I'm in love with this girl. i don't have many experiences with other girls...

i'm in love with this girl. i don't have many experiences with other girls, but this girl is awesome let me just say that.

she was raped though. twice. once by her friend, and another by her step dad. i constantly bring it up, and shame her for her actions back then. such as with her friend, why was she at his house alone in the first place, and why didn't she leave after it got awkward? (he asked her out) apparently he was a big strong dude who was into anime and video games like her. they were "semi-friends". this shit bothers the fuck out of me.

and her step dad incident is just plain disgusting. the guy is a fucking sand nigger and he came on her shirt. she said she froze and couldn't do anything.

i feel bad some time after, and i literally had to talk to someone like my dad about it. he told me if i liked her i could just put it in the back of my mind. but man i can't. we had a long talk today and she told me she couldn't live without me and there must be some way for me to get over it. but i was saying she is just better off without me because i simply can't get over someone who has been raped. i don't want to deal with it.

now we were just laughing together and having a good time. she just fell asleep. i'm still awake. and it literally hit me again, thinking about how she was ever friends with that fucking big dude, at his house alone, and he was able to cum inside her. i just cant get over it and i feel like i just cant mess with her head anymore. is there just no way to fix this? should i just leave her on a whim?

>big strong dude
>into anime
If you're going to larp at least make it semi believable

Op is a fag
>nb4 rape her

Stop being a faggot OP. Let her "rape" you and get the show on the road

please. give me some advice

Do you love her? If you do, and if she's psychologically prepared to have sex with you despite her past, why is this even a question? Just do it. Have fun. Wear a condom.

real advice op? here? in Sup Forums? shot bro, you are in the wrong place, but here you go

Also, you were vague, so I assumed your concern was about sex. If not, then maybe you should explain more about what specifically is bothering you enough to make you consider leaving her.

Bro there can be a lot of beauty in dating a broken girl.

Chill the fuck out and stop being a possessive cunt.

Heal her and get over yourself. Both of you will grow from it. There is no guarantees in anything in life. But just be good to your own damn girlfriend.. I think at the end of the day if she worked up the courage to leave you, you would be sad.

Damaged. Run.

First love always always always always always fails. Go for it if you can be mature about it ending

yeah i love her and everything and thats all fine. but, i feel like, she was tainted in a way. i honestly don't want to admit that, but i'm feeling something that i can't properly explain. like why was she ever friends with someone like that. and just, how was it even possible for him to cum inside her without her being able to escape? all these questions bother me. it's taking over me. shit i dont know what to do. i start hyperventilating at the thought of her step dad taking over her too. i dont know how to deal with this shit. i just start thinking about it. the visualizations are so very clear in my head of her getting ravaged by these people. and she looks so innocent and shes so nice to me but i cant bring it out of me to get past it.


Just in case there is a .0001% chance this bait could be not compete bullshit... OP you're an autist. Constantly bringing up and shaming a rape victim is stupid if you're trying to get to know her and date her.

Now, if you were married and used her past traumatic experiences aa a form of control, then whatever. But if you're seriously always compulsively thinking about her rapes and get turned off by it, you might want to find a new bitch

i dont know.

I don't think you understand rape

despite other posts above, i belive that she don't need a lover right now, she need a friend, someone to hear her hurting, to heal and get up from dirt, give love and she will become dependent and everything in your life will just fall apart, don't just be with her for "easy sex" or because she like's you, be there because she is special for you, because today you are her world, tomorrow she will fall apart and the sadness will fall all on you tho.

Some fucked up shit happened to someone you care a lot about. Of course it's something that will bother you. But it isn't fair to her if you keep brining up those shitty memories. If she's able to move on, you need to support her in that. It's fairly counterproductive to speculate about why she did or didn't act a certain way while being raped. People do (and don't do) weird shit under stress.

And I'll just assume your concern is sex, since you haven't clarified. At least not that I saw before I posted this reply. If that's the case, give her enough positive experiences with you to drown out the bad experiences with the two people who abused her. Show her what a great thing sex can be between two people who genuinely care about each-other. Probably in time, she won't associate sexuality with her traumatic past. You can help her with that.

Jesus OP don't listen to this knight in white fedora armor, get with this girl. In this guys gay scenario you're going to "heal" her then watch some Chad swoop and in and fuck her daily.

