Hey b, what's your favorite novel?

hey b, what's your favorite novel?

The Name Of This Book Is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch


A clockwork orange.

The witcher detoured.... I'm not done reading it though

Worth reading for that extra chapter.

I'm really not much of a reader outside of articles and comic books. While it isn't a novel, and it's probably the most edgy book to pick, The Art of War is extremely interesting. I also really liked Man and His Symbols and God's Debris.

This, and other cyberpunk novels by Gibson.

Fools die by Mario Puzo

I read that one. Whilst Neil Gaiman is surely a very original and creative man and has a shitload of interesting ideas, he lacks the writing talent in my opinion. The book has an interesting underground world and magic concept, but it all rolls down to a simple pulp-fictionish delivery style, which I couldn't stand tbh.

If you had seen the series first you'd agree the book did very much better and was quite fantastic compared to the screen

Crime and Punishment, The Fountain head

No, I'm afraid I haven't seen any of the Neil's movie series works. Although I have heard of them


i don't read books.

So why the fuck did you come in and post?
If I had to pick only one, "V" by Pynchon may be it.


Easily my favorite.

It's funny as shit and extremely insightful as well.

Pretty much The Da Vinci code if every character was guzzling LSD

been trying to read it, but its a little hard to follow.

Great story so far though, but it is very hard to imagine the VR world they way it is described (granted i understand that it was written a while ago)

a question was asked and i chose to respond to it, is there a problem?


Good taste!
Never whistle while you're pissing mkay?

Praise Eris

pretty much if Superjail was a book



Clockwork Orange, UK edition, not the stupid American version that leaves out the last chapter!

Good books
I didn't read, but sounds interesting...


Didn't he turn into a bug in this and die? What a depressing tail. If I'm looking for uncouth metaphorical imagery that will haunt my dreams I'll read William S. Burroughs.

All hail Discordia!

OH YOU FUCK YOU BEAT ME TO IT. Nova express then.

Who's your favorite character in the Book?

Toss up between:
>Women - Charles Bukowski
>Sand County Almanac - Aldo Leopold
>On the Road - Jack Kerouac
>Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein


oh shit i'm in the middle of reading The Trial right now

that's Metamorphosis, also a good one


Great book. Every autist should read it.

I would say Shawshank Redemption, or The Body, but they’re both novellas, so, Ready Player One


I totally agree he has very original ideas but his writing is so stale and boring. He can't develop characters and all his novels just build and build then the load never gets blown. American gods pissed me off.

Favorite novels:
A scanner darkly by phillip k dick
Rant by chuck pahlaniuk
Gold finch by donna tart

The fountain head was pretty although its pretty boring

Ah yeah now I remember. My girlfriend read me metamorphosis line for line and by the end of it I felt almost like i was hungover. Its just that depressing. It lifts you up with the hilarious prospect of him learning how to work his giant stupid bug body and then gradually sends you into a depressing spiral.

Our bodies, ourselves. First book i ever fapped to.

hell yeah

Fucking love bukowski.
Notes of a dirty old man is fucking hilarious

Vurt by Jeff Noon

It may not be the most popular opinion but I prefer the film adaptation of a scanner darkly. So many big names and Robert Downey plays the fuck out of his character.

Agreed - his humor has always appealed to mine. However, I almost always wonder just how much he embellished events in his writing. I'm working on Tales of Ordinary Madness right now.

Domino's pizza vouchers.

My favorite story in Notes of Dirty Old Man is Jaggernaut:
"I went to the bar for another drink and after getting this kid out of my $12.50 seat again, there was Mick, he'd put his foot in a stirrup and now he was holding to a rope and he was way out and swinging back and forth over the heads of his audience, and he didn't look too steady up there waving back and forth, I didn't know what he was on, but for the sake of his bi-sexual ass and the heads he was going to fall upon I was glad when they reeled him back in"

I found the film adaptation to be exquisitely close to the novel. I love the movie as well but i have to stick by the book. Both are amazing.
Also checked

Oops, wrong compilation. Jaggernaut is in Portions from a Wine Stained Notebook.

Probably a little bit, but I always imagined he was pretty truthful. Like if they were made up something similar probably happened.

My favorite has to be when he meets that fat girl at the bar and then fucks her. I love how he tells her "i bet when you take a shit you clog the toilet for at least a month." Fucking top notch

Almost a young adult novel, but still superb.

Everything that exists without my knowledge exists without my consent

that cover looks cheesy

Buk would have felt at home here on Sup Forums

such an idiotic quote

You haven’t read it.

No 1984 yet? 1984 it is.

correct. Can you explain why you disagree? Maybe it will convince me to read that authors hacky shit

The strange and terrible saga of Jay Gatsby.

that is an overrated book

The character who says the line is the personafication of evil and industrialism in the West. An understanding of American history from 1800-1900 and neo biblical texts such as paradise lost would help you better understand. Maybe you should read the book you lazy fuck it’s actually really good and violent. Lol calling McCarthy hackish he also wrote, child of god, no country for old men and the road. But yeah all of those books are fucking hackish you twit.

>the character who says the line is the personafication of evil and industrialism in the West.
Yeah, no thanks. might be good, should have found it when i was 14 and more angsty. And The Road was what i was referring to when i called McCarthy a hack.


kafka the trial , to be honest.

>Actually reading a bunch of jew novels

Jokes on you, literate faggots

I'm using text to speech for everything and my mind isn't poisoned by a bunch of Jew runes