I know this is very edgy, but I wanna ask your opinion on common morals, "good and evil" concepts...

I know this is very edgy, but I wanna ask your opinion on common morals, "good and evil" concepts. What can you say about those and, btw, have you ever thought of killing another human?

Morality is a product of the evolutionism.

if you can sleep without problems after doing something
there is nothing wrong with it
if it will haunt you in bed
you shouldnt do it

Explain. Do you mean we need morality to keep society together and, thus, survive and prosper?

So, let's say, I kill your beloved granma(no offense, user) and I'm ok with it absolutely. Is it still ok objectively?

methinks you should think of it as a "would I do that to myself" kinda thing

I wouldn't wanna kill someone who wants to live, and I'd rather try to help suicidefag into getting better than killing them, so I have never seriously thought of killing another human

there is no objective ok
its only called ok or not okay because people cant deal with stuff as such
but what matters is you user
consensus reality
look it up

Heh, I agree that there's no objective. But this concensus reality thingy. As much as I understood it's a blurred concept that all people share. We can not all share the same opinions, but as soon as we stay in this "consensus" we are together. Is wikipedia right or is someone retarded?(me, obv)

The only time I'd kill someone is if I had to do it to protect my own life in a fight or something. I have no desire to kill other people, but then again I don't praise Allah or support the KKK so whatever.

Performance of good or evil acts can usually be explained though evolutionary necessities or because they provide a benefit to the person. People who can be considered as evil are usually subject to outside pressures which are out of their control, so their evil nature is only a product of trauma or some other outside interference.

But, the conclusion which I come up with after reading the last statement is, that the default nature or attitude of people is "not evil". Or are there people who are born evil? is there natural action, which do not fall into good or evil?

>have you ever thought of killing another human?

1. All Jews can go
2. All niggers can go
3. Everyone I have to deal with in traffic is very much welcome to burst into flames and die screaming... fucking asshole BMW drivers.

consensus reality is explaining that there is no real or fake,right or wrong , it only matters what you see and think
if it is real for you,does it really matter that its actually not?

"Good or evil" or "Morale"
is simple mirror of society acceptable behavior.
Thousand years ago it was morally allowed to fuck a goat in a street.
500 years ago was morally OK to marry 12 year old.
Now it's moral to support freaks who like to fuck each other in the ass...

Moral (and "Good and Evil understanding" transmitted to law) is fluid and depends on society. Look for Overton window. Most fucked up shit can become moral, and most moral truths can become "Evil" with some social engineering.
500 years when overpopulation will become real problem killing people will be allowed at some degree as "necessary evil". Probably first in United states, then Europe, and finally all over the world.

men of broader intellect know there is no distinct difference betwixt the real and unreal

i watch rick and morty


Expand on this please

check consensus reality fag

it's an hp lovecraft quote you mongs

he is not asking about the quote
he is asking about the logic you roach

There is no good and evil , just action and consequence

the logic is that something perceived as real is real.


The concept of evil didn't exist for most of the world. It's a strictly judeo-abrahamic concept,which is why some older european and asian languages don't had a word for it, they just say bad. Imo there's no morality without hypocrisy and narcissism. We kill animals without a second thought but human life is just worth more for some "objective" reason. And even vegetarians kill millions of lifeforms that are conveniently too small to see. Don't worry to much about it user just be openly selfish and stop hiding behind a curtain of morals like every other hypocrite in the world.

So you're saying that evil people are evil due to experience they gained throughout their lives and not their own personalities and decisions?

These past experience affects their current decisions, and consequently, their personality.

evil = shit get done to ya
good = Winning
Good = doing shit to
evil = shit doing goes to shit.
good = take a shit
evil = forced to eat that shit

Killing other humans is objectively worse since their are part of our species and it is the basic instinct of lifeforms to survive and pass on their genes.
If no people were to try to follow a moral code than what would the world become?

evil is a subjective concept

How is killing human worse than killing a dog, for example?

The dictionary definition isn't subjective (the overall idea of different definitions of this word is the same)

Killing a human would decrease one more person from our gene pool, but a dog is an outside entity with no affect to our own species.

If dogs were going around killing people, than suddenly everyone wont have a problem with poaching them.

You're better off quoting Descartes then, I believe I'm paraphrasing here but it's, "I think, therefore I am". It's applied to a person subjectively but can be expanded objectively to describe all sentient life. That about sums up consensus reality and honestly it's just a bunch of bullshit conjecture with an assuming foundation trying to feign intelligence with philosophy. Good and evil are determined by what helps us or hinders us, there are different levels of it based on personal want and maturity, something good for one group may be very bad for the collective of humanity and the opposite is just as true.