I understand where this is coming from. The thought of somebody overpowering and doing that to the girl you love is terrifying. Maybe im a psychology fag for even being interested but why do you think its hard for the male partner to come to terms with and accept? Is it because its against the traditional fairytale relationship? Is it because she never really feels like she is 'yours' ?

If you can't get over it, you can't get over it. That's your problem. But, people that were victims of any traumatic experience like that need a sense of protection. If you don't think you can help her cope, and make her feel safe, then that's that. I had a girl that was raped when she was 9 and when she was 10, and was with her for a long time, and a huge thing that helped her was that I'm a guy who is confident that I can protect her. It helps

Is it because it never really feels like she is 'yours' ***

This OP, I didn't want to post but this thread hit home a little. My current girlfriend was also raped twice, it's something you have to learn to not bother you because it's something from the past, we've all made mistakes in our lives especially if your ass is here on Sup Forums. Give her as many good experiences that you can and show her how much more amazing sex is with someone you actually care about and have feelings for. Before you know it you will also have enough experiences that it wont matter about what has happened to her in the past but how much better life is because of you and she will end up being wrapped around your finger without having a single thought of cheating on or leaving your pathetic self.

Don't know why but last month I was in love with myself

Got stoned and drunk and the only person that loved me was me
Still a virgin guy

this is an otherworldly problem for me that i don't know how to manage. to be honest, i'm the type of person who would get jealous of a girls past no matter what, whoever she has been with. but this is another level to me, knowing her before she told me, it just really feels like it shouldn't have happened with her. i can't come to terms with it. i can't imagine it. i fucking can't.

i told her that i just can't be with someone who has been raped. i just can't. and she can't let go of me, no matter what i say. she is always forgiving me. always saying stuff like its just how i am. she cant live without me. and even told her therapist about it, and now she cant wait to tell me what the therapist might tell her for me so i can deal with it better. but i don't know. i don't know how this is going to work out. i really want it to.

Nigga get your ass out of the details, that shit will fuck you up real good.
Current gf is borderline because of several rapes, and can confirm that getting too involved in the details will fuck you up.
Get your head out your ass and give her an apology some roses and some shit because you've yelled at her for it. That's beyond fucked up to do.
You're either a strong man who can carry her weight or you're a weak man and you'd have to drop her.

maybe support the girl you love instead of judging her for her past? now i'm not saying you're being an asshole, buuut..

>>follow the voice of experience

How 2 lower standards?

how did you learn to not let it bother you? how?

"would get jealous of a girls past no matter what" Its sad but this is the same for me. I've found the only way to get over it is to make sure that no matter how much you think she could "be the one" Or some corny shit like that. I remind myself not to get attached. There is no benefit of being 'in love' that outways the worry of her getting with other guys or the worry of her just leaving you one day. Yes I know im spewing with insecurity.

I didn't know you could get autism this strong in my state, definitely ordering some more.

Just deal with the fact that she's stupid enough to keep putting herself in the situation. Women dont know any better.

sounds like youre blaming her for it. stop.

Fuck dude, I'd kill for a girl like that. They're so much easier to comfort and cherish.

The thing is never even tried looking for a girl yet.
I only started going out last month

You have to take it one day at a time, and the last thing to do is to picture out each scenario in your head because all that is going to do is demonitize your image of her and ruin your attraction to her. You have to realize that being raped is more then a physical thing as well. Spend time with her and learn about things from her past that are positive and take this as an opportunity too tell her more about yourself as well before you know it she will be just as much of a safe place as you are to her. Promise her that you will protect her from something like that from ever happening again. But really the main advice I can give is continue to create memories and cherishable moments with her and before you know it you will have way to many beautiful moments to look back on instead of the lowest points in this poor girls life.

Cmon user, get this BS toughts out the freaking window AND BE FUCKING A MAN THAT YOU ARE, GET ON WITH IT, focus on the final prize and use your brain, not your dick. don't let the problems and concerns bother you nor her, get a fucking life working hard on that pussy and be her guardian, put in her head that she will NEVER again feel bad about her past and that now you are her man and she is your girl, point closed. now call her and STOP with that crying on Sup Forums bitch. GO GET HER LION

damm user, what a advice, you sure are sentimental and experienced aren't ya? RESPECT

ur gay and god hates you

Naw just some stoned faggot trying to give his 2 cents