe you shouldn't have let it run around cars!

I literally fucking hate cats, dog master race.

I left her home alone while going out with friends.

thanks user


I also love animal abuse so jokes on you

So sad... My friend accidentaly ran over his dog while backing out of the driveway. Not sure how he felt, but it must be terrible just thinking about his reaction when he found out.

I would kill myself if that happen to me

I wasn't home when she got hit but still I should've lock her in the house

fuck you, I hope your mom got hit by a car

no idea what webm but posting from my rekt folder

I thought she shoved a cat in her asshole

What's the matter, nigger?
Can't deal with non-human gore?

I don't care about humans faggot. Post all you've got I don't care

Does she kno da wae?

Sorry to here that user. indoor cats next time.

I don't think I'll be getting more cats after this, but thanks user

My heart feels like it's been in the wringer

I hope you die.

There is a place in hell waiting for you. You are a piece of shit, come hit me you worthless piece of crap