I am fucked until the 15th. Is anybody else having a shit start to the new year?

I am fucked until the 15th. Is anybody else having a shit start to the new year?

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Yeah i am fucked until the 29th

Op why are you fucked

I just got out of jail in a third world country. I had to come back to my families home and they are not letting me leave because they think I will return to crime. Justified but I bought a plane ticket. Leaving anyway leave on the 29th AMA

This is ylyl until I get bored

No money. No chance to get more money because fuck retail. Only chance to get another job and possibly move to another part of the country to do it since local market is saturated. Will possibly have to move to another country to achieve this. Will lose daily and physical contact with family and friends. Will never see people I like to work with again. Will lose contact with everyone who knows every achievement I've ever made and every mistake I've done. Wont know anyone in the town if I find another job. Will have the chance to build a new identity. Will be able to meet people without them knowing all the mistakes I've made in my life. Will be able to focus on what I really want to achieve in life beyond material gain and hone in on the little yet beautiful parts of life.

Somewhere there's a silver lining, bros. Always. You just gotta keep looking.


Where you going to? And why were you in jail?

What happened to you niggas?
Not to rub it in but I’m doing ok

Might fail one of the final courses of my bachelor, delaying my graduation by atleast half a year.

Yeah your year seems full of opportunity it's good that you are looking at the opportunity cost and profit of solving your situation. You will bounce back, create your own work don't work for someone else. Move to a country where you can let go of things and move on

Half a year is not bad I suggest going and talking to the college counselor and saying that you are really having trouble with the subject before you get your grade and that you are so stressed about it and the possibility of an extra semester. This can work in your favor when your grade is low and you can get a test re sit or just get to pass worked for me

Diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer Friday before Christmas. Never smoked a day in my life,. Got eviction notice the following Monday. Yeah, 2018 can eat my ass, as far as II'm concerned.

I'll be ok when I get paid again.. holidays and bad decisions

Soo what will you eat?

Stage two is early. You can beat it

Had a hotdog today..

Project positive thoughts my year Is going to be awesome

I quit cocaine and alcohol and deleted all the negative people out of my life and am moving who reckons I can makes it????

Jesus believes


I have no worries with money, or any necessity. It's all smooth, but it's a little lonely.

Cancer isn't a bitch you should edit your genes with crispr and beat that shit

I use Sup Forums to beat loneliness but I also trawl mainstream news to look for trends in illuminati brainwashing

Ah, if only it was that simple...

Sweet. Loan me $5 to get some milk and bread. 15% APR. paypal.me/JRite

I believe u could dedicate yourself to doing it if it was the only thing to keep you alive don't you watch motivational videos "you can achieve anything"

We don't beg turn to crime have some dignity

At least your not disabled well I don't know most of u are probably heavily autistic


Who here is not afraid to lose everything they have right now like family friend and money clothes for a chance to be rich and successful in everyone's eyes including yours, failure will almost guarantee everyone's disgust and lack of sympathy with you. Would you keep trying

starting off 2018 with a bang

stopped smoking cigs and started vaping (juul)

bought a new car (cadillac srx)

joined a gym and started lifting weights and running

changed my diet big time using apps to track all the food i eat

dumped my girlfriend (she was fucking nuts)

ordered modafinil online, hoping to get it soon, if not i’ve got a doctors appointment on feb 3rd to get my adderall back

ordered testorone and i’m gonna start taking that for an 8-10 week cycle..

working 6-7 days a week and i really like my career so it’s nice...

yeah 2018 is kicking ass so far. Dumping my girlfriend sucked because no more pussy but everything else is fucking great!

I would

My screen is fucked but good on you bro with starting 2018 off great , I'm doing the same pretty much as you I started in November at the gym already fit and I'm doing a course of test e and prop and checked my diet, taking modafinil also 150 a day so good juice and modafinil is amazing. My gf broke up with me but that's cause I was so fuxked on drugs dealing with shit. Her loss I gonna rage This year

Why u go jail



Who else isn't having the best start to the year

I went to jail for drug trafficking and gun trafficking possession of stolen vehicles and falsification of passports, official documents and vehicle registrations


U laugh u lose



>milk and bread

We all know where that money is going, junkie.

Its a new year, sober up instead.


I guess so?





People discuss year aspirations and what your doing to achieve them





Inspiring stuff Sup Forumsro


the way you forgot to name your cig brand and added your vape brand really makes me mad


Lol there is brand a of vape I just use piss




300 micrograms of what?


Acid I guess

I don leik dis won

I am

I got a ticket on the first then the car was stolen on 4th and I have to go to court for child support


Well, I'm pretty much fucked until that exact same date.

I'm sorry u didn't like it I will try harder,
Also mister car stolen what's what are u gonna do about It?

At least you got dubs


lost my grandmother, shit sucks. Money wise I'm doing ok going off to Thailand in February.

Illicit dubs, take a screen shot and take it to court for payment of child support


Absolutely fucked.

I got fucked over last year. Found out I had a spinal condition I never knew about, which led to me having to quit my job against my will because they didn't want me doing anything but lifting.

I had an emotional breakdown, a virtually non existent christmas, and i'm drowning in debt. I'd get another job but I can't concentrate on anything.

I started reading this thread for the memes, got to the bottom and completely forgot it was about being fucked. Sucks to suck lol here’s a meme which pertains to all of you guys.

Buy shabu in thailand and try out 10/10 will try again.

Haha surprise

Thanks for the memes



I has all the memes

I believe I will succeed this year a special year i know I can I know i can



I have 200 plus memes of the highest quality I refuse to post any more until people contribute year status updates

This is my last post I'm starting a new thread about a different topic with different epic memes. #jailbird
