What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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They stopped fighting zombies and started fighting themselves

AMC's writing staff.


No plot

Really makes me think

>women crying and close up of ricks eyes the episode

Have to give Rick props though, even though he had his balls clipped this episode the whole sequence with him jumping onto a live walker and hanging onto it for dear life got me excited, even though I read the episode spoilers. Great moment overall.

Everything was shit since they killed Shane

Shane was the perfect counter to Rick

I just don't get the hate for the show, i know it is not 10/10 kino but sometimes i think people just hate it because normies love it

People hate it because normies throw a shitfit on twitter when one of their favorite characters dies even though the fucking comic tells everything

Don't see a problem with that, i mean is not like that should interrupt your life.

The show is made for people who don't read the comics anyway

They finally became The Walking Dead

it's completely different. you could use shane/glenn as an example, but i wouldn't consider them at all similar.

>6 seasons

what the fuck is even happening anymore? are there even zombies in it? is it just some bullshit melodrama with




Mister slap his head and walk back and forth was probably my favorite character and would've kept everyone alive from the group he was in

He'll be fine, he'll get Negan in the end

So who's kill?

Civilizations rebuilding themselves/ at war with one another basically

It's actually a lot more interesting than the survival man vs zombie plotlines.

>Jubilant guy smashes heads in with a baseball bat, while making jokes
>Scene switches to slow motion grieving shots with sad music.
>All of the acting is over the top.

Look, you can be a silly, tawdry gore-fest, or you can be a sad character drama. TWD is trying to do both at the same time and failing hard.

I was laughing my ass off by the end, at how stupid it all was.

ginger guy and glenn.

But Negan is still alive in the comic.

Which is good because as a character he's fucking amazing

this shall be no more
no more bromance

Bump for the truth

>Abe and crew have practically been underplayed the whole series, barely having their time to shine compared to the rest of the cast
It really sucks to see Abe leave this way man.

This. Its one of the reasons why i love the Fallout games and still think a Fallout TV show would do well.

It is about the life in the post-apocalyptic future of the 50s'

anyone got a link to the episode?

Dendritic cells activated


Welcome to the board.

are we talking in a story context or the show in general?

That hate it, yet watch every episode. They're just eternally miserable people. Normies to them just means people with friends.

They think they are a bunch of sophisticated film contrarians. The moment anything "kino" is liked by plebeians they hate it.

That's why they hate Batman vs Superman. A masterpiece beloved by millions but hated by them only because plebs love it.

Not a snowball's chance in hell Neegan is gonna live in this continuity

how retarded do you have to be to not know how to torrent?

The zombis just fucked his shit up

>Mister slap his head and walk back and forth
i had a hearty kek


>when the snot came out of rick's nose while he was crying
i kekd

He got too ruthless and cold himself. I feel like what's happening is just karma, there were times where he just instantly killed people cause it made him feel powerful and forgot his humanity completely.

Negan humbled him.

shane was fucking badass. but his mentality would have led to the entire group becoming like the cannibals at terminus, or the bandits that daryll hooked up with. nobody else in the group would have been able to go along with him. he had to go, one way or another.

also the lori thing was a joke, she was ugly af and he shoulda bro'd up with rick as soon as he got back.

Nah, man, Shane had no inclination to protect the group as a whole. His sole focus was protecting Lori and Carl and no one else.

>and would've kept everyone alive from the group he was in

>These are the kinds of morons who watch the show.