How much has one President been able to fuck a country up in 4 years?

How much has one President been able to fuck a country up in 4 years?

They even look the same.

Report and hide people.


Nice try CTR

this is the biggest thing i don't get about hillary clinton "supporters", this is a candidate that is completely on record as using a legion of literal shills to manipulate internet communities

do people just think the CTR thing is a joke? how could anyone support a person that actively subverts them, even in their own spaces? her support is either retarded or fabricated

drumpf is way worse

gee, i wonder who told you that one

At least she's not Drumpf, would you really trust that sexist pig with the nuke codes?


No wonder Flips are jumping ship. Every one else in the world sees the problem, except for indoctrinated, white liberals in the USA and Europe. This pussy shit is going to be the end of us.

just like clinton leaked our nuke response time during the debates.

there really is something wrong with you if you support hillary, you're not only stupid, you may genuinely have mental problems.

>inb4 PMSing Clinton
She's hit menopause at least a decade ago we're fine

The problem is the two party system meaning your choices boil down to a racist war-mongering psychopath or Donald Trump.

America's fucked either way.

That's all CTR can say. Because replying angrily to a tweet means you will shoot a nuclear missile at Russia.

Because a no fly zone over Syria will not start some shit.

>Hillery think Putin is kidding while he prepares Russia for Nuclear war

What's the difference? If you can't even control what you say, how will you control what you do?

that doesn't mean anything

the fucked up creatures that infest this board. you're never going to get out of poverty listening to the people that raised someone like you.

i'm not sure what you're getting at. after all, you're here, shitposting.

Bush Jr got us entangled in a pointless, endless war. Ruined the economy (that took 8 years though).

That's pretty bad.