How are we going to rid ourselves of the marxists and traitors?

how are we going to rid ourselves of the marxists and traitors?

It's infected 90% of people I know at this point.

Look to the Bolsheviks, their fascist movement followed the orders of the JEW WORLD ORDER that took power and they purged them inside the Gulags.

For us that would be the FEMA camps.


Poison them. Like seriously. Not even fuckign joking.
If you wanted meme answers, I'd say wait for the God-Emporer's inauguration.

Holy shit that picture pisses me off. Why the hell would you wave the flag of another country when you're serving in a completely different one?

Holy shit, I can already smell the OTH discharges.

Treason right there, I actually think they could be charged.

Fucking POGs

Kill them. Not joking. It's well established that they do not care for debate, force is the only answer.

These traitors and spics are being paid by tax paying citizens.

As an Army vet this pisses me off to no end. The Army has become diversity central though, which is partly why I decided to get out. All the affirmative action flying around, Blacks that shouldn't be promoted to the positions they're in simply because they're Black. One of the best Sergeant Majors I had was Black, and one of the worst was White, so there's no doubt in my mind that some would naturally rise to positions of greatness if given the chance and not held back, but arbitrary equality will simply lead to the pendulum continuing to swing, rather than peace.

>no one noticing the tweet is in Jew speak

Sup Forums really has fallen

if we went to war with mexico where would their allegiance lie?

>Not wanting to kill your enemy's friends and kin

UCMJ action incoming!

I was about to greentext it and go every time, but you already mentioned it.

((Koval)) happy?

wow... that really made me think desu

I can already hear the Ninja Punch

Why do these people hate their own country for things that most other countries do, but even worse?

we beat the shit out of people for a lot less when I was enlisted

i was just gonna say, why he isn't complaining about imperialist zionism

I always wondered who is the guy in the pic? Was he a POG? Has he ever been in a Combat situation? Had he, himself killed an innocent civilian, if so why hasn't he turned himself in? Where the flag came from? This guy has done nothing but risk himself getting himself NJP.

Heretic Purge When??

That sounds awful m8

they will log lots of time on some floor buffers while they go on EPD

>no one noticing
We all noticed, it's just not surprising. It's like waking up in the morning and finding an unflushed turd in your toilet, it's not going to shock you. It's not like walking out to your kitchen in the morning and finding a turd on your kitchen table.

Vote Trump and pray for the Day of the Rope.


It wouldn't matter because these beaners would be cold in a ditch somewhere I'd imagine. Can't think that shit would stand, there have to be a few red blooded Americans left in the armed forces.

doesn't matter, I would never trust any of those shitbricks

4th ID
only saw them once in Mosul

I wonder if they have the balls to wave their spic flag in the open, not in a dark room with the blinds closed

What *is* Marxism?

Can someone give me a summary?

>Fuck borders and laws and shit
>there is only one race the human race
>rich people are evil
>everything should be free
>destroy normalcy and tradition

black lives matter!



Mexicans can never resist the urge to form a beaner pride circlejerk no matter where they go or what situation they are in. It's basically an instinct at this point. It's even more annoying when they are citizens of or live in the US and they pull this shit.

>leave their shitty trashpit country to search for a better life somewhere else
>immigrate to white countries only because all other beaner nations are just as shit as the nation they left if not worse
>don't have anything extraordinary to bring to the table when they search for jobs
>turn the neighborhoods they inhabit into little slices of the dumpster country they came from
>stay in the US by choice for the rest of their lives until they die

That is literally treason.
These men should all be hanged.


hanging is too old school

But it won't happen and it makes my blood boil.

You mean jews?

>almost all victims of imperialism were savages who attacked first and we btfo
If I was in the army I'd have no problem whipping out a village, I'd probably feel different doing it but right now I don't care for em.



All them courts martial

How dumb are people? Its like they didn't even read the contract they signed when they joined the military that states that they give up every constitutional right a citizen has and become property of the Military, under jurisdiction of the military/court marshell.

The only right they still have is to quit, or in wartime to claim conscientious objector status and be confined until the war is over and a military court can rule on the matter.

If you're not earning over $100,000 per year (everyone in this thread lol) being against Marxism is shooting yourself in the foot.

Educate yourselves comrades, we aren't the enemy.


>tfw literally earn 105k$

$112k here

Translation ?

אוי ואבוי

>Earning $99,999.00/yr is worse than violent overthrow of your government that could result in death of 10-25% of your population

yeah ok, chief

I earn $100001.

Being against Marxism is awesome.

I hate moochers self-entitled to deprive the successful people of their wealth. Fuck you commie scum.

> how are we going to rid ourselves of the marxists and traitors?

We don't, I make most of my money off of marxists and cucks.

I enjoy ignorant slaves working in my office building fields.

Not only do we kill them but we must kill their ideals. Do away with the brainwashing mechanism in the US and let the patriotism of whites flow through us all. Eradicate non-American aggressors (Libshits)

>be me
>be muhreen
>everyone I work with are proud Americans, some are literal Loud American stereotypes wearing american flag bandanas, eating bacon and drinking beers
>saw a marine of haji descent literally forgo his religion and "culture" to embrace the American sprit
>even the minorities were instilled with this parriotism
>same thing in the infantry battalions I eould visit for barracks parties
>meanwhile in the Army and super POG units this shit happens

Fuckin' liberals infecting my Corps

They might get away with it this time, but that just means they'll learn nothing and do it again when Trump wins.
And you can bet that Trump will be happy to make a big fucking example out of them.