Why can't you declare bankruptcy to get out of student loans?

Why can't you declare bankruptcy to get out of student loans?

That's some bullshit.

If you disagree with this sentiment you're a joke and should be gassed.

>Student loans

Maybe if the feddies stopped subsidizing useless degrees like Carl's pHD in Gender Studies, tuition wouldn't be so high and this whole loan situation wouldn't even be a problem.

You transfer the debt to a line of credit, pay the min for 6 months and then declare bankruptcy

Pay denbts

Because there is no collateral on an education, you stupid fuck. I can see you didn't learn shit in school.

Student loans would be even more useless if you could default on them. Every student that got a shitty degree in something useless would just declare bankruptcy, bringing the whole system down.

I disagree with your statement and feel you should be gassed you entitled faggot.


I'd be perfectly fine allowing bankruptcies to affect student loans if doing so meant you forfeited your degree and all earned credits.

If you bankrupt on your mortgage, the bank can always sell your home and cover some of it's loss. The bank can't take back your education idiot. If you could bankrupt on student debt, literally everybody would do it as soon as they graduated.

dem titties really make you think

Pay denbts, OP

Do you think those tits are firm, but soft, or hard as charcoal?

So who should pay for your bad decisions if not you

Fuckin' whitey mang, reparations n sheeit

they have to be soft

The same people who paid for the banks' stupid decisions.

Because student loans don't have collateral like traditional loans do. If you default on your mortgage, your bank can take your house. If you default on your student loans, your bank can't take your degree.

College is a waste of time anyways.

It is designed create class separation by people earning a certified declaration of degree in subjects which you can learn from a book at your local library.

It's a total scam. And it's hilarious how they tell these young kids.

> you could be a doctor, or a dentist, or a scientist.

Yea... except college tuition for these subjects costs in the near quarter millions.

No school certification will ever be more valuable than hands on the job training with a portfolio and documentation of work history.

Liberal cucks will do everything in their power in attempt to convince you that college is a must have treasure but it isn't.

You simply need experience and work documentation showing your successes.

stay mad entitled cucks ;)


God tier tits.

Yeah, I sure want a doctor operating on me that read a book in a library once.

So they're just like personal loans then?


Now I'd like a large iced coffee. No, not an "Americano," a fucking ICED COFFEE.

Here's a nickel.

>all these jewslaves defending the system because they've bought into it so heavily

good goys..

I don't think you understand what doctors and dentists go through for schooling vs "muh advanced degree in compoootah sciences or nursing degrees"

It's not just school they are going through but they begin training with live patients while schooling. In fact many campuses have the walk in clinics and offices on the premises. It's much more complex.

This is why becoming an MD in dentistry costs nearly $300,000 versus your $12,000 per semester throw a way degree in video game engineering.

stay mad lib cuck


There are some obvious exceptions; if you're trying to build a bridge or operate on people, I would hope you have the credentials, but it seems like 99% of subjects could be self-taught, because if you fuck up, the only person you'll be hurting is you.

I saw a flash of blue and white and about died, but topkek anyway user.

No shit, dingus. My statement was sarcasm. You're the one suggesting doctors could just go read in the library and then start practicing.

You seem awfully mad bro. Did you get rejected from your university of choice or something?

I'd like to declare bankruptcy all over those titties.

If you know what I mean.

Did i? Who is this strawmang?

> butt hurt college sucker found


I don't buy into the "lack of collateral" thing. You can declare bankruptcy on credit card debt. As a matter of fact, since so many young people were getting and maxing out credit cards they couldn't pay back, they ended up changing the laws on getting credit cards. It's near impossible for an 18 year old to get a credit card now. But it's pretty easy to get a student loan at that age